
Jun 10, 2010 00:13

[Ammy had been chilling out by her trees and watching the village when she saw a glowing green ball bounce in front of her nose before disappearing to the side. At first, it didn't even register to her. But then, she blinks hard and shakes herself out of stupor before she leaps to her feet and looks around, almost frantically searching for that ( Read more... )

thoughts of home, ah the days of my youth, window!wolf, issun, o hai, miyabi

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goggle_syndrome June 11 2010, 11:19:23 UTC
[Well considering the kids have moved to one of the Community Buildings as of last month, the window's...pretty high from the ground. However, Taichi's sitting on the steps of the building checking on the happenings of the village with his mini-telescope. Now that Daisuke's in the healing process and being unaware that Takuya's gone, he's pretty content. But hey, you know he's always got food and ear-scritches for Ammy. He doesn't remove the telescope, but he does call out.]

Hey! Ammy!


divinepooch June 11 2010, 18:45:34 UTC
[Though Ammy can't float and look into Community Housing windows, she can stare intently up at them. But once she hears Taichi's voice, her ears stand up before she turns her head to look over at him. Taichiiii! ♥ Get ready for a wolf to come over and give you a nuzzle on the cheek with greeting.]


goggle_syndrome June 11 2010, 18:59:30 UTC
[He'll pocket his telescope before suddenly being wolf-nuzzled, laughing suddenly at the enthusiasm. At least Ammy's always happy to see him.] Hello to you, too. [And she's getting pettings and ear-scritches.] What're you doing out here?


divinepooch June 11 2010, 19:04:58 UTC
[Mmmmmm pettings and ear-scritches at once! Yes, coming into the village was a wonderful idea. As she leans to his touches, though, she stops to nudge the bottom of his chin with her nose, then take a look around the village. Just checking on everyone... No big deal. Really.]


goggle_syndrome June 11 2010, 19:13:41 UTC
[Ammy gets spoiled when she comes into the village. He tilts his head though when she looks around the village.] Anything weird going on?


divinepooch June 11 2010, 19:33:23 UTC
[If she ever feels a bit unloved, she knows where to go, then. \o/ Upon his inquiry, Ammy lets out a sigh. There might be... Either that, or she's going crazy from longing for her home.]


goggle_syndrome June 11 2010, 20:23:04 UTC
That annoying, huh? [Ear-scritchhh.] I've heard a few people talking about seeing things but then suddenly they're not there anymore. Is that what's got you worked up?


divinepooch June 11 2010, 23:33:06 UTC
[Eaaaaar-scri-wait so other people are seeing things? Ammy blinks, then gives a few nods, trying to tell him that that's definitely what's wrong.]


goggle_syndrome June 12 2010, 00:16:33 UTC
[He shrugs a little.] I haven't seen anything, but it's all over the journals and everything. That means it has to be sorta true, right?


divinepooch June 12 2010, 05:15:11 UTC
[Nod nod, yes! It's all true! She even lets out an exasperated sigh and flops down on her paws. It's so true that she's starting to hate it.]


goggle_syndrome June 12 2010, 05:30:43 UTC
[Pettings...and an offer of a cookie from his pocket?] How come everybody else is seeing stuff and I'm not? Totally unfair.


divinepooch June 13 2010, 05:32:44 UTC
[Dude you got off ea-COOKIE.




goggle_syndrome June 13 2010, 05:40:49 UTC
[He's just blinking at the empty space where his cookie was and Kukki stop using such adorable icons I can't even handle it fdjsak.] Yeah, you're welcome. [He's going to attempt to pull out another one from his pocket though]


divinepooch June 13 2010, 05:44:46 UTC
[You can have this one, Taichi and no because that is their intent :|. She'll be watching it, though. Watching it like a hawk.

... Hope that cookie she ate didn't have any chocolate in it.]


goggle_syndrome June 13 2010, 05:46:50 UTC
[Well fine, carry on :| Nope, they're peanut butter so she should be okay. He lifts the cookie to his mouth to take a bite, but he stops halfway when he notices that Ammy's just...staring. And not moving. Just staring. So he sighs and breaks it in half, offering her the smaller half.]

I can't win with you, can I?


divinepooch June 13 2010, 05:47:52 UTC



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