of a New Layout!

Jun 19, 2007 02:42

Not my best image manip but I'm pretty happy with it. ^_^ Been wanting to do an ouran one since spring. I loved my old layout but I thought maybe i should go with something that's a bit more positive. XD I'll prolly revamp my userinfo tomorrow. I will edit this entry with credits for the tinyicons and what not tomorrow when it's not 3am. *runs off ( Read more... )

personal: daily, media: tv, !personal

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Comments 5

beliael June 19 2007, 13:06:30 UTC
Ouran love! <3


dizilla June 19 2007, 21:22:07 UTC
*Honey-Sempai offers you cake*


crimsonchaos June 19 2007, 14:59:11 UTC
It's really pretty! I like the colors. =)


dizilla June 19 2007, 21:25:48 UTC
Thanks! I'm normally not a pastel girl but wanted everything to complement. Took like half an hour to figure out the right colors. XD


(The comment has been removed)

dizilla June 19 2007, 21:26:55 UTC
=3 Yay, I'm pretty happy with it.


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