Welcome Home

Feb 29, 2012 21:05

Welcome Home

Note: I do not own “Once Upon A Time” and I do not make a profit from writing this story. I’m just amusing myself.
Authors Note: N/A
Setting: Enchanted Forest
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Spoilers up to 1X13, just to be safe.
Prompt: orphans, forced marriage, falsely imprisoned, WILD (abandonment issues)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Angst
Word Count: 1,505
Cast: (in order of appearance/mention) Red Riding Hood, King Midas, Princess Abigail, Frederick, Granny, Rumpelstiltskin
Summary: She knew after all and said was done, if she didn’t take his deal, she would end up alone. And she didn't want to be alone anymore.

She walked stiffly between the four men, even if she could defeat them all, there was no way of escape. The courtyard was heavily guarded. She felt bare, though she was clothed, they took away the one thing that was most dear to her. Her blood red cloak, a treasured item that had long since taken over her identity, Little Red Riding Hood. They lead her into the castle and forced her to bow before the throne. From his seat, the King eyed her wearily.

“So, this is the lovely Red Riding Hood. I must say, you are lovelier than I thought you’d be. There are stories of the beautiful huntress, but you are a vision.”

Red just rolled her eyes, “Your highness, do you have a point?” she asked.

“Ah, there’s your infamous attitude with Royals,” he chuckled.

“Should I be happy that my reputation precedes me?” she asked, her stomach turned at what came from his lips next.

He smiled, “Yes you should,” He stepped down from his throne, his gloved hand hanging heavy at his side. “Mostly because I have chosen to spare you,”

“Spare me? From what? I’ve done nothing wrong!” she insisted, his grin widened, sickening her.

He leaned down, lifting her chin, “You were caught hunting in my forest, who knows you could have been hunting down the Royal family, given your grudge.”

Her jaw would have dropped had he not been cradling it, “I was doing no such-“

“It doesn’t matter,” King Midas crooned with a devious gleam in his eye, “But I have an offer for you, either you can rot in my dungeon or you can become my wife.”

“What?!” her voice rose in utter shock and disbelief, “Why?”

“Well it seems that my deal with King George isn’t working out as well as we’d hope and I’m going to seen to have a descendant to carry on my family line, to inherit my kingdom,” he replied as if it were nothing.

Red glared up at him, “You still have your daughter! In fact she’s my age you disgusting pig!”

“My daughter is distressed, she will probably never move on from her own tragedies,” he stated, but looked up startled as they heard laughter.

“Oh Father, I’m much stronger than you think,” came a sharp voice as the Princess swept into the room.

Red had never laid eyes upon her before but found the woman so beautiful. She embodied the word Princess, adored in gold, a small crown woven into her light hair. Her face was expressionless but her eyes revealed anger and annoyance at her Father.

“Quit terrifying the girl and let her go,” Abigail said, heaving a sigh, obviously sick of Midas’s actions.

He glared at his daughter, “No dear, I worry for you, I need our Kingdom to survive, I need a Queen.”

Abigail sighed, “Well I can guarantee you she will not agree, why don’t I just save you the trouble and escort her to the dungeon now?” she asked, putting on a fake, yet brilliant smile.

Red jerked from his grip, shoving the guards around her as best she could with her bound hands and crossed to the Princess. She bowed to the woman, “Thank you, your highness, please take me away.”

Abigail smirked, wrapping her hand around Red’s elbow and leading her from the main room. As soon as they were far enough away, Abigail stopped walking, making Red halt her steps. The Princess cut the binds on the woman’s wrists, then hid the dagger as quick as it had appeared. Red was about to open her mouth to speak when Abigail saved her the trouble of asking.

“I’m sorry for my Fathers actions, since I lost Frederick he’s been so insistent on finding someone to give him a new heir since I refuse to move on,” she whispered, “I can’t let you go but I can at least unbind you.”

