Festival Week End / Hououmon's Destiny

Mar 22, 2008 00:20

Who: Open to All
What: Festival Closing Ceremony
When: March 22nd, Late Evening
Where: Phoenix Colosseum

Face your destiny. Do not turn away. )

plot: tetha riot, event: festival, plot: kuratageddon

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Comments 461

kurojishirio March 22 2008, 06:14:47 UTC
Rio had finally arrived to Tetha, simply not wanting deal with the festival but rather because of a feeling of something forboading would be here.

His faith was proven correctly by the angry mob of digimon that now was coming at him. He was actually grateful he had the foresight to make BlackLeormon evolve to Lowemon now.

"I do not care what your problem is," Rio said blocking the punch of angry digimon. "All I care, is to see your strength. Rinki Gaiso." His armor dawned, he simply attacked, wiht Lowemon at his side. In a few minutes, the entire mob that attacked him was defeated. "Hardly a challenge."

"Many are simple citizen. Not warriors," Lowemon returned.

"The higher you go up your evolution, the more powerful you are. You don't have to be a warrior to abuse your power," Rio said, walking. "Now, let's find out what is going on." And if he came across any strong opponents... all the better for him.


stupidly_dead March 22 2008, 06:16:17 UTC
"THIS WAS NOT IN MY CONTRACT!" howled Laz as he flung another fireball into the crowd. "Master, we must flee!"

"In a minute!" The warlock had decided the time for subtlty was over, and he was hurling Shadow Bolts, Life Taps Hellfires and Fears into the crowd, spamming the lot out of his Cooldowns. "I'm almost out of pots and I'm not about to go down when I can't find the GY where!"

"You don't know if there's a spirit healer here or not!" screeched Laz as he leapt over a pack of charging digimon. "MASTER!"

"Bloody... FEAR!" Primal fear engulphed the pair and they charged into the opposite direction. Jarrod allowed himself a moment of satisfaction before a Minotarumon slammed him upside the head. "BLOITING FLACK-JAWED...!" cursed Jarrod as he was pitched into the crowd.


every_thorn March 22 2008, 06:19:47 UTC
There was a fierce battle cry as Rose dove into the fray, beating off people with her staff--she'd never been so glad for the D-Reader. If she hadn't scanned it, she was sure she'd be toast. V-mon was doing well herself, while unarmed, and they managed to clear some of the mob away from Jarrod.

"You okay?" Rose asked, though her eyes were still on the crowd.


stupidly_dead March 22 2008, 06:30:02 UTC
"Ugh, just peachy love," groused Jarrod as he raised his arms and cast a Curse of Agony upon the same Minotarumon who bellowed in pain. "Suck on this y'bloarging fracker! FEAR!"

The Minotarumon seized up and ran screaming. "One down," hoped Jarrod as he drew his wand. "C'mon ya pansies! My granny hits harder than you and she's a Priest!"


every_thorn March 22 2008, 15:25:57 UTC
"Great," Rose answered, shooting a few Digimon down with a stun blast from her staff. Those and the blade were reserved only for the most dangerous--the rest could be stopped by the staff itself and martial arts.

"You sure love finding crazy people," V-mon said, and Rose grinned despite the danger.


freelancer_whut March 22 2008, 06:39:07 UTC
"Well, what a situation to get ourselves into, Blade Braver wannabe. Don'chya agree?" Gintoki was already battering whatever mad mob digimon came his way with his bokuto while Kotemon was defending his rear. "I do, Gin-san. This is... truly a horrible situation."

Gintoki started remember some of his past while trying to swat away the mob coming towards him.

"Gin-san," Kotemon started. "It'd be wise to retreat to a safe haven. We'll be outnumbered and over powered very quickly." "No way. This main character won't back down til the fight is done. Once we clear this area, then we check for any stay people, got it? Follow your own code of Bushido and do what you think is right, if you must. I'm stayin' here til the end." Gintoki then ran straight into the incoming mob, his bokuto sword high in the air.


freelancer_whut March 22 2008, 07:17:59 UTC
"GIN-SAN, DON'T!" Kotemon immediately pushed off his current opponent and headed straight for his Tamer. However, before he could get close to the mob the silver haired samurai jumped into, a flash of white cut into his vision. Suddenly, digimon flew into the air or pushed back quite a distance. Gintoki stood with his sword out.

"Oi! You punk want to come up in here and start a mess, fine. But when you start attackin' innocents, then it gets personal."

Kotemon ran up to his tamer quickly. "Gin-san, that was reckless" "Yeah, well. Shounen retards kinda are reckless. So, ready for your big moment in the lime light? Make it a beautiful fight til the end. Live beautifully til the very end, and never regret the actions."

"... Gin-san, has this happened to you before in your world?"

