The Shadow and Her Light

Jun 26, 2008 21:44

Well, hopefully you know why you're here.

If not - you might wanna check out the rest of the essay. This is the fourth part.
As it stands - this is the part about Sora and Namine - and why their relationship is one of my favorites.
  • Introduction
  • Kairi
  • Namine
  • Sora/Kairi
  • Sora/Namine (You are Here)
  • The Promises (Because these deserve their own sub-topic)
    • What She Made Him Promise (Sora/Kairi)
    • What He Promised to Her (Sora/Namine)
  • Riku, Sora, and the Girls
    • SoRiKai
    • SoRiNami


My favorite couple by far in the KH universe and one of the main reasons why I manage to live through the CoM GBA game again and again.
    I would like to make it clear I do not dislike SoKai simply for liking SoNami. I like enough other pairings for Sora despite being in love with this one. I think I showed quite nicely why I dislike SoKai in the previous part of this essay without any relations to SoNami.
    I just wanted to clarify that.
    Onwards then as to why it is I yes like this couple so much.

As always - Easy Browsing FTW

    SoNami - The Issues

I'm well aware quite a few many people have issues with this couple that come from the way the plot was presented in the game, or at least - the GBA version of it. I admit - it does have quite a few issues that need to be explained, and I will now present the issues I found crucial enough to look at - and then - explain them, showing they're not only not issues, but possible basis for this couple.

The first and what I find to be the most "objective" of these issues is that it's only too easy to claim that there isn't enough interaction between them. It's a GBA game - meaning it's painfully short by definition. It's even shorter because Sora's part is only a part of the game.
    He actually meets her towards the end of the game, and even remembers her somewhere towards halfway - so how can I say this couple is based.

The second issue is seemingly a horrible one that should've killed the couple completely and that is - well, let's face it - "Hey, his Memories of her are fake. They didn't happen."
    This is quite a blow to SoNami ineed.

The last issue and probably the most crucial one is also the one that most frustrates me when people come and bring it up.
    I am, of course, talking about how Namine allegedly replaced Kairi in Sora's Memories.

Quite a hard front to deal with when wanting to base this couple, huh?
    Not quite. Let's see how easy it actually is.

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SoNami - The Solutions

There isn't enough interaction between them

Some of you might recall back enough to the part about Namine in the essay and remember that one of the reasons she cannot be replaced is - the Memory Worlds Sora goes through in CoM. Replace her, you're replacing them for they are dictated by her.
It is shown quite clearly in each and every World, when they are divided in two as far as SoNami interaction goes -

The first is Warning Worlds.
    These are worlds in which Namine uses the characters Sora meets to warn him, to try and make him turn back and run away. It starts as early as the first Memory World - Traverse Town, where Aerith comes to Sora and bluntly tells him - Beware your Memories.
    Wonderland - The Queen of Hearts represents what would happen to Sora, how he'd believe Memories which never happened and it will be used against him.
    The Coloseium - Comparing getting his Memories back to striking a deal with the Devil through Hades and Cloud.
    Halloween Town - Putting it quite simply that True Memories are to be feared.
    In all these worlds, Namine is shown to care enough about Sora that she warns him - and Sora quite nonechalantely ignores these warnings, in part because he doesn't understand them, but later on - because he wants to find his True Memories for himself - in no small part because Namine is within them.

