Title: To Be Alone (With You): Chapter Ten
dizzycalm beta'd by the lovely
MadnetoRating: NC-17
Warnings: alcoholism, violence, sexual situations
Author's Note: The epilogue will be posted next week and I might start writing little ficlets in this verse later on.
Summary: Based on this
prompt which I wrote and decided to take on myself.
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Comments 9
I was sooooo worried that somehow Charles would be paralyzed but I see how you worked that into the story without actually making him paralyzed
I'm a bit sad that the story is ending though :( but I really enjoyed the ride!
Thank you so much! :)
You really put my heart -- and Erik's and Charles' -- through the wringer but it was totally worth it to read Charles finally admit his love, and their old childhood haunt was the perfect setting. All the heartache was worth it, for Erik had to prove his love was true blue despite all the obstacles; Charles needed to see that Erik would never willingly leave him. Both of them took paths that had seemed to lead away from each other (Charles and Moira, and Erik and his explorations) but they never strayed from each other emotionally, which is what counted.
And Charles finally confronting his mother was an unexpectedly lovely revelation and catalyst.
Can't wait for the epilogue, and any other stories that you write.
;___; I'm so glad there's going to be a happy ending (maybe?), yet this is happy enough for me!
wow, so it all that was need,Charles'mom to tell the truth, so that Charles could give in; beautiful!!!
and hot, yeah it was hot :3
I'm still waiting for next chapter :D
and yay for more little fics
( ... )
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