"... You could say something like that."


digitalhimitsu March 23 2008, 05:48:26 UTC
Xellos sat, leaning back in the chair of a long-deserted outdoor cafe, watching the whole scene with his typical expression. While Candmon hid beneath the table. He was slowly nursing the cup of tea he had been served before the riot broke out.

"Yare, yare~" Xellos murmured. "This is quite a sight now, isn't it, Candmon?"


A scream, and Xellos noted a Goblimon leaping at him. Sighing, he raised his free hand as the amulet around his wrist glowed lightly.

"Fireball," he said, sounded unimpressed and rather bored. A sphere of flames launched from his palm, striking the goblin and lobbing it up against a wall. The Digimon then fell... onto a pile of other weak Child Digimon that had attempted similar attempts. The larger ones with the sharper teeth had thus far avoided his IMMEDIATE area.

Yawning, he went back to his tea.


freelancer_whut March 23 2008, 05:57:31 UTC
Gintoki soon took notice of the digimon that suddenly turned away from whoever did that magic spell. "Well crap, here comes the big guys," Gintoki said and he positioned himself to take out the incoming digimon. "Suddenly, running doesn't seem like such a bad idea."


SOS Brigade GO GO GO onlysaneguy March 22 2008, 07:01:24 UTC
Mass Panic? Check. Not being able to find hide nor hair of Haruhi or Yuki? Double check. Neemon being about as useful as a wet paper towel? Oh yes that is a check. That was what was running through Kyon's mind, as he tried to find either of the girls all while carrying Neemon under one arm and not get his ass kicked by angry digimon.

"HARUHI WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" he shouted, which pretty much drew then attention of a group of very angry looking ... Oh god, Numemon.


Re: SOS Brigade GO GO GO yuki_nagato March 22 2008, 07:20:13 UTC
As the Numemon approached Kyon's...ankles, they seemed to collide with an invisible barrier of sorts and scattered all about, screaming incoherently all the while.

The reason behind the barrier? Nagato Yuki, with Piyomon flying above her protectively. A look was in Yuki's eyes that hadn't been seen since the time concerning Asakura Ryoko.

"...Numemon in disarray."

Piyomon, for her part, was surprised at what she had just witnessed. "...Yuki-chan can do that?!"


Re: SOS Brigade GO GO GO smile_n_stab March 22 2008, 07:32:25 UTC
As the Numemon rallied at the barrier a new digimon showed up on the scene, a Kotemon who quickly struck at some that had been tossed back by the barrier with his wooden sword.

"Mistress! Mistress!" He shouted, having noticed just who and what was nearby and not just the Numemon, which is what brought a girl, with long blue hair and wearing a sailor styled school uniform, and an odd glow about her hands to the scene.

"Nagato! Kyon-kun~" Asakura grinned, but instead of attacking her former superior and classmate she instead had a glowing hand strike out at the digimon. "I suggest you two try not to die~!"


Re: SOS Brigade GO GO GO yuki_nagato March 22 2008, 07:47:12 UTC
Yuki's expression now resembled the one she'd had when she realized she had forgotten to restore her glasses. Out of all the individual Tamers in the area, she hadn't expected Asakura Ryoko to come to their aid.

".....Deletion is not an option." Yuki replied monotonely, suddenly chanting very quickly and in a low voice. Holding out her now glowing hand, it struck at the aforementioned Digimon seconds after Ryoko's had done so.

"I once told him that I would protect him. That has not been rescinded."


When You See A T-Rex, You Must Ninja Kick It In The Head jacksmishaps March 22 2008, 07:09:00 UTC
Jack stormed down the crowded streets, looking all the world like the vicious pirate he should be. His sword bare and two pistols stuffed into his waistcoat, he stepped forward, a fine mist gathering behind him ( ... )


Re: When You See A T-Rex, You Must Ninja Kick It In The Head gategolfing March 22 2008, 15:38:21 UTC
O'Neill and Commandramon caught up with the group, staff hin the colonel's hand and gun in the Digimon's.

"Captain Sparrow, just a note, this is crazy. That said, I like crazy. Commandramon, let's do this."

"Yes sir!"


Re: When You See A T-Rex, You Must Ninja Kick It In The Head lightningxnymph March 22 2008, 16:22:37 UTC
"And what's wrong with a little crazy in the world?" Larxene said, pulling out her daggers. She already had Lighdramon out, as in this situation, his Child form wouldn't cut it. "Now let's make sure our captain stays alive."


Re: When You See A T-Rex, You Must Ninja Kick It In The Head jacksmishaps March 22 2008, 16:26:27 UTC
Jack grinned at his crew for a moment. "'it 'em wherever you feel like it Colonel. Larx, hit it from the air. Hobbit-person, round to the back. I want to see backstabbing. Mr. Gibbs? Fire at will!"

"Aye Captain!" Gibbs brought up the BFG he was carrying and fired; the long beam of energy blasting Allomon in the face as Jack and Sam darted forward, Sting and Magic Sword bare with Bearmon following his Tamer.


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