
May 16, 2009 17:50

Who: Katherine, Leormon, ???
What: Relaxation interrupted
When: May 9th, evening (Backdated)
Where: Neon City, Katherine's apartment

Today had been a decidedly long day. )

character: themonstergirl, location: neon city, character: scrapperzen

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themonstergirl May 17 2009, 01:22:19 UTC
"Welcome home, Katherine."

The voice came from the dark haired girl who emerged from the shadows of the nearest room... Renamon fading into sight beside her.

Yuma gripped something in her hand, and shot Katherine a devilish smile.


themonstergirl May 17 2009, 03:14:38 UTC
Yuma's eyes widened as she heard Katherine speak. Her hands began to shake, as she turned around, staring at the ground. Her head and the seal were conflicted... and her other self was screaming up from the depths of her mind.

"I don't... I don't understand," she said, timidly. "This doesn't... no one... no loves me the way I want them too..."

She began to cry. "Why can't things be simple...?!"


scrapperzen May 17 2009, 03:23:19 UTC
Kat tried her best to smile reassuringly, but her own emotions were getting the better of her and her expression crumbled. "Love, of all sorts, takes time," she said with a shaky voice. "But don't doubt that I do love you, Yuma. As much as anyone can love a close friend."

She reached down to try and take Yuma's hands in hers, and she forced her lips into a smile. "If life were simple, then the demon kings would have no power over any of us. If life were simple, we wouldn't have to hurt each other like this. If life were simple, I could say yes to your invitation, or you could say yes to mine," she explained in as steady a voice as she could imagine. "But life isn't, which is why we have to fight, and adapt, and take what we can get. Because life isn't simple, I cannot turn away from you even when I know that Lillithmon might try to use me against you, or vice versa. I think that you're worth taking the hard road, Yuma. I know you are."


themonstergirl May 17 2009, 03:27:56 UTC

Yuma pulled away, keeping her head low. She felt... depressed. Saddened. Lost. Conflicted against a thing that had the final control over her actions.

The girl that was Yuma had been defeated.

... Allowing the other force inside Yuma to rise.

"HOW DARE YOU!" she snapped, the Lillithmon she had once been bonded with separating from Yuma, and taking full control. "HOW DARE YOU HURT US AGAIN!"

And she realized a knife, stabbing at Katherine with it.


scrapperzen May 17 2009, 03:43:13 UTC
For all of her emotions, Kat was an archmage. If she were to let a little thing like tears dominate her control, she couldn't even manage a simple flight spell. Likewise, in her spare time, Kat was also a hero. A stabbing was, in comparison to her day to day routine, little more than a telegraphed slap.

But it wasn't her super powers the protected her, they simply aided her. What protected her was forethought. A brief glint of light shimmered in the path of the blade, deflecting it off-course. The knife grazed her arm and buried into the sofa beside her, and Kat gasped in pain. She shoved Yuma away and rose to her feet, taking several steps back and covering the cut on her arm reflexively. "Yuma!" she exclaimed. "I dare because I'm unwilling to let you fall!"

Leormon snarled and leapt in front of Renamon. "Don't even think about it, Renamon," he warned.


themonstergirl May 17 2009, 04:14:45 UTC
Renamon... just smiled darkly.

"You know, one can have lust for more than just pleasure," growled the fox... before evolving into Kyuubimon and leaping at the lion.

Yuma just growled in anger, and leapt at Kat, driving the blade towards her heart.


scrapperzen May 17 2009, 04:32:15 UTC
"And yet, lust clouds the mind," Leormon retorted, evolving to Leomon in a flash and hurling a punch at Kyuubimon. "I'm sorry to see what you have become, my friend! Perhaps I can beat some sense back into you!"

