In the Stillness and Silence

Feb 28, 2012 11:53

In the Stillness and Silence

Note: I do not own “Once Upon A Time” and I do not make a profit from writing this story. I’m just amusing myself.
Authors Note: This is the start of a new series for me, which is why so many characters appear. The events happen and will be mentioned and/or tied into the works that follow this one. Many thanks to grlnamedlucifer who helped give Frederick his Storybrooke name.
Setting: Storybrooke
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers up to 1X13
Prompt: Why (love_bingo)
Genre: Angst/General
Word Count: 1,683
Cast: (in order of appearance/mention) Mary Margaret Blanchard, Kathryn Nolan, Aaron Fredericks, David Nolan, Mr. Gold, Doctor Archie Hopper, Ruby, Sidney Glass, Regina Mills.
Summary: Mary asked her the only thing she could, “Why?”

Mary Margaret Blanchard never thought she would be lying beside Kathryn Nolan, practically nose to nose with her. She swallowed hard, fighting back the sobs that were building up within her. Kathryn was so still, so silent, looking at her with adoration. Something she never expected to see in the woman’s face. Not after their last meeting. That had been almost three months ago, after all that time of not knowing, of the suspicion and accusations, she had been found.

At the doorway, Aaron Fredericks and David Nolan seemed to be guarding the door. They were silently watching the women who were lying in the hospital bed. Mary drew a shaky breath as Kathryn lifted her hand weakly; she trailed her cold fingertips down the brunette’s cheek. The tenderness in the touch was enough that a tear left Mary’s eye. Kathryn just smiled softly at her, and all Mary could think of, was how loving the gesture was.

“I forgive you,” her voice was a hoarse whisper. The mere sound of it made the school teacher wince in pain, her own throat aching for Kathryn’s.

Mary asked her the only thing she could, “Why?”

She didn’t expect the soft chuckle that came from David’s wife, “Because, I’ve seen true love. And it’s when he looks at you. Never me, it’s never been me. Didn’t you find my letter?”

“No, what letter?” Mary sat up suddenly, peering down at Kathryn, who shivered in absence of Mary’s warmth.

David and Aaron both, made a step inside, Mary held up her hand, signaling it was alright. Kathryn just inhaled deeply, letting out a horrid cough. The maternal instinct rose within Mary as she began to try to sooth the other woman. She gave her water and moved so she could tuck her in tighter, then got another blanket to place over her. She ran her fingers through Kathryn’s hair, as the woman struggled to breathe. The blonde’s eyes fluttered close, seemingly against her will, slowly sinking into sleep.

David stepped forward, looking down at Kathryn’s still form, “What did she say?” his voice was soft, not wanting to wake the obviously exhausted woman.

“She forgave me,” Mary whispered, and a sob escaped her lips. She leaned down and did something that surprised all three of them. She gently brushed her lips to Kathryn’s temple, and in her sleep, Kathryn smiled.

Aaron cleared his throat, “If you guys want to go, I’ll stay here. Keep watch over her.”

Out of the whole town, he was one of the few who didn’t suspect either one of them when Kathryn had disappeared. In fact, he stayed loyally at Mary’s side when David was not around, ensuring her safety.

“Why?” David asked, after all, he was still married to Kathryn. He felt he should stay out of that duty, they all knew it.

The gym teacher looked at him, “Because I want to know she’s safe. I found her…I just…I feel…” he seemed to be at a loss to describe what he was feeling.

“Is it that feeling that you’ve known her before? That you loved her, once upon a time?” Mary asked, Aaron’s eyes lit up when she said that.

“Yeah. It’s so weird, I mean, isn’t it weird? To feel so strongly about someone you don’t even know? A complete stranger?” he asked, David just smiled softly.

“Given everything we’ve been through, it’s not,” he assured the other man.

Aaron just looked sheepishly at the ground, “But dude, I think I’m in love with your wife,” he confessed, David continued to smile at him.

“Then love her, she deserves it. She needs someone better than me. Someone to cherish her in the way I couldn’t.”

Mary reached out and squeezed Aaron’s arm, he gave her a half smile before lifting his head to look to Kathryn. He crossed to the bed, looking down at her before reaching out and taking her hand. She weakly wrapped her fingers around his. The room fell silent, with the exception of the monitor’s shrilled beep as it tracked her heartbeat. Which they all noticed, but chose not to bring up, had jumped at his touch and seemed to stay strong as their fingers entwined.

“Stay with me,” Kathryn said softly, finding the strength to speak once more, “I feel safe when you’re here Aaron.”

