Title: To Be Alone (With You): Chapter Ten
dizzycalm beta'd by the lovely
MadnetoRating: NC-17
Warnings: alcoholism, violence, sexual situations
Author's Note: The epilogue will be posted next week and I might start writing little ficlets in this verse later on.
Summary: Based on this
prompt which I wrote and decided to take on myself.
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Charles was a total BAMF. It was like "hey, all this stuff went wrong, now I'm fixing EVERYTHING!". And Emma, while only there for a few minutes, was also amazing. And Shaw...I have never seen him in that situation before. Thank you. I honestly was waiting for Charles to have an accident or something with how everything was just going wrong. But this...so glad.
Finally...I could practically FEEL Erik's happiness. You don't even know. I especially love how he just fell to it so quickly. I was so nervous he'd question Charles for some reason but it's Erik...he's wanted this for so long. This was just so beautiful. You have made me so happy, it's a little crazy. I can't wait for the Epilogue!
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