The other type of Worlds is pure interaction - Dialog Worlds and it is actually the rest of the Worlds not mentioned above. There would be a Namine in that world, there would be a Sora, and we'd get SoNami interaction either by the representing characters interacting, or Sora interacting directly with Namine's "representative" in that world.
    A good example for this would be Monstro which just about puts the entire story of SoNami into itself.
    It starts off as a warning World with Pinnochio telling Sora, Donald and Goofy they stumbled into Monstro without even knowing it and they can't get out.
    Monstro is Castle Oblivion and Pinnochio - Namine.
    Sora is represented by Geppetto who says - "There is nothing better than being with the ones you love" - even if the price is his freedom and being trapped inside Monstro. "I don't mind being trapped here as long as I've Pinnochio".
    And Sora agrees with him fullheartedly, saying he feels the same - he doesn't mind being trapped by his Memories for his Memories give him Namine.
    Pinnochio and Namine however are displeased. Despite Geppetto's claims at being content, Pinnochio blames himself for their imprisonment. Namine is like Pinnochio who searches secretly for a way out - she does whatever she can and tries to warn Sora, to help him get away. Sora however does like Geppetto and doesn't really care as long as he'd get to be with the one he loves -
    Another strong part of the symbolism in this World is Forgiveness. When Pinnochio comes and tells them why he lied to Geppetto - they forgive him. They encourage him, and they support him - and thus, they encourage, support, and forgive Namine herself who is represented by him. They tell both Pinnochio and Namine to be strong and honest - which Namine later on goes by and tells Sora the truth. This is actually quite the direct interaction between Sora and Namine through the Memory Worlds!
    Even if releasing the other would mean they themselves would remain a prisoner (Namine to the Organization, Sora to his Memories) - they still want to free each other.

At the very least, this would add up to much more than what Sora has with Kairi through the games, as even in KH1 when he sees the visions of her, it's just her popping into existence, only to disappear a moment later. Sora doesn't get to truly interact with her.
    He does, however, get quite a bit of interaction with Namine even if it seems indirect. They affect each other, even before actually meeting each other.

Issue Solved.

"Hey, his Memories of her are fake. They didn't happen."

The second issue, which does pose quite a problem has an actually ridiculously easy solution -
    Take a look from Sora's Point of View. Look at his behavior in light of these false Memories.
    And then look back for a moment at SoKai.
    I'll start by saying - his Memories of Namine are fake?
    Show me the memories he has of SoKai.
    Those are scarce at best, as opposed to the full and whole story we get to hear about Sora and Namine as children.
    As far as Sora is concerned, according to what we get to see, his childhood friendship with Namine is presented as much more based than with Kairi, whose relationship with Sora we know close to nothing about.
    At this point you will remind me again that said Memories are a lie.
    I will then ask you to keep in mind Sora repeatedly legitimizes the Memories from Namine, saying they are his and he'll be true to them, seeing how they feel right.
    Now look at the title for this issue. There is a huge difference between being fake, and just not happening. Both Sora and Namine are In Character inside these Memories, and seeing how there're Memories which only include the both of them - them remembering it is as good as it actually having came to pass.
    That's why Sora'd get himself killed over the Promise he gave her.
    Sora himself accepts the Memories, thus whether or not they happened or not doesn't matter. He'll follow by them and thus, they are legitimate basis for SoNami from Sora's side through the duration of CoM.

Issue solved.

Namine allegedly replaced Kairi in Sora's Memories

As I said before, this one is the one issue that annoys me the most. The amazing thing about this, however, is the amount of points that bluntly contradict it.
    We'll start simple - The Memories Sora remembers "the most", the ones he tells us about - are the Memories Kairi would fit into the least. If KH1's Kairi is any indication to Child Kairi, she would not have hid behind a tree and wept in fright during the Meteor Shower.
    I'll remind you all now a very simple plot fact and say - Kairi wasn't even there during the Meteor Shower, seeing how that was when she reached the Islands to begin with! How could Namine have replaced her when Kairi wasn't even there?!
    I will speak later about the rest of his Memories of Namine, but for now I will shortly conclude -
    The one most important Memory - the Memory of the Promise between Sora and Namine - is one Memory that doesn't fit Kairi at all! How can you say Namine placed herself instead of Kairi in it when Kairi herself doesn't 'fit in there' in the first place?!

I, personally, blame the GBA version's directing for this mess-up. Why? Because when Sora first "remembers" Namine, Namine appears right where Kairi was standing an instant before. A clear and obvious replacement indeed.
    Let's have a look-see at how they did it in the PS2 Remake, hm?
    Quite a striking difference, wouldn't you say? Instead of appearing right where Kairi was, she appears somewhere completely different. Sora is still facing Kairi, holding the Good Luck charm, and then look where Namine appears - behind him, and away from Kairi. It's not even completely behind him so you can't even call it a contrast between the girls. She's not even a mirror image - she's unrelated.