“Then I’ll stay,” he whispered to her, pulling over a chair.

Kathryn’s eye cracked open, “Go home, you two. But Mary, I do want to see you again, and David, when you come to see me, please have the divorce papers in your hand.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, locking eyes as best he could with her, given they were half open.

She smiled, “More than anything. You really didn’t get my letter, did you?” she asked, David shook his head as she sighed. “I forgive you, too. We tried to make something work that never should have been. I want you happy,” she breathed.

“What about you?” Mary asked, there were tears in her eyes still, a frown on her lips.

“I’ll find my happiness,” Kathryn sounded so assured that Mary believed her.

Mary nodded, “I’ll help anyway I can. I’m so sorry that this happened this way,” she told the other woman.

“I’m not. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, you know? I can say from experience that that cliché is true,” Kathryn’s voice became weak again. “Good night, Mary Margaret, David.”

They both said their goodbyes to her, and as David hit the lights, the small light over the bed stayed on. For a moment he stood there, watching Kathryn slowly sink back to sleep, looking so peaceful. Aaron was watching her with concern and longing. Something in David told him that this was right; this was how it was supposed to be. That she would be safe, and most of all, she would be happy.

As they walked towards the door, they passed Mr. Gold coming in, looking agitated with Doctor Archibald Hopper on his heels. Ruby was in his arm, holding a small piece of white gauze to her forehead. It was becoming soaked in blood.

“Ruby!” Mary cried, “Are you alright?”

Archie swiveled so Ruby could see who called to her, “Peachy,” she replied like she wasn’t bleeding.

“What happened?” David asked, though he hardly knew the waitress he was concerned for her well being.

They watched her eyes dart up to Archie, and then she craned to see if she could see Mr. Gold, who was busy yelling at someone at the front desk.

“Oh nothing, just hit my head,” she said, mildly, looking more suspicious than anything. Archie was shaking his head silently at her.

“Then why are they both here?” Mary asked, given the extremes of her company. There was Mr. Gold, feared, powerful, and rich and Doctor Hopper, mild mannered, polite, studious, kind.

Ruby’s eyes darted back and forth, “Uh…because?” she answered.

“Doctor Hopper, come along!” Mr. Gold called.

Archie looked to Mary and David, managing a weak smile, “Thanks for the concern, she’ll be alright,” he assured them.

“Bye guys, go do something naughty since I can’t!” Ruby called, grinning.

Mary shook her head while David just stood there in shock.

“That was…odd?”

Mary inclined her head, “Let’s just go with that. Given what she’s shared with me in the past, I’m just going to pretend she hit her head, falling at work.”

“Ooo, more news?” Sidney Glass asked on his way in past them.

David glared, “No. Just someone being clumsy,” he said, “Why are you here?”

“I’ve come to see how Mrs. Nolan is, since you are leaving, she must be alright,” the man said, eyeing Mary at his side.

Mary felt her heart sink; given the trash he’d been running about her the last months had been painful. But he seemed to be pleased, happy even. Usually she’d feel her insides knot if someone like him meant harm, her gut instincts were strong and she always trusted them.

“She’s resting and doesn’t want any visitors. Can you just take our word that’s she’s fine. I’m sure she’ll do a full interview with her when she regains her strength,” Mary pleaded.

Sidney flashed a smile, “Of course, Miss Blanchard. Regina just sent me over to see her.”

“Of course,” David said.

The older man just shrugged, “Gotta keep the Mayor happy, or we all suffer,” he stated, “But I will go. I promise I was just here for a friendly visit.”

“Are you going to save us all from Regina’s wrath?” Mary asked, politely.

“Yes, I can be a hero, you know,” he gave her a wink, “She’s in a good mood tonight, so I think it will be pretty easy. I know that woman like the back of my hand; I can keep her away from here for a while.”

Mary felt truth in his words, “Thank you Sidney,” she whispered, he nodded.

There was a wicked grin on his lips, “No problem.”

As he walked away, the pair exchanged another glance, utterly baffled.

“What’s wrong with this town tonight?!” the thought left David’s mouth before he could even think about censoring it.

Mary sighed, “Oh, there’s a theory. But it’s a long, long story,” she said, as they walked out of the door as Sidney pulled out of the parking lot.

“Oh is there? Is it drugs in the water?” David asked, “Because I’m starting to think everyone in this town is nuts.”

“No,” Mary laughed, “No but it starts in a Kingdom far away where a handsome Prince fell in love with a woman named Snow White…”

To be continued
Feedback is love, and I know the ending took a turn but this is the start of a 25 part arc...

fanfic, ouat, prompts

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