Well, dive right in, why don't you...?

Jun 28, 2022 20:42

I've been over on the Isle of Wight for a couple of days.  I've been visiting my Mum and Dad as this weekend was between fathers' day (last week) and my Dad's birthday (this week).

It's an exciting week all round for my Dad because after his health misadventures earlier in the year, he finally got his prosthetic foot yesterday.  He seems really happy with it, and I'm hoping this is the last step on his road back to some degree of independence!

Dad and I were sittng in the living room on Friday night.  Mum had gone to bed, so we were just ildy chatting.  The news was on in the background, and covering the terrifying developments in the USA.

Dad turned to me and he said, "I'm a bloke, and I don't know anyone - that I know of - who's had an abortion, so I don't know anything about this sort of stuff.  So why are abortions classed as health care?"

Wow!  Dive right in, why don't you?    This is going to be an interesting father/daughter conversation!

So I told him, as best I could, about ectopic pregnancies, foetal death, detached placentas, partial miscarriages, mental health issues, abusive relationships, incest, underage pregnancies etc...

And he got it.  he really, really got it.

I'm proud of him.

my dad, not supernatural

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