
Jun 28, 2008 01:35

    I would like to take this chance and thank the people who have read this far, and particularly those who have taken the time to comment. I especially appreciate the ones who disagree with my views or find this to be overly biased and yet remain calm and composed as I try to be.
    We're all entitled to our own opinions and it brings joy to my Heart knowing I get to debate with people in such a pleasant manner like this.
    You're making this worth while.
    Thank you all :)

Seeing how Nomura himself admitted Promises to be a main motive in Kingdom Hearts, and how important both promises are, I have taken the liberty to write down a whole section dedicated to the promises Sora gave both Kairi and Namine. This is a rather direct continuation of the sections comparing the couples, so I'll make sure you're all aware this will continue the same basic point of view. Not much surprises there. For Backwards Compatability~

As mentioned already in the sections analyzing both relationships between Sora and our girls, a main part of both relationships is -
    A promise between Sora and his Lady Love.
    Seeing how so far I've been persistent to somewhat stubborn about how I see both Kairi and Namine, this section will also present a matching view about how important each Promise is, again - not without as detailed an explanation as I can provide.
    We'll begin then with a short description of each promise before moving on to a comparison between them.

Even though this is the shortest part I think, still -
    Easy Browsing ;)

    Sora/Kairi - What She Made Him Promise

The Promise between Sora and Kairi, or at least the first one of them, takes place after Kairi regains her Heart and awakens. She then helps Sora revert from being a Heartless and together they return to Traverse Town, effectively fleeing Hollow Bastion.
    After repetitive attempts at convincing Sora to take her along - and repeatedly having those attempts end in failure - Kairi hands Sora the sea-shell charm she made back on Destiny Islands for good luck and tells him to bring it back to her, seeing how important it is to her.
    Sora promises he will, and then takes off for the final battle.
    He takes up on this promise at the end of KH2 as the final image we see of the ending movie is him returning the amulet to Kairi.

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Sora/Namine - What He Promised Her

The promise between Sora and Namine is the last Memory Sora "recalls" of Namine, which would make sense seeing how it's the most important one. It is then backed up by all the previous 'Memories', thus ensuring Sora's loyalty to said Promise.
    I already counted all the various reasons as to why it makes sense to me Sora would follow this to the bitter end regardless of anything, so I shall now move on ahead.
    The scene that describes said Memory took place when Sora and Namine were roughly 4 to 5 years old during the infamous Meteor Shower. The two were out during the evening on the beach and turned to look at the sky in time to see a whole Shower of Falling Stars. Sora in his hype tries to ask for as many wishes as he can, only to later on realize Namine has taken refuge behind the trees. At the notion she was terrified of one of the Meteors hitting the Islands, Sora exclaims he'd just bat them all back into space -
    Seeing how he was going to protect Namine.
    Namine is so moved by the promise that she gives Sora a Paopu shaped amulet - a keepsake she had since she was born and is her most treasured possession.
    Sora is so moved by the present, especially knowing what it means to Namine. He promises to her in turn that he will take up being her Good Luck Charm in return.
    They return then to watching the stars, Sora gripping his Wooden Sword in one hand - while holding Namine's hand in his other.

Moving on then to comparing both the scenes - and how they affect Sora later on.

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Who initiated it

Sora/Kairi - When we look at the scene at face value, it's rather obvious to see Sora was on the receiving end of this Promise. He was all ready to head out after Riku when Kairi reached out, took his hand and placed the Amulet in it, instantly drawing back then so as it won't be left in her hand by mistake. Sora then accepts the Amulet and promises to return it.

Sora/Namine - The initiator of both the Promises we actually get to see in this scene is Sora. Seeing Namine's distress, he first promises he'd protect her, then promises to repay the favor of being given the Amulet.

It's small wonder Sora attempts to live up to both Promises, yet Kairi's has a touch of obligation to it rather than his own instincts.
    The Amulet was already in his hand; he couldn't rightfully give it back and shrug it off.
    Namine's Promise, however, was given first, no strings attached.

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The Amulet's Meaning

Sora/Kairi - When Kairi gives Sora the Amulet, it is effectively at a time he is about to leave her. Seeing how she is safe, he will leave her behind and dash onwards to fight all that is Evil and Dark, possibly never even looking back (notice how he has his back turned to her during a vast majority of the scene prior to it). Once all else failed her, Kairi then settles; if she won't come with him - at least she could try and make sure he'll come back.
    The Amulet in this is actually a sort of Safety Deposit, a Loan she lends Sora that he has to return - and in order to do that, he has to return to Kairi.
    The Amulet in itself is described by Sora as "Important to Kairi", and is thus somewhat reduced in importance as far as Sora is concerned personally.

Sora/Namine - The Amulet in Namine's case is a reward. Seeing how Sora was the one to initiate the Promise, Namine does her very best - to repay the favor. Continuing the No-Strings-Attached policy as in leaving no room for outer motives to interfere, there is an equal exchange between Sora and Namine.
    The Amulet in itself is described by Sora as Important to he himself, seeing whom was the one who gave it to him. This in a way personalizes the Amulet - as well as the Promises it was involved in.

