Snowflake Day 1

Jan 08, 2017 16:09

I've been seeing this popping up all over my friends feed for the last few days, and I remember it running from past years.  I've never taken part in the Snowflake Challenge before, but I figured that I'd give it a go!  I know I'm late to the the party, but hey ho -- I'll blame the traffic or something ...

So, here goes ...

Day 1.  In your own ( Read more... )

self-promotion, snowflake challenge, fan art, fan fiction, meme-y stuff

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Comments 7

mdlaw January 8 2017, 23:29:11 UTC
All excellent choices. m :)


dizzojay January 11 2017, 22:23:20 UTC
Thank you :)


milly_gal January 9 2017, 10:14:29 UTC
I'm so glad you've decided to take part in the Snowflake, it always gives me such a grin :D These are all excellent choices :D


dizzojay January 11 2017, 22:23:39 UTC
Thank you!
Yes, I'm enjoying doing something different :)


jj1564 January 10 2017, 00:40:24 UTC
Oooh, both of those fics are amazing! I love the gladiator one (hubba hubba) but Number Fifty being set in London has a real soft spot in my heart!

Your Dean portrait is lovely, his eyes and lips are beautiful *sighs*


dizzojay January 11 2017, 22:24:36 UTC
Thank you :)
Glad you enjoyed these x


casey28 January 16 2017, 06:12:58 UTC
Great choices. :)

Your Dean art is lovely! <3


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