Well, dive right in, why don't you...?

Jun 28, 2022 20:42

I've been over on the Isle of Wight for a couple of days.  I've been visiting my Mum and Dad as this weekend was between fathers' day (last week) and my Dad's birthday (this week ( Read more... )

my dad, not supernatural

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Comments 6

malefantasy June 28 2022, 21:30:03 UTC
I wish I had your ability to talk about our issues over here. I hate posting on FB about it bc some asshat comes around and makes me feel stupid. Or frightened. oh, I just read this a little bit ago. I the pentagon has released something a little bit ago that none of the new rules in the states after RvW was overturned will not stand. Hoping.


dizzojay July 23 2022, 17:07:18 UTC
Believe me, we're sitting over here watching in horror about what's going on over there. We have a few whackos in our government who would be prepared to do away with a woman's right to abortion, luckily the guy I'm thinking of in particular is some ridiculous twat who looks like a time traveller fresh from the 18th century and has gone on record saying that he would oppose any abortion rights and has no particular power because any prime minister knows that to give him a high-profile position would be political suicide.


septembers_coda June 29 2022, 16:48:18 UTC
I'm proud of him for asking, and you for explaining it so well. There is so, so much to say about it, and if I focus too much on it, I get incredibly upset. So I haven't gotten too involved yet. It's just one of many ways we've regressed horribly in the U.S. in the past several years. I feel naïve having believed we were past so much of it. The reaction to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election showed me how misogynist we still are, #metoo continued it, and this doubles down on it all so horrifically. The events leading to the BLM movement showed how racist we are. QAnon, the January 6 insurrection and subsequent denial of it showed how brainwashed and stupid, anti-intellectual and incapable of critical thinking, an alarmingly large swath of our population is. But the capper of it all, even worse than the overturning of Roe, is the indifference many of our leaders have shown to the frequent wholesale slaughter of innocents, including children, that is allowed to just continue because half of Congress is owned by the NRA. Logic and ( ... )


dizzojay July 23 2022, 17:14:21 UTC
When he asked, I just thought; oh well, in for a penny ...
Here in the UK we're sitting watching in horror what's going on over there. We have our fair share of bigots and idiots over here, (sadly, some of them are in the Government) but luckily you don't seem to hear too much from the real knuckle-draggers.

I really hope, for all your sakes, that someone starts to see sense and can turn things around, but like you - at the moment I just can't see it. I just don't know where to begin with the whole gun problem. Coming from a nation where guns are incredibly hard to come by, and 90% of the population has never touched a gun and doesn't care about them, the whole gun culture baffles me.

Just look after yourselves - that's all you can do xx


fanspired June 30 2022, 03:07:55 UTC
Hell of a topic to take on with your dad. Well done to both of you.

I'm so pleased to hear how well your dad's recovering, and I wish him the best continued success with it, and a happy birthday! :)


dizzojay July 23 2022, 17:15:11 UTC
It was, considering we were talking about cricket ten minutes before that!

Thank you for your good wishes x


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