Still don't believe me? Here - have a look at this. This is a drawing Namine drew based on the Memories she gave Sora where she existed on the Islands.
    Come, Boys and Girls, help me count how many Children are shown in the picture.
    Sora, Kairi, Namine, Riku.
    Four children as opposed to the three that were supposed to have been on the islands had Namine truly replaced Kairi. And why is that?
    That notion is so important that Sora comes to a stop, his mouth hangs wide open, and he shouts it at Donald and Goofy. Another girl on the Islands save for the two we already know of being Kairi and Selphie.
    Another. Additional. Not Kairi.

Quite a few people will now come and tell me "Ah, but he forgot Kairi and remembered Namine! Explain this!"
    What if I told you that it's not only Kairi he forgot - but also Riku?
    Yes, Sora did indeed forget Riku in Castle Oblivion. Why? Because he forgot everything other than Namine. When he comes then to the Memory World of Destiny Islands, he knows the Riku in front of him is the one from the Memory and not the "real" Riku.
    The "real" Riku, however, isn't really Riku. It's Riku's Replica. Unlike Kairi, Riku was "lucky" enough to have a reference Sora could use to identify him, seeing how he kept running into him inside the Castle. Just because he knew the Riku from the Memory World was a Memory, doesn't mean he knew it wasn't the real Riku.
    It means he knew it wasn't the Riku he met two minutes ago and that wanted to kill him so he'd have Namine all to himself.
    But wait a minute... if Sora truly forgot about Riku... does it mean Namine replaced him too? one even wants to go there, right?
    So don't about Kairi, either. No reason to do so. There was another girl, after all.

Issue Solved.

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The Story Behind the Romance

This paragraph and further paragraphs in this part of the essay will focus then more on not only how SoNami is based in and of itself, but also when compared with SoKai.

Despite being done then with SoNami's issue, I will talk about one issue for SoKai I already brought up earlier in this part of the essay.
    SoKai has no tangible background to base their relationship on. We received it as fact they're friends (assumed best friends though I can't really believe that) and that Sora goes to save her all the time because he cares that much. I already ranted about this in SoKai's part of the essay.
    When I turn to look at Sora and Riku's relationship as opposed to SoKai, I can believe it full heartedly. They have enough flesh to them inside the games themselves with how they keep running after each other, and then we have childhood flashbacks, both in the regular versions and far more so in the Final Mixes.
    Kairi barely has the one where they draw in the Secret Place.

Namine, on the other hand, is quite a genius when dealing with basing relationships.
    The first Memory Sora admits to having of her is of Namine as a part of the Group. Sora and his friends are swimming, playing in the water, and Namine is sitting on the shore, drawing them. At the very least this means there's direct eye contact between Namine and the group, otherwise she couldn't have drawn them. Furthermore - she's sitting on the shore, where they will eventually return to, possibly even watching over everyone's belongings since she stayed behind.
    It's quite the striking contrast with Kairi and how she kept staying on the beach - on the First Day of Destiny Islands, we had Tidus, Selphie and Wakka on one part of the Beach, Riku on his tiny island, and Kairi - the farthest from them all on the edge of the beach next to the entrance to the other part, out of sight unless you walked right up to her.
    On the second day - Tidus, Selphie and Wakka are once again together on one part of the beach. Riku this time is on the other part of the beach, but next to the door.
    Kairi is on the farthest end of this plot of beach, so far away from anyone and ready to set sail the instant Sora gets everything.
    Kairi isn't a part of the group.
    Namine is.

The second phase in basing herself is having Sora admit Namine's relationship with both himself and with Riku as a threesome - for you can't base yourself with Sora unless you base yourself with Riku, too. Kairi broke this on several occasions. Namine nurtures this.
    Beyond arguing over who'll get to have Namine draw him next, Sora admits there was more to his relationship with Namine and Riku - they were inseperable. Few are the times Sora, Riku and Kairi are shown as a threesome like this, and even then never are they declared so close - especially since they're never compared with anything to make the relationship's importance logical.
    Namine knew better than this.

