Things We Do For Love

Feb 28, 2012 23:00

Things We Do For Love

Note: I do not own “Once Upon A Time” and I do not make a profit from writing this story. I’m just amusing myself.
Authors Note: This comes directly before, “In the Stillness and Silence”. This is really how Ruby injured herself. Though it could be read as a stand alone story.
Setting: Storybrooke
Rating: R
Warnings: Spoilers up to 1X13. This also involves a couple that has turned into a threesome.
Prompt: Excitement (love_bingo)
Genre: General
Word Count: 942
Cast: (in order of appearance/mention) Ruby, Mr. Gold, Archie Hopper, Doctor Whale.
Summary: Doctor Whale hates nights like these, especially as he looks at a trio whose tale alone could make him quit on the spot.

“Jesus Ruby, you’re going to be the death of me,” Mr. Gold panted, as Ruby grinned like the vixen she was. She turned her head back as Doctor Archie Hopper gently placed kissed on her bare shoulder. Gold watched the other man’s hands skim down her side, coming to rest on her hip. She was whispering something to him, as he gently nuzzled her.

There was no jealousy, there was no competition, there was no need for it. As she rolled over, getting on top of Archie, she wiggled her brows to Gold.

“Ready to go again? Or are you too old to keep up with us youngin’s?” she asked, her smile widening.

He chuckled at her, “Oh my Dear, you have no idea who you’re dealing with,” he warned, as he crawled over to join them…

It was some time later when they were finally all exhausted enough to sleep. Archie had already begun to doze when Gold felt the mattress sink then rise as Ruby edged off the bed. He watched as she swayed when she lifted herself.

“Are you alright, love?” he asked softly, not wanting to disrupt the other man’s sleep.

She swayed, “Just a little…dizzy…” he sat up in alarm as her words became slurred, and then she tipped. Unable to catch herself, he heard a sickening thud as her head collided with the end table on the side of the bed.

That immediately woke Archie, who first looked to Gold, then peered at Ruby.

“Ruby! Are you ok?” he asked, Gold heard a small moan from the floor.

In the dim light they had left on, Gold saw what he could of her fingers, which were coated in blood, “That that as a no,” she stated from the floor. “Ouch…”

Gold was already on his feet, coming around the bed, when Archie shoved himself to the floor, which was a drop given the height of the bed. He was brushing her hair from the side of her face, trying to get a look at it, which was hard given he was not wearing his glasses. Gold groped on the nightstand for them, fumbling them to the closest thing to a medical Doctor in the room.

“You need to get to the hospital, you’re going to need stitches,” he advised, once he got a good enough look at the side of her head.

Ruby groaned, “No…”

“Yes.” The men said as once.

“And that’s how I almost broke my head open,” Ruby finished dryly, waving her hands in what appeared to be sarcastic jazzhands.

Doctor Whale did not look amused. Mildly disturbed, annoyed and disgusted, very much so, that was clear.

“Ruby, the blow by blow of your sexual activity was completely unnecessary. All I asked was if you had enough to eat today,” Ruby just giggled, Whale smacked his palm into his face, while sitting across the room, Archie and Gold were both trying to hide their smiles. “Think, Ruby.”

“I can’t, my head hurts,” She said, pouting.

With a sigh of exasperation, Whale looked to her two male companions, “Do either of you know?”

“I know she had breakfast, but I can’t say if she had anything after that,” Archie answered, after a moment of thought.

Whale felt like crying, crying and quitting. He might do both at once, “Thank you for that.”

“Hey, don’t be mad at me, I’m not with her all day. I told you what I knew,” Archie said, defensively, “Gold? You know?”

Gold just eyed Whale wearily, “No. Can’t say I do. If I had, I would have spoken up. Would you please just stitch her up and give her some medication for the pain?” he asked bluntly.

“I will, Mr. Gold, but I need to find the cause of why she passed out,” Whale insisted.

Ruby rolled her eyes, “Can we play this game later, I just want the pain to stop,” she whined.

Whale gave up, given the time of early morning, “Fine, fine, who cares! Who cares if anything’s medically wrong with you? As long as you’re good enough to fuck,” he muttered.

“That’s pretty much how I feel. I can’t help I was too excited, knowing who I was going home to,” Ruby said, grinning broadly, Whale nearly turned green at the thought, but began his work.

Once he had finished applying the few stitches she actually needed, the trio were on their way back to Gold’s place. Archie headed up the stairs first, instantly reaching back for Ruby who took his hand. Gold locked the door behind them, and then followed them up. When he reached his room, Archie was carefully undressing, then redressing Ruby. He pulled a short crimson gown over her head, once dressed she crawled back into the middle of the bed and flopped down.

Both men were staring at her with concern as they quickly undressed, climbing in on either side. Ruby let out a small sigh of contentment once they settled in. Though they would never admit it to anyone, it was becoming hard for them to sleep without the other two. Ruby’s small hand reached for Gold, tugging him towards her, he scooted over and grinned when she buried her face into the side of his neck. When he looked over to Archie, the man was already spooning himself to Ruby’s body.

From all the possible things he had wanted in this life, he never imagined being in a willing threesome with the people who had been Little Red Riding Hood and Jiminy Cricket. He would never tell them, this is the first time he felt like he belonged.

These three will remain an established threesome, and how they got together will come out, and so will they. Poor Granny, it just might kill her...

fanfic, ouat, prompts

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