the night that unites us

May 28, 2012 23:49

the night that unites us
“And one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us.”
-Pablo Neruda

Note: I do not own Law and Order: SVU, I do not make a profit from this work.
Timeline: Season 13 (After "Strange Beauty")

two drabbles behind the cut )

fanfic, tv, prompts

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Comments 14

theonlyspl May 29 2012, 04:07:13 UTC
"After all, he was not her boyfriend as their new identities suggested, but partners. A large part of her had forgotten that."

"How am I supposed to sleep without you when this is over? How am I supposed to pretend I feel nothing? God, she hated herself those thoughts."

Awwwwww <333 totally dying here! She's totally adorable! And I just love how gentle Fin is during the whole scene <3

I think this is a good time to bond.”

“We are not having sex, Rollins,” he snapped.

LOL OMG. And why is that the first thing on your mind then, Fin? xD

“10 years? Really? Not even with yourself?” she blurted, unashamed.

These are awesome bb! You definitely need to write more ;) Fin/Rollins ftw! <3


dj_rocca May 29 2012, 13:49:36 UTC
Yayyy you liked it!

This made me so happy, and I love it when people take out lines and tell me why they liked it!

The first part, I wanted to try to capture the emotional toll it would take on her, especially because she's accidentally fallen in love with her partner. And given how their journey is almost over, he can let his walls down and be that rock for her.

And with that second part, they are just on he case and he's not that ready to do anything with her. As you see by the first part he changed his tune ;) I hope to get more written soon, my work schedule is kicking my ass this week :(


theonlyspl May 29 2012, 13:54:27 UTC
I didn't like it, I LOVED IT! :D

Yes, I loved that. I happen to be an angst lover lol, so all these emotions were perfect :D

Yeah lol I found the second one funny and adorable though, of course at first he would be all D: "we're partners"

Ugh that sucks, real life can be a real pain -___- Whenever you do finish the next parts though, I'll be excited/happy :D

btw, do you know if there are any Finn/Rollins fanvids yet?


dj_rocca May 29 2012, 14:21:09 UTC
Yayy! That means a lot to me, I'm so happy to have your cheer and support!

And no I don't think so but I really don't check fanvids since I stopped making them :( I'd love to see one (and some GIFS ;) )


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