Now, we have Namine as not only part of the group, but also in a threesome structure with SoRiku.
    The way from here to being just with Sora is a short and easy one, and indeed then we see the Memory of the Promise when Namine cries in fright - and Sora promises he'll protect her.
    I won't get into an in-depth comparison between the promises to Namine and Kairi - that has its own section after I'm done with SoNami. I'll just say this - the Promise to Kairi is mentioned few times and more as a basic reminder to the plot as a whole.
    The Promise to Namine, however, becomes Sora's reason for living, something he will sacrifice everything for - his life, his Memories, his Self.
    And true enough, when I look back at the Memories she gave him, I can understand why - because according to these Memories,     Namine and Sora were Meant to Be's from birth. Sora acts the way he should in light of these Memories. And what does he do in light of these Memories?

"Namine is too Special."

Riku gets "Best friend" in KH2.
    I will ask what does Kairi get and move on.

Namine gets that Italic'ed statement and a declaration of hatred towards Larxene for abusing Namine and being the one to make him "Remember" Namine's name - when she was hardly worthy of having that honor.
    The only other person Sora displays such intense hate towards is Xehanort, but when we compare the hatred relative to what they've done, I'd say Sora hates Larxene a lot more for doing much less - because Namine is that much more important - even when compared to Riku.

Now everyone gasp and stare at me.
    I will allow you a moment to recover before I continue.

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Riku's Replica - Putting Riku in 2nd Place

Let's face it - Namine is about the only person who can make Sora say "Pause, I'm not saving Riku right now - I'm saving her".
    A similar situation happened in KH2 with Hollow Bastion - but can you really compare the fate of a whole world to that of one girl?    Again, an extreme reaction when we look at the circumstances. And may I remind you that the whole world in question was one filled with Sora's friend, not just one of them.
    Yet another similar situation in which Riku was supposedly forced to take the 2nd place in importance happened - again, in KH2.     This time with Kairi, when Sora went to The World that Never Was, allegedly to save Kairi while putting his search for Riku on hold.
I'll take the time to remind you all of the numerous time the Organization members hinted or bluntly told Sora they knew what happened to Riku.
    I'll point you at the second visit to the Land of Dragons - and say that after that trip, they were certain Riku was part of the Organization because he wore the black coat.
Going to where Kairi is being held - the Organization's Stronghold - is going to where Sora is most likely to find from clues about Riku - to Riku himself.
And lo and behold what - or rather, whom - he found there.

Once again Riku maintains his seat of honor as number 1 on Sora's list of important people - even if he does share it with Kairi.
    Kairi, however, not even once got that seat of power all to herself as shown in both KH1 and KH2 - it was always on his chasing after Riku that Sora ran into Kairi. This is no exception.

What happened in CoM, however, is Riku's overdue dethronement. Sora says that he'll save Namine before anything else.
    He says clearly - Riku can take care of himself to some extent; Namine can't.
    Riku's Replica teases and dares him about it. Sora in response says he'll save "Riku" - and then they could both save Namine together.
    In KH1 he found Kairi when looking for and chasing after Riku.
    In KH2 the same people who know about Riku kidnap Kairi, thus giving Sora yet another reason to come after them, and even then he actively "finds" her first before turning to the emotional reunion with Riku.
    CoM, however, is the first and only such time where Riku is "on the way" to someone else. Sora'll find "Riku", save him, remind him they're friends - and then they'll go save Namine.

This is a complete contrast to what happened in KH1's Monstro with Kairi (another reason that World is so important when analyzing CoM).
    In KH1's Monstro, it's Riku who comes to Sora and says "let's recuse her - together".
    Sora refuses.
    Sora clings to his Conscious and refuses Riku's offer - even if it means not saving Kairi. Even if it's to save her, he won't do it at any cost.
    His Conscious and the Alpha-Male battle with Riku were more important.

Namine is more important than both.
    She makes Sora set aside his battle with Riku's Replica in favor of saving her.
    She's also more important than Sora's Conscious.

