#37: Since XXXX

Dec 09, 2009 14:09

u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year


Haha! This comm is kinda dead. And now I'm finally posting one after almost ages. I got excited ever since my finals are over, and got to play with my photoshop, changed my journal layout etc. Here's an awesome blogcrew! Because I'm want to remake my profile and put this in LOL.

☑ For livejournal users only! ALWAYS OPEN.
☑ 1 claim per user! That means ONLY YOU! *points at your nose*
☑ I will only allow your personal journal! Icon/Fanfiction/sale journal or anything else is not allowed! ò_ó
☑ I WILL NOT ALLOW DEAD JOURNALS. Meaning journals that you don't update at all!
☑ Feel free to grab the code after you comment with your username/year! (eg: noahko/2009)
☑ I'll sort the list by year.
☑ You can change the colors, font sizes(for long usernames) only, up to you!~
☑ Put anything in your subject line that comes with the word "AWESOME!" 8Db
Join/Watch? XDb

For me(shorter name) and my old account(longer name).

n o a h k o
since 17.05.2009

i k e r u_s h i k a b a n e
since 12.11.2008


u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year
http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12986.html">u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year

u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year
http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12986.html">u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year

u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year
http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12986.html">u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year

u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year
http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12986.html">u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year

u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year
http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12986.html">u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year

u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year
http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12986.html">u s e r n a m e
since date.month.year

✿ noahko
✿ winterfeelings
✿ sheriruu
✿ discordous
✿ visionarynotion
✿ xaixin
✿ mewshoo
✿ xelectric3567
✿ ageless_skies
✿ deeplysinned
✿ sucre_glaze
✿ wushuhimexx
✿ starry_overture
✿ sj13forever
✿ kexbdawsm_est
✿ cielyshirou
✿ fishwinds
✿ soundless_room
✿ italic
✿ lenniechan
✿ tyttacode
✿ yokoist
✿ haru_senpai
✿ starless_sky20
✿ keannegirl01
✿ lostxfairytale
✿ vanish_hime

✿ stripe
✿ innoc3nt_sorrow
✿ colorfulkizuna
✿ dark_yume
✿ hystric_honey
✿ wingedxayase
✿ silent_trickery
✿ eatingthepie
✿ gasmask
✿ kioko_u

✿ jonesmeister
✿ usagi_ayu
✿ hakfung
✿ bellaprincess
✿ blacksoul12012
✿ kitsuneasika
✿ kuronekopirate
✿ sono_ike
✿ lifeisnyaa
✿ dara_rocks
✿ pandattack
✿ neurotripsy
✿ crucioed
✿ vampire_chan04
✿ alessandra_20

✿ yue_akuma
✿ spurnedambition
✿ kyfni

✿ itsukayume
✿ r0k0
✿ vejibra
✿ outofbreath____

✿ yuffie_kisaragi
✿ kidalana

Happy Claiming! :3

☄ 7thbullet, [►] OPEN, other: livejournal, ❝ Blogcrews ❞, [☆] UNLIMITED CLAIMS

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