(no subject)

Dec 16, 2011 18:45

Who: Open to everyone who wants to stop the cult kidnappings, also the Spiritmon, Isha and Paper
What: Long drawn out Cult Kidnapping plot
When: Dec 16, 10 P.M
Where: Tetha City Streets

Even with the Christmas lights of downtown Tetha twinkling a soothing and warm glow, Paper couldn't help but shiver as the cities winds cut through her jacket like knives.

She had been against using herself as bait the minute Katz suggested it, but he had convinced her it was beneficial to her (Though how exactly she couldn't remember at this exact moment.)

At least Muchomon got to stay close to the people watching over her. The High Strung over caffinated Digimon probably would have lost all his feathers if he was the one acting as bait.

Miserably she continued to walk through the empty streets well after most sane people would be at home wrapped up with nice warm blankets. Her arms stretched to wrap around herself three times hoping to help fend off some of the chill.

location: tetha, character: fedorafeline, character: beats_rock

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