Happy Post: Hello *waves*

Jul 19, 2022 22:30

Apologies for my 'radio silence' for a few days.  I've been over on the Isle of Wight, visiting my parents, and also participating in Open Studios.

I don't know if Open Studios is something that has travelled outside the shores of the UK, but if not, it's an event that takes place every year where people can visit artists at work in their studios ( Read more... )

dapplegrey art, happy post, artwork

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Comments 13

borgmama1of5 July 20 2022, 00:29:55 UTC
Glad to hear you were having fun!


dizzojay July 20 2022, 18:44:58 UTC
I was, thank you!


adameyezd July 20 2022, 06:09:45 UTC
OMG, you're always so talented!! Beautiful.


dizzojay July 20 2022, 18:45:17 UTC
Aw, thank you. And thank you for your support over te years!


christalin80 July 20 2022, 07:37:30 UTC
You are so incredibly talented.


dizzojay July 20 2022, 18:45:25 UTC
Thank you :)


kiramaru7 July 20 2022, 12:53:53 UTC
I'm glad you had fun! That horse is beautiful!! I also love your blonde hair! I always loved that color, but it would fry my hair to nothing if I tried to get it. T.T The heat is BAD!! We're in the middle of a heatwave too! Keep as cool as you can & don't forget to drink tons of water! :D


dizzojay July 20 2022, 20:39:26 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you like him!

I've had he blonde hair for a while now. I wanted to try something new after I lost all my weight, and I really liked this colour. I'm lucky I have a very good hairdresser, so I trust him with my hair.

Ack, I hope you're managing to stay cool and hydrated in this heat. The problem with heat here in the UK is that we're basically a temperate and rather cool country, so our infrastructure isn't set up to deal with excessive heat. Our railways system has been paralysed this week because some of the rail tracks were melting!! Our houses are designed to hold heat, not release it, and no houses in the UK have built in air conditioning. Our house is better than some at regulating the heat and we managed to keep the ground floor down to about 23 degrees Celsius, mainly for the buns' sake rather than ours, but it's much cooler today thankfully!

Stay safe x


kiramaru7 July 20 2022, 21:08:11 UTC
You're welcome! :D

Nice! I like the color too! IT looks really good on you! :D

I've been running the AC until I feel cold, then I shut it off until it starts to warm up again. XD *nods* You guys made the news over here cuz of the heat! They pretty much have said the same thing you did. Dad also mentioned the other day that he heard that they've closed one of your major airports as the tarmac started buckling from the heat! o.0 I'm glad that you can go downstairs to hangout with the bunbuns when it gets too hot! :D

Thanks! Stay safe & cool too! (I've started going for walks in the morning as it's just too hot in the afternoon/evening. So if you need to run errands I think that's the time to go, even if you opt to drive!)


metallidean_grl July 20 2022, 20:07:56 UTC
Congratulations on a home for your work and a way to show it off. Always fun to talk with other something you share a passion for.

Stay cool.


dizzojay July 23 2022, 17:25:51 UTC
Thank you :)


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