You Lied to Me

Jun 09, 2012 22:44

You Lied To Me

For: onceuponaland challenge 32
Summary: She had been hearing I love yous for a week now, until one night, she heard him say to someone else…
Words: 1,245

It was odd for Belle to be free, she had been so used to being a prisoner for all these years, in two worlds, two lives, it haunted her. It wasn’t easy for her be around people, though Rumpelstiltskin had been tolerant with her, she could tell it was wearing thin. Each night she would try to bring herself to breach the doorway and come to his side, but she couldn’t. She wasn’t ready. Not only that but due to the withdrawals from the anti-psychotics she was physically ill, after 28 years, to suddenly be off of them, her body was not kind to her.

She had heard Jiminy Cricket advice Rumpelstiltskin to slowly wean her off of the drugs, give her time, but he insisted he knew what was best for her. She happened to disagree as each day she would greet the world with heaving any food out of her body, it was weakening her physically and emotionally. With each passing day, she found more and more to disagree with when it came to him.

She had thought he would be the man she remembered, with that glimmer of hope for a normal human life but it was clear though he had been living as a human for all this time, he only cared for few things. Most of all, his thirst for power would never be sated, he still clearly craved it as he unleashed magic into this realm. He wanted that power to control, to force his will.

Belle walked amongst the royals (Snow, James, Ella, Thomas, Frederick, Abigail, and the newly crowned Princess Emma) feeling like nothing, no one seemed to acknowledge her presence. Most days she preferred that, she didn’t want their attention, especially the pity in which they would look at her. She didn’t know if it was because she was ill or because of whom she spent her time with. The only two that seemed to even know when she was around were Jiminy, who was trying to tend to her the best he could, and the woman known as Red.

Unlike Jiminy, who gave off such a comforting and friendly vibe, Red was quieter, reserved. Apparently under the spell she was the woman of the town, everyone knew her and her viciousness. Everyone still loved her but there was something about the way she watched people that made Belle uneasy. She studied them, like they were prey. She was talked of as one of the most powerful sources against any forces that may come at them, a wolf by blood, and it seemed to attract Rumpelstiltskin as well.

Before bed, each night when he would look in on her, he would always tell her he loved her. She’d believed it at first but each day it began to sound more and more hallow. Belle had been sleeping, today had not been a good day for her, unable to hold anything down and her head hurt. As the moon rose high in the sky, Belle awoke suddenly, she didn’t know if it was a dream or the sound of footsteps that roused her.

As she slid from her bed, she found herself in her doorway, while two voices talked at the end of the hall. Rumpelstiltskin was talking low to Red. As Belle leaned out, she saw him handing her a bundle, which the woman hastily unwrapped. A long cloak enveloped her, a shimmer of magic raced along the fabric with a golden hue. The woman sighed, her eyes changing from their normal color, to gold and back.

“Thank you,” she was saying, seemingly relieved, the distress that had been in her tone was slipping.

He chuckled softly, “You’re welcome, my dear, you know you can always come to me. You’re one of the few I help with no charge,” he stated.

Belle’s stomach sank, after all, Rumpelstiltskin was the king of the dealmakers, everything had a price, what did this woman have that made her exempt to this rule? “I know, it is an honor, I think,” Red was saying softly, “And some day, you’ll tell me why.”

“It’s because I love you,” the words left his mouth, and a part of Belle didn’t break like she thought it would, it also didn’t anger her. It made her feel indifferent, awakening a truth in her that she had always known but had denied. She watched him cup Red’s face, his fingers traced down her cheek, staring at her like she was something precious. Something she had never seen him to do to anyone, not even her, and not an ounce of jealousy rose. Instead she found herself in awe that a man like him could effortlessly say something so profound and wonderful and actually mean it. She felt the truth from where she stood; every fiber of her knew that he did indeed love this woman.

Red laughed, it was a cruel sound, “You don’t, you love that I’m a monster just like you.”

Rumpelstiltskin just sighed, “You know that isn’t true,” As Red went to turn away, he held his hand out, his eyes glimmering gold in the darkness, “Adelina.”

Helpless the girl turned back, her body seemed to go slack yet taunt, “Do not speak my name, you said you wouldn’t. You would never use it against me,” her voice was a growl, so deep and so angry. Her fingers were curling, nails lengthening…claws…

“I did not want to, my dear, but believe my words, Pet. I do love you,” he stated, he closed the gap between their bodies.

Belle expected a kiss between them, something fiery, something passionate that would leave them breathless, something she would never share with him. Instead he pressed his lips to her forehead, his hands on either side of her neck, rubbing circles with his thumbs. The girl seemed to sigh, her stance loosening. “If I believed in love, I would-“

Rumpelstiltskin nodded, “I know. Besides I think your actual mate may be a bit peeved if he found out. I don’t fear him, he’d never harm me, he doesn’t believe in giving into your dark side.”

“But we do,” she stated with a grim smile, “I should go and I think it’s time you had a talk with your guest.” With those words, she swept down the hall, cloak billowing around her, as she reached Belle’s door, she paused. She looked down at the woman; Belle almost trembled as the woman’s fingers reached out and touched her face. Belle was not naïve anymore, she knew the power and strength hidden in the flesh, “Good night, Belle.”

Belle found her voice, and to their surprise, her voice was clear and strong, “Bonne nuit, Miss Riding Hood.”

The woman smiled, dropping her hand, disappearing down the stairs and into the darkness.

As she stepped into the hallway, she locked eyes with Rumpelstiltskin, “There is nothing more that needs to be said. I do not need to hear anything, your lies have done enough. I’ve seen it all in your actions tonight. I know you do not love me, and I’ve come to realize I do not love you. I will appreciate your kindness of letting me stay under your roof, but I do not expect more than that of you.”

He nodded, “Very well,” she knew as he didn’t even try to fight, try to convince her, that she had made the right choice. “Good night, Belle.”

“Good night.”


fanfic, ouat, prompts

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