As far as the Amulets go, it saddens me somewhat when we get to see how little attention Sora pays to the Amulet Kairi gave him.
    He mentions the Amulet on itself twice (once at the end of KH1, once during CoM) and yet it isn't mentioned in KH2 until Kairi brings it up when they meet. It makes sense though, seeing how it's important not to he himself but to Kairi.
    Contrast to that we have Sora effectively fighting over Namine's Amulet against Riku's Replica, and risks physical harm in order to protect it when Larxene comes to break it. Namine's Amulet comes out as much more important than Kairi's, both to Sora and in general - since despite it being originally Kairi's Amulet, while it was Kairi's it never received such importance - and again - I already ranted why I don't believe Namine replaced Kairi, thus - Namine's Amulet is Namine's; Kairi's Amulet is Kairi's; the two don't affect each other.

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What is Given Back

Sora/Kairi - The thing Sora actually gives back to Kairi is the Amulet, seeing how once he returned it to her - there is little to nothing holding him from going away yet again. There is no guarantee that his presence - what should've been the true meaning behind the promise - will remain.

Sora/Namine - The meaning behind 'Giving Back' for Sora's Promise to Namine is different than for his Promise to Kairi. While in Kairi's case there was an act of borrowing-lending, in Namine's case, as stated above - there is an issue of reward and ethereal ones at that.
    The first thing given is a Promise - thus indicating the Feelings, Sora's Will to Protect Namine he puts into words.
    The second thing given, via the Amulet, is Namine's feelings as well.
    Sora's Feelings are given yet again when he Promises to not only Protect Namine, but to Replace what she Gave Him.
    The whole scene is given a whole new meaning once we take the time to look at the Amulet's shape and realize that it's beyond a mere star-shape - it's a Paopu. Now allegedly Namine is the only one who gave it - "shared" it, but seeing how Sora returns two Promises, I think we can call them even.
    Above all else, the exchange in the case of the Promise to Namine is that it's a lot harder to undo - a gift is much harder to give back, and when dealing with emotions, Hearts are on the line. And then the Paopu shape seals the Promises as being 'forever', as opposed to Kairi's Promise in which it can effectively be 'undone'.

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The Meaning Behind the Promises

Sora/Kairi - Kairi accepts defeat. She cannot come with Sora, so she'll at least try and make sure he'll come back to her. It's her safety net seeing how she doesn't trust Sora to come back on his own. It is rather ridiculous seeing how - whether if we assume the Islands are gone, or if we assume the Islands will be back, Sora has no better place to go to than where Kairi is - either she's the last remaining survivor of his World, or where she'll be - the Islands - is where both him and Riku call home. Making him promise to come back shows she doesn't trust him to do so on his own, a little bit like an owner putting a leash around her dog to make sure it won't run off.
    This lack of trust is also shown in KH2 when Kairi all but declares Sora is 'helpless' without her and Riku.
    Having played the games I can ascertain the girl doesn't know what she's talking about. Sora has proved himself on more than one occasion - and more than one of said occasions had nothing to do with neither Kairi nor Riku.
    This lack of trust is also shown when Kairi effectively breaks the Promise she herself has made. More on this however in a minute.

The second meaning of this Promise is best described in an idiom in my native language I'll do my best to translate -
    "A Love that is Dependant on A Thing, Ends in Naught".
    Sora's Promise to Kairi, being the 'Love', is in fact dependant on a Thing - The Amulet. And indeed once Sora returns the Amulet the 'Love' becomes Naught. The Promise was fulfilled - and Sora is no longer bound by it.

Sora/Namine - As opposed to Kairi who tries to stop Sora from leaving, Namine actually has Sora volunteer to always and forever be with her. The Amulet she gives him is merely one step in a three-step exchange which goes back and forth between Sora and Namine, and in a way shows how deeply Namine trusts Sora - she knows he'll be there; that's why she can part with something so valuable as the Amulet she had since she was born - because Sora will be there. She trusts this and thus can part with her Amulet seeing she received something in return - something she can believe in.
    That trust is actually repaid almost immediately - when Sora gives her the second Promise in a row.

"A Love that is Dependant on A Thing, Ends in Naught".
    This is another thing that struck me when I sat down to compare the Promises. While in Kairi's case the Amulet was the Promise, in Namine's case - it doesn't even matter. Remember the order? First came the Promise, then came the Amulet. Sora gave his 'Love' freely - thus it can last. And indeed Sora's Promises to Namine are ones that are supposed to be kept for a lifetime - one at the very least. Keep in mind the Amulet is Paopu shaped, and we have here Promises meant to last Forever - without depending on a thing save for Sora and Namine's feelings for each other.

In Both Trust and Period in which the Promises are to Last, Sora's Promise to Namine is by far much more meaningful than his Promise to Kairi.