Katherine wasn't so willing to fight her friend, but that didn't mean she was going to just sit back and let Yuma attack her unanswered. With a gymnast's grace she spun to the side of Yuma's stab and grabbed the half-full pitcher of juice, hurling its contents towards Yuma's face. "Please, Yuma! I know you don't want to do this!" she pleaded.


themonstergirl May 17 2009, 04:36:00 UTC
Kyuubimon simply growled, and dodged the punch, swiping at the lion with his flaming tails.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WHAT I WA- WAAAAUGH!" she gurgled as the juice splashed her in the face. Snarling, she blindly threw her knife at Katherine.


scrapperzen May 17 2009, 05:27:05 UTC
Leomon was able to dodge the first swipe of Kyuubimon's tail easily. However, the following several tails were not in his mind, and he took the attack full on in the chest and went staggering straight into one of the nearby bookshelves.

Kat knew a little something about combat. At the best of times, it was chaotic. The more distractions and disadvantages levied against someone, the harder it was for them to do anything. With Yuma's blind throw the knife flew past Kat's head and embedded itself in the headrest of her recliner. Rather than press Yuma, however, Kat whipped her head around and shook her head. "Sorry, Renamon," she said, and she sent a brilliant sphere light straight towards the adult's face.

Not about to leave herself an open target in the event that Yuma regained her sight, Kat rolled over the back of the sofa quickly and crouched. "You told me!" she called out. "If you're hurt by people leaving you, how much more would you hurt if you killed a friend?!"


! themonstergirl May 17 2009, 05:30:47 UTC
"I'll get over it!" Yuma screeched, as Kyuubimon was overwhelmed by the bright lught and blinded. "I'll... I have Signum! I don't need you!"

As Yuma flailed about for her knife, Kyuubimon screamed and threw out fireballs in random directions.


Re: ! scrapperzen May 17 2009, 05:48:41 UTC
"No!" Kat called out, rising from behind the couch and hurling a disorientation hex in Yuma's direction. "You don't know what kind of pain follows it! I won't put you through that!"

"Hey!" Leomon yelled at Kyuubimon. "As a member of Neon City's Volunteer Fire Department, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop! BEAST KING FIST!"

He hurled a solid wave of force straight at Kyuubimon's chest.


themonstergirl May 17 2009, 05:59:50 UTC
The hex hit Yuma and she stumbled around dumbly, groaning before she fell over on her side.

Kyuubimon roared in pain as the attack hit him, blasting him into the nearest wall.


scrapperzen May 17 2009, 06:11:13 UTC
Kat sucked in a breath and threw herself back over the sofa once again, rushing to Yuma's side. "Yuma, please, you don't need to do any of this!" she pleaded. "I'm your friend!"

"You hear that, furball?" Leomon asked, stepping after Kyuubimon and resting his hand on his sword. "She's right, you know. But if you keep this up, it's only gonna hurt you more."


themonstergirl May 17 2009, 06:25:10 UTC
Yuma's eyes snapped open, and her face contorted into a snarl.


And as a dark digi-soul flared around her... Kyuubimon rose up and began to change... becoming Taomon, who attempted to push Leomon out the nearest window.


scrapperzen May 17 2009, 06:44:08 UTC
In the face of a perfect, Leomon could do little more than fly out the window with a crash of breaking glass. He snarled and spun in the air before driving his sword into the wall to stop his fall. "You're gonna have to do better than that!" he taunted.

Katherine startled back and winced. She cast a quick glance to Taomon, and she frowned. Outside, Leomon roared and evolved to GrapLeomon, and he leapt back up. "Come and get me, if you can!" he yelled as he streaked up towards the roof.

Kat kept her trust in her partner, and she simply stood back and watched Yuma. She wouldn't strike her, no matter what. "Believe what you will, Yuma," she said as gently as she could manage while still being heard. "But it doesn't change the truth."


themonstergirl May 17 2009, 06:53:36 UTC
Yuma let out a curse, and rushed forward at Kat, intent on striking her and strangling her.

Taomon, meanwhile, merely formed a shield on which to stand, and ascended towards GrappLeomon.


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