#36: Seven Deadly Sins

Dec 05, 2009 14:01

ღ I am 「 CLAIM 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins


I've been wanting to do this for a while. :D So I'm doing this now so that I can remove it from my "memory". LOL. Don't know what are they?

Click their names to see the pictures. XD Art is by blackeri from dA!

Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

Got it from here. :3 Actually I was mainly influenced by Fullmetal Alchemist, that's how I get to know these sins. XD If you wanna know what sin are you, you can do this quiz here(you can pick more than ONE answers for each question don't forget that!), I got Wrath! COOL! My favorite color, red! HAHA! Though in FMA I like Lust more.

ღ This is always open!
ღ 1 claim per user, unlimited users per claim. There's only SEVEN sins here. Each has got it's own colors. So I suggest you don't change the colors, unless it's the same color of different brightness etc. XD
ღ You can grab the code after you comment with your claim, pretty please! ♥
ღ You can also change the names if there's more than 1, eg: Pride has got another word called Vanity, you can change them. LOL.
ღ Put whatever you want in the subject line! :3 Something yummy! :D
Join/Watch DT? X'D

ღ I am 「 PRIDE 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html">PRIDE 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 ENVY 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html">ENVY 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 GLUTTONY 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html">GLUTTONY 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 LUST 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html">LUST 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 WRATH 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html">WRATH 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 GREED 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html">GREED 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「 SLOTH 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins

ღ I am 「http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/divinethrottle/12481.html"> SLOTH 」 of ღ
The Seven Deadly Sins


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☄ 7thbullet, [►] OPEN, other: seven deadly sins, ❝ Blogcrews ❞, [☆] UNLIMITED CLAIMS

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