Happy Post: Hello *waves*

Jul 19, 2022 22:30

Apologies for my 'radio silence' for a few days.  I've been over on the Isle of Wight, visiting my parents, and also participating in Open Studios.

I don't know if Open Studios is something that has travelled outside the shores of the UK, but if not, it's an event that takes place every year where people can visit artists at work in their studios and check out their work and maybe even buy some!

I've never taken part in Open Studios before because my house in Surrey is not set up to have strangers coming in off the street to look at my studio and my work (mainly because it's all upstairs) and because my parents' house in the Isle of Wight is - well, it's my parents' house - and I can't expect them to play host to a bunch of strangers!

However, now that dapplegrey art has a permanent home in the Imaginarium in West Wight, I have a base for Open Studios!

So, I have been spending three days being one of seven artists in situ at the Imaginarium, doing some arting, doing a bit of 'workshoppy' stuff, and generally just having three wonderful days just talking non-stop about art.  I even sold a couple of prints!

Here I am on the first day just doing my stuff!


And the finished product!

I travelled home from the Isle of Wight today - at the hottest time on the hottest day on record here in the UK - planned that well, didn't I!

I got home safe and sound around 1 pm this afternoon, so I'm back in circulation, and finally feeling like I'm not about to melt!!

Missed you all!

dapplegrey art, happy post, artwork

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