One of the motives I like best about Monstro is that Sora clings to his Conscious - which is given a physical form through Jiminy.
CoM is also the game where Jiminy takes on an active role, as opposed to the rest of the games save for Monstro. That's because these two places are where Sora needs his Conscious the most.
    And let's see how Sora deals with his Conscious in CoM, shall we?
  • He curses
  • He hates
  • He leashes out at Donald, Goofy and Jiminy who were only worried about him, and then he abandons them.
  • He's out for blood
    And why? Because Namine is important enough for him to behave like that. Now, with all due respect to him not really remembering anything other than her and thus he's unable to care - they live by the belief that what they don't remember - doesn't matter.
    It's 100% alright he only cares about Namine and nothing else - Riku included - because she's the only thing he remembers. He can't even remember everything him, Donald and Goofy were through - but he remembers her. So he cares.
    And look at how he acts when he meets her! He's sweet! He's caring! He's a gentleman! He's... a ball of fluff!!!
    Which leads me to the Final part of the Sora/Namine part of the essay, at long last.

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The Romance Behind the Story

I find it very hard not to see SoNami in a romantic light, seeing how - when she cried - what he told her could be summed up to "Smile for me."
    When the tells her not to cry, she thinks it's because she hasn't the right after what she's done to him. True, he admits - he's displeased. But if she cries - he fells like he let her down. Sora never really cared about letting people down before - until now. And why does he care?

Because the Memories feel Right.

Remember? One of the solutions to the SoNami Issues? Sora legitimizes the Memories, thus - he accepts upon himself the Promise - the Promise to Protect Namine no matter what.
    He promised that, and thus - her tears mean he disappointed her. So what does he ask of her?
    That at least until he gets his real Memories back - that she'll smile. That she'll laugh, that she'll be happy - because it's easier for him.
    In other words - for him.
    I'm sorry, but that monologue was one of the most beautiful confession scenes I got to see.
    Small wonder he's teased to heck and back by Donald and Goofy afterwards.

This is different than the SoKai would-be romance in KH1, where they hoped the WOW from the plot happenings would leave you dumbfounded enough so you won't be able to think "wait a minute, this isn't romance! It's plot!". Here, what we have is that the romance is the plot.

Just like us wanting Sora to find Riku and Kairi in KH1, and him to finally find Riku in KH2, despite it all - we want Sora to meet Namine and to hear her side of the story.
    In fact, I dare say that is part of why this scene is so beautiful and touching - because we're faced with the issue of the Memories Sora follows are false.
    That, too, is solved rather easily when Sora creates a simple yet clear distinction between two things -

One, I already said - The Memories weren't lies, they just never happened.
    And the second?

The second distinction Sora creates is that while he knows the Memories aren't real, the feelings that come with them are true enough. Mickey said in KH2 that it's the most important thing to follow one's Heart. That's exactly what makes Sora able to say that these Memories, despite not being real, are his and his alone - and he'll be true to them because that's what his Heart is telling him to do.
    That's why when he sees the Namine he "remembers", the same Namine he promised to protect - when he sees her smiling, laughing, happy - he grins.
    "That's the Namine I remember. I used to love hearing you laugh - in my fake Memories, I mean. But what I'm feeling now isn't a lie. This is real."

Memories or whatever, it doesn't matter. It also doesn't really matter, for this specific argument's sake, whether or not Sora cares for Namine romantically or not. His feelings for her are true - and those feelings are that he loves her!

And why shouldn't he... when she's one of the only two people who get the chance to give to him what he's giving for them? Sacrificing for them?
    The first one - goes without saying - is Riku. Duh. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see exactly how much Riku gave up for Sora between CoM and KH2. He lost his "self" in a way - just like Sora did when he turned into a Heartless - and exactly what Sora was willing to give when Marluxia threatened to hurt Namine - to give up his Self, his Memories - as long as it meant she would be safe.
    Namine in return was willing to die rather then be used against Sora any longer.

Again I will now go back to SoKai and show how it lacks what SoNami has in spades by asking -
    What did Kairi ever give up on for Sora?
    She lost nothing when she brought him back from being a Heartless.
    When he left - he promised he'd be back, so it's not really losing. Kairi was simply being impatient and petty, neglecting the fact that Sora wasn't out enjoying himself, but looking for a mutual friend.
    Even the Oathkeeper's charm which she gave him - "You better bring it back to me!" and he does. Nothing lost.

