
Dec 16, 2011 18:45

Who: Open to everyone who wants to stop the cult kidnappings, also the Spiritmon, Isha and Paper
What: Long drawn out Cult Kidnapping plot
When: Dec 16, 10 P.M
Where: Tetha City Streets

Chilling tales of loss )

location: tetha, character: fedorafeline, character: beats_rock

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no_dogs_allowed December 18 2011, 06:10:31 UTC
Katz wasn't too far behind, hiding deep in the shadows. He had his weapons in his D-reader and his partner wasn't far behind. This would work out perfectly if everything went well. He was interested into finally finding out the truth about this cult. What were they doing and who was leading it? Perhaps he could gain something out of this. It was really only a matter of time till they took the bait. Paper, on the outside, seemed defenseless. The perfect prey. But in truth she was dangerous and deadly. A perfect combination when one thought about it.


fighterslegacy January 3 2012, 00:46:30 UTC

... Someone would be stepping in while Manami called for help.

That someone was Gabumon, who, a mere flash of light later, was tearing into the building as WereGarurumon.

"KAISER NAIL!" the digimon roared, wasting no time in firing off a claw shockwave at the hulking creature.


gluttire January 4 2012, 00:19:54 UTC
Gluttony only had time to turn before the attack tore into his flesh causing spurts of blood as his very skull split into different pieces. The monster screeched and pressed his pudgy palms to the sides of his head pushing it back together as it healed almost instantly.

"Intruders!" The cult leader howled and the robed digimon spun around on WereGarurumon rushing at him. various elemental attacks raced at him ranging from child to adult level.


fedorafeline January 4 2012, 00:27:22 UTC
"Where'd they come from?" Hissed Isha as the first attack was thrown. She hadn't even noticed anyone else following the cult.

"No time for that." The spiritmon was already scaling the wall with his claws to get a better shot. "Stay out of sight!" He threw himself at the cultists his eyes blazing with fury.

This was the monster that had killed his Tamer and countless others. Horrible things had happened because of Gluttony.

And tonight...it would end!


beats_rock January 4 2012, 00:30:51 UTC
And paper...

...was slithering away as quickly as she could as flat to the ground as she could make herself.


no_dogs_allowed January 4 2012, 02:51:48 UTC
Violence, surprise attacks, and a monster that can heal itself. My my, tonight was going to be fun. Katz peeked from his hiding spot, eyes fixed on Paper. First thing was first, save her. He motioned for her to come to him. They needed a plan for what he had in store tonight and she was going to be a very large help.


fighterslegacy January 4 2012, 23:03:03 UTC
WereGarurumon jumped and weaved, dodging most of the attacks but taking a few hits on the chin. He growled and swung his leg out, attacking with Crescent Moon Kick, sending a shockwave out so he could incapacitate the cultists long enough to get at Gluttony.


gluttire January 5 2012, 21:51:48 UTC
The cultists flew backwards howling in pain from the kick, while others hit the ground hard slammed into the unforgiving stone floor by The Spiritmon.

A flash of light was the only warning they would get as the cult leader evolved throwing off her cloak revealing her to be a Burpmon who was now bouncing and rolling her way at The Spiritmon.

Gluttony however was rushing for WereGarurumon head down with surprising speed as he launched his heavy body at him like a cannonball.


fedorafeline January 5 2012, 21:53:17 UTC
The Spiritmon sprang backwards barely avoiding being bitten in half by the squishy pink Digimon landing on a pile of boxes. He began knocking them off the pile flinging boxes at the Burpmon hoping to bury her.


beats_rock January 5 2012, 21:56:13 UTC
Paper slithered up next to Katz but remained tightly hunkered down out of sight of the battle waging just on the other side of the boxes.

"Now what?" She hissed trying not to think how closely she had come to being eaten.


no_dogs_allowed January 6 2012, 05:08:17 UTC
"Now we release you as planned. Allow them to fight our battle for us. You can take off those ridiculous things now." He motioned towards the handcuffs and looked back to the battle at hand.

"I dare say though, this is a rather interesting turn of events."


fighterslegacy January 7 2012, 20:23:20 UTC
"And what plan would that be?"

There was a click as Manami, who'd discovered Katz while moving to remain hidden, trained her gun on the suspicious characters.

WereGarurumon, thankfully, was agile. He leaped over Gluttony, and then attempted to land behind him, using his powerful kicks to knock the fat homunculus into the nearest wall.


gluttire January 7 2012, 21:55:51 UTC
Gluttony let out a cry as he was knocked into the wall so hard he fell through it exposing the cold night winds outside the building.

As he picked himself out of the rubble the remaining cultists turned on WareGarurumon with Burpmon leading the charge, her mouth wide open.


fedorafeline January 7 2012, 21:58:43 UTC
A flash of light and a burst of fury as more cultists were scattered however and a Lynxmon appeared where The Spiritmon had been before.

"GLUTTONY!" HE roared rushing after the beast and throwing himself at it. The flabby creature let out a scream as flames and claws tore into his soft flesh, only to sink his teeth into Lynxmon's shoulder. Lynxmon yowled in pain and pulled away ripping off a chunk of his flesh with it. But at least that's all he had lost.

Meanwhile Isha the Plotmon came up behind Manami "Geeze how many people were following this guy?" She asked in astonishment.


no_dogs_allowed January 8 2012, 04:30:12 UTC
Katz looked back at Manami and pointed to the Lynxmon. "We are assisting that vigilante in pursuing this cult and it's monster." His finger them pointed to Gluttony. "Our plan is to be backup. Is that not right, Paper?" He looked back to his employee, his eyes gleaming. If she backed up his story, they shouldn't face any real charges from this.


beats_rock January 8 2012, 04:35:56 UTC
"Well duh." Paper snapped catching on automatically. "For the good of the people or whatever." She was trying to keep herself as flat as possible to avoid being spotted by the cultists and gluttony.


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