“Why?” Red asked, “Why can’t you let me go?”
“My father will give you the ultimate punishment, you are aware of his…gift, aren’t you?” Abigail asked, Red nodded, the Princess took her hand and lead her towards another room. The smell of dust was thick, almost driving Red to sneeze. She stifled herself when she laid eyes upon what could have been a golden statue. But she knew it was much more than that, it was a person. A person who had been changed into solid gold, it was a beautiful woman’s whose features were surprisingly frozen in that of adoration, not fear.

“Princess, is this…” Red began; Abigail nodded, reaching up to touch the statue.

The agony in the girls face was enough to make Red’s throat tighten, “This is my Mother. Queen Anara, the first victim of my Fathers curse. We didn’t know then, none of us knew. He had just returned from his journey and he went to brush the hair from her face, and then…”

“She’s beautiful, I’m sorry for your loss,” Red whispered, Abigail cleared her throat, then looked to the other woman.

“And I’m sorry for yours, I’m aware of your story. Your parents were killed, leaving you orphaned, only your Grandmother to care for you. I must admit I used to scoff at your tale, but with her gone, I know your loss,” The Princess confessed.

Red bowed her head, “Thank you, your Highness,” with that she wondered if she would ever see her Grandmother again. Abigail stepped one foot out the door, signaling for Red to stay. Finding herself secure in the Princess’s presence, she obeyed. When the blonde returned, she wore a small smile on her lips. She unraveled Red’s cloak and put it on her, pulling up the hood.

“Unfortunately, Miss Riding Hood, I must bring you to the dungeons now. I am sorry,” Abigail said, and began to lead Red from the room, down under the castle. Abigail opened an empty cell, letting Red in and then closed the door behind her. “Please don’t try to escape; I don’t want you to suffer the fate of the two most beloved people in my life. It’s a fate no one should have to suffer.”

Red nodded and sat down in the dirt, she gathered her knees to her chest. She looked around at her new surroundings and though the only thought she could. Now what. Gradually the hours passed, leaving her sitting in darkness. That’s when she became aware she was not alone, from giggle alone she knew who it was.

“Rumpelstiltskin,” she sighed, as his golden eyes became visible to her.

She could feel him near her, “Hello, dearie,” he said, sitting at her feet.

“What do you want?”

He just grinned at her, “You.”

She laughed, “That seems to be a popular answer for the day. If I turned down a King, what makes you think I’ll say yes to you?”

He moved closer, putting his face near her neck, “Because I can give you freedom,” his hot breath on her neck made her shiver.

“For what price? What do you want of me?” she asked, fearing what his answer would be.

When she felt his teeth on her neck, the feeling of pressure scraping across her flesh caused her to gasp. He chuckled into her skin, settling his body against hers. His lips found hers, she fought the urge to bite him, but a part of her knew he’d like it. As his kisses became more intense, she broke her lips from his.

“Stop, please,” she begged, to her surprise he did.

“What’s the matter dear, you seemed to have been enjoying yourself,” he said, inhaling deeply, she knew he was scenting her.

She sighed, “I will not be taken in a cell, in the dirt like a common whore,” she said, glaring, he seemed to be perked up at her words, “And you must promise me one condition if I do this.”

“And what’s that dear? Though you are in no position to dictate to me, our deal,” he reminded her.

“Don’t leave me,” her words startled both of them.

He tilted his head, cupping her face, “My dear, who in their right mind would leave you?”

She sighed, “Enough have, why do you think I wandered into Midas’s land. My dear Gran told me to get out of her sight and she never wanted to see me again,” Red confessed.

“Oh Dear, I know she didn’t mean it. But I will never leave you,” he paused, then grinned, “In fact, why don’t we call that our deal? You will be mine, and you will never fear being alone, I will never abandon you.”

Red’s stomach swam, most of her was screaming not to do this. But deep inside she knew that if she didn’t, once Gran was dead, she would be alone. And she could live in this world alone.


His lips were on hers again, the darkness around her blurred to a lowly lit room she could assume was his.

“Welcome home.”

fanfic, ouat, prompts

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