Namine, on the other hand, is willing to take the little she has and give it all up for the person who could've given her everything - because he gave her everything!
    That is one of the reasons why I hold SoNami in the same league as Sora and Riku's relationship as far as quality goes - it's mutual.

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Goodbye - With a Smile

Despite it all, Sora is wearing a smile when he's biding Namine farewell. An easy explanation would be because he's happy to get his real Memories back. I will not lie, there is happiness in that - but this is where I'll go back to the Dialog Worlds I mentioned earlier in this part of the essay and show once again that not only do Sora and Namine interact all through the game - their story is laid bare if you know where to look.

I'll start with Neverland and Peter and Wendy.
    Wendy tells Peter she wants to go back to London - she wants to wake up from the fairy tale. Peter on his part is angry. He went through all that, and now she wants to separate. He's certain she'll forget him - because all grownups do.
    Sora comes and says it bluntly - even if you Forget, you still Remember. The Memories aren't going anywhere, they're just out of reach.
    You Remember. You always Remember.
    The same with Sora's Memories of Riku and Kairi inside Castle Oblivion -
    The same with Sora's Memories of Namine outside the Castle.
    Peter is reassured - even if Sora grows up, he won't forget him.
    More so than Namine's hope, that is Sora's true belief at the end of CoM.

Now Sora doesn't settle for saying a simple "I won't forget". Belle and Beast show nicely what Sora wants to do -
    Now that the bad Memories are over, they can work on creating new, better Memories - together.
    When Sora wakes up that's exactly what he's meaning to do - with Namine as his friend - and possibly more - for real.

The final refferece in this matter would be the one "person" I personally consider to be a relationship Guru inside the Kingdom Hearts universe - and that is Winnie the Pooh.
    It doesn't matter you won't remember Pooh - Pooh'll remember you.
    And that's what happens with Sora and Namine once Sora'll forget.
    We all remember what happened with Sora and Pooh once Pooh forgot, don't we?

Why then does Sora part from Namine with a smile?
    Because he won't really forget. The Memories are still there.
    And once he wakes up? Namine promised - she'll be there, she'll remind him who she is - what she is to him. Then, like Belle and Beast - they'll make better, real Memories together.
    And it is this Promise they made which never really disappeared from Sora's Heart that was supposed to be the Light that would bring them back together again - Sora and Namine.

Sora's smiling not because he's forgetting her. He's smiling because he Remembers all the people he cares for - and because he's going to be with Namine for Real this time.
    This isn't a Goodbye - it's a See You Later.
    He said it himself -

Forgotten But Not Lost.

That's why Sora can smile when he parts from Namine.

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Sora/Namine - Conclusion

To me, Sora/Namine is on the same level as Sora and Riku's friendship. You don't need to have it explained to you if you bother to take the time and look at it - the games tell you everything you needed to know once you look at things - again, as in SoKai's case - from Sora's own point of view for a change.
    It has a firm basis, logical development, and the realization of their relationship when they're both ready to sacrifice everything for each other.
    All three parts are lacking in SoKai.
    Them not doing anything with this is by far one of the greatest flaws in the Kingdom Hearts story line if you asked me, especially seeing how much attention and time SoKai is receiving.
    Now, it's not only that they come and say "Ah, all the feelings will pass to Kairi because Namine's her Shadow" - but judging according to KH2, these feelings moved onto Riku if they budged an inch from Namine at all!!
    What saddens me the most about this couple is that so many people never play CoM. That's why when they tell them SoKai/RokuNami in KH2 they believe it blindly, without once appreciating the marvelous story which is CoM's SoNami.

Le Sigh.

What we have with Namine then is a leading girl with both a good basis in plot and with the leading male - both of them, but more on that later.
    What I have to ask, in light of Namine being pushed aside so easily is -

Why didn't they invest half of it in Kairi? It would've saved her from what she became and alianated so many less people.
    And it certainly would've made for a much better Leading Couple.

The horror? It's not quite over yet.

sonami, sora, namine, kingdom hearts

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