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The Other Promise

Sora/Kairi - Sora 'repeats' the Promise to Kairi at the end of KH1 when he Promises her her'll come back to her.
    That is, however, interpreted in many a place and then defined quite Bluntly in the KH2 Manga that what Sora actually promised was to - either come back with Riku - to returning Riku to Kairi.

Sora/Namine - Aside from constantly repeating the Promise to Protect Namine, Sora at the end of CoM Promises Namine they'll meet again once he wakes up and they'll rebuild their relationship.
    This is also a backing-up of Sora's Promise to protect Namine, seeing how in order to do that - he'll need to have her around.
    So far we've been give no alternate explanation as to what this Promise means.

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Whom Does it Apply On

Sora/Kairi - While Sora is indeed the person to carry out the Promise, what he actually Promised was related in no small way to Riku. If we say he'll come back with him - it means they maintain their structure as a threesome of friends, thus the Promise lacks all sort of romance to it. If we say he'll bring Riku back, then the Promise retains its romantic value - only to the same couple actually based on Destiny Islands - Riku/Kairi.
    It also means in no small way that Riku is just as responsible if not more responsible to staying with Kairi on the Islands - Sora brought him back, gave back the Amulet, and now he's as free as a bird.

Sora/Namine - Once again the Promise to Namine stands in quite the blunt contrast to the Promise to Kairi. While in Kairi's Promise Sora involves Riku in more than one way, here he's actually fighting with Riku's Replica as to whom gets to keep the Promise - who'll get to be the one to protect Namine.
    And it is because he kept true to this Promise he can allow himself to make the second Promise - that they'll meet again; because he 'earned' it. Again, however - this is strictly between him and Namine. Riku isn't part of the program.
    In addition, this Promise, as well as the first one - are to last should they be kept. Sora wakes up, they meet - and they'll stay together - because the Promises are - once again - independant.

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Breaking the Promise

I'll actually start with Sora's Promise to Namine first, seeing how the main issue here is in the Promise Sora gave to Kairi.

Sora/Namine - The one to actually break this Promise is Namine. No helping it seeing how eventually, when Sora woke up - Namine wasn't there. He on his part checked Jiminy's journal and saw a reminder of all those Promises - to Thank Namine. Seeing how Namine wasn't there, however, the responsibility falls on her shoulders, not Sora's, and again - I'm showing things more from his points of view, thus this in a way is a plus for SoNami.
    Sora ironically does indeed keep to his Promise - as whenever he protects Kairi, he's actually protecting Namine who's inside her. As far as Sora is concerned - the Promise indeed lasts, as befitting a Promise symbolized by a Paopu.

Sora/Kairi - I mentioned before Kairi broke the Promise she herself initiated, so I'll start with her.
    By one of the many definitions you could give the Promise Sora gave her, Kairi's role in the Promise is actually to sit tight and wait for Sora to come back and bring her back the Amulet.
    Seeing, however, how in KH2 Kairi comes to the conclusion that Waiting isn't Good Enough, she actually breaks the Promise of trusting Sora to live up to his part of the Promise. As befitting a Princess she should've waited patiently, loyally for her Knight to return - yet Kairi doesn't show confidence Sora would live up to that role.
    More so than even concern - it is her not acknowledging Sora's worth, as shown by what she later tells Riku.
    Now, looking at Sora's side in the Promise - I have to say Kairi was half right in breaking her side... seeing how Sora was ready, willing, and able to break each and every Promise he ever gave to Kairi.
    Be it returning the Amulet, or Coming back - either alone or with Riku, or meeting every day as they Promised Roxas and Namine at the end of KH2 - Sora broke each and every Promise when he came and told Riku he would stay with him in the Realm of Darkness so they could become the Darkness.
    Knowing he had Promises to keep, feeling the Oathkeeper in his Pocket - Sora still said "I'm staying here".
    Ironically this is still not breaking his Promise to Namine, seeing how the reason for which they let themselves remain in the Realm of Darkness is that the Realm of Light - and in it Kairi - and in her - Namine - were all safe. Sora effectively protected Namine through protecting Kairi - thus he lived up to that Promise - as opposed to his Promise to Kairi, which was broken by the both of them.

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I think I was quite clear in how I see both Promises. I think I also made it quite clear who seems more important to Sora through the Promises he made. Starting from who even initiated the Promise up to breaking said Promises, the Promise he gave Namine seems to hold so much more weight in just about every aspect I could think of.
    It goes as far as even the actual scenes in which the Promises are given lean more in Namine's favor since there aren't any 'negative' factors to it, unlike Kairi being left behind.
    Seeing how much importance is given to each Promise (or allegedly given to them), it's rather sad Sora's Promise to Kairi seems so... impure, in a way. Not only he wasn't the one to initiate it, he was going to break it. In Namine's case Sora initiated the Promise, made another Promise, and then preferred to die than breaking either.
    I already gave out my opinions as to which Couple I believe exists, or rather, is based better in the games. This is merely another reason as to why I believe in it, showing then which of the two girls seems to be more fitting of being the Leading Girl via a better Leading Couple.
    All for now.

sora, promise, kairi, namine, kingdom hearts

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