
Jun 10, 2010 00:13

[Ammy had been chilling out by her trees and watching the village when she saw a glowing green ball bounce in front of her nose before disappearing to the side. At first, it didn't even register to her. But then, she blinks hard and shakes herself out of stupor before she leaps to her feet and looks around, almost frantically searching for that ( Read more... )

thoughts of home, ah the days of my youth, window!wolf, issun, o hai, miyabi

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Comments 214

[Action] sanzu_watashi June 11 2010, 06:37:41 UTC
[Baiken's just out wandering around when she spots the wolf. Trailing flowers. And covered in red markings. As she stops and stares, the bottle of sake she has with her nearly slips through her fingers.

What the hell...?]


[Action] divinepooch June 11 2010, 06:42:53 UTC
[... Is that the scent of sake? Ammy slows to a stop, the flowers also coming to a halt a few feet behind her as she sniffs at the air. Theeen she turns to look at Baiken. Why hello there! Is that sake you have there?]


[Action] sanzu_watashi June 11 2010, 07:04:57 UTC
[Slow eyebrow raise. Normally, Baiken isn't much for animals, but this wolf feels... very familiar somehow. She sets down the bottle of sake at her feet and gives Ammy a curious look. Those markings...]

Uh. Hey, Snowy.


[Action] divinepooch June 11 2010, 07:17:14 UTC
[Snowy, huh? Just like what Kushi calls her... Ammy looks at the sake bottle for a while, then up at Baiken and her lovely friends. Since she seems to be up for meeting and greeting, Ammy comes a little closer, her tail lifted and wagging lightly from side to side as she moves. Hello, pretty lady!]


1/2 fortunefail June 11 2010, 07:24:06 UTC
[So there Yuan was, sitting in the kitchen, flipping through his journal... When he feels a gaze virtually burning holes into the back of his head. A gaze from someone who's not inside the house, or he'd have noticed their presence. Slowly, he turns his head.]


2/2 fortunefail June 11 2010, 07:24:25 UTC
[... What the hell.]


divinepooch June 11 2010, 18:39:30 UTC
[o hai. How YOU doin'?]


fortunefail June 11 2010, 18:44:44 UTC
[He frowns, then wanders over to the window to open it. He still hasn't forgotten what Ammy did for him about a year ago, when he was sick out in the mountains. The least he can do is try to socialize a bit. As much as he can with a wolf, anyway.]

Long time no see.


skyparasol June 11 2010, 07:33:16 UTC
[ Matsuri's out again at night and it's with surprise that she steps back as a wolf comes into sight, flowers trailing behind the strangely-marked wolf.

It's not just that either; she can feel that something is different with this wolf. An instinct in her tells her she should run but for now she'll be here with wide eyes at the amazing flowers. ]


divinepooch June 11 2010, 18:41:20 UTC
[Not only can Ammy feels Matsuri's presence, but she also feels a pair of eyes staring at her. While this isn't uncommon, it still makes Ammy slow to a halt, the flowers stopping a few feet behind her, and turn to see who it is. Hi there! She hasn't seen you before! She already starts to sniff at the air as she comes closer, curious about her.]


skyparasol June 11 2010, 18:44:23 UTC
[ The flight response wants to activate but Matsuri stands her ground as the wolf-dog thing approaches. Squashing her doubts down, she smiles and manages a wave. ] Hello! You're out late.


divinepooch June 11 2010, 18:59:26 UTC
[Yes, she is! This girl seems pretty friendly enough, so Ammy's tail starts to wag behind her, and it settles to thumping on the ground once she sits down before Matsuri. With a tilt of her head, she seems to say, "You're out late, too!"]


vulcanblazer June 11 2010, 07:46:22 UTC
[Adell walks by his window in his room, placing a book back on one of his small bookshelves. He still had the habit of reading at night, even with Patchouli gone. But, suddenly the visage of a certain white wolf greeted him, staring back.

This brought a smile to his face right away, and he went to open the window and lean out, gently scratching behind Ammy's ears.]

Freya! I haven't seen you around in forever. Man, it's good to see you again.

[And then he notices the trail of flowers that had followed her here. Huh. That's a little strange. But still petting.]


divinepooch June 11 2010, 18:43:18 UTC
[Hello, Adell! It's nice to see you're still here! Ammy sighs and leans into the scratching, her tail starting to wag behind her. Yes, these are the people she's with right now, the ones she's sworn to protect... She'll return to Nippon - and Issun - soon, but right now...]


vulcanblazer June 12 2010, 03:44:40 UTC
[And some more scratches.]

How've you been, anyway? Glad you managed to stay safe from all that trouble that happened last month...


divinepooch June 13 2010, 05:32:07 UTC
[Yeah, that whole thing was a doozy, wasn't it? Other than that whole mess, she's been well. Except for the thing that happened today... But she still wags her tail, albeit a little slower now.]


goggle_syndrome June 11 2010, 11:19:23 UTC
[Well considering the kids have moved to one of the Community Buildings as of last month, the window's...pretty high from the ground. However, Taichi's sitting on the steps of the building checking on the happenings of the village with his mini-telescope. Now that Daisuke's in the healing process and being unaware that Takuya's gone, he's pretty content. But hey, you know he's always got food and ear-scritches for Ammy. He doesn't remove the telescope, but he does call out.]

Hey! Ammy!


divinepooch June 11 2010, 18:45:34 UTC
[Though Ammy can't float and look into Community Housing windows, she can stare intently up at them. But once she hears Taichi's voice, her ears stand up before she turns her head to look over at him. Taichiiii! ♥ Get ready for a wolf to come over and give you a nuzzle on the cheek with greeting.]


goggle_syndrome June 11 2010, 18:59:30 UTC
[He'll pocket his telescope before suddenly being wolf-nuzzled, laughing suddenly at the enthusiasm. At least Ammy's always happy to see him.] Hello to you, too. [And she's getting pettings and ear-scritches.] What're you doing out here?


divinepooch June 11 2010, 19:04:58 UTC
[Mmmmmm pettings and ear-scritches at once! Yes, coming into the village was a wonderful idea. As she leans to his touches, though, she stops to nudge the bottom of his chin with her nose, then take a look around the village. Just checking on everyone... No big deal. Really.]


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