of a New Layout!

Jun 19, 2007 02:42

Not my best image manip but I'm pretty happy with it. ^_^ Been wanting to do an ouran one since spring. I loved my old layout but I thought maybe i should go with something that's a bit more positive. XD I'll prolly revamp my userinfo tomorrow. I will edit this entry with credits for the tinyicons and what not tomorrow when it's not 3am. *runs off to bed*

Oh, started yet another series..Dexter! =3 Halfway through s2 of Numb3rs, and finally caught up with La Feia mas Bella. *fwee*

n2s: tinyicons by like-honey.com & http://www.ndesign-studio.com/
Tinyicon code generated by The LJ Tiny Icon Generator by loveicon.
OHC images from main fansite.

personal: daily, media: tv, !personal

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