
Feb 07, 2012 02:02

Who: A whole lot of folks.
What: Quest For The Tags Finale: Chaos
When: February 7th, Early Morning
Where: Paladin Point, Draco Island ( Read more... )

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digitaldivemods January 17 2012, 08:27:28 UTC
[G-- I mean, STOP! ... Yes, this is till a Red Tag, so we can split the actual Chaosmon fight off from the Sub Boss set-up.]


dive_npc January 17 2012, 08:33:38 UTC
To say the blast from the Darkdramon head's mouth was massive would be putting it mildly. The energy blast streaked out, into, and THROUGH the ground... right where the Tamers were gathered.

There was a massive explosion, as power and earth exploded from beneath the Tamers and Digimon's feet for hundreds of yards all before Chaosmon. Many of the statues of the Royal Knights would go toppling, some crumbling from the sheer force of the now-shaking island.

A massive plume of smoke rose, and...

Chaosmon advanced.


digitaldivemods January 17 2012, 08:39:43 UTC
[Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, GO! GO! GO!

This window of opportunity will be left open until sometime tomorrow to give people a little time to react to this.

Chaosmon has just blown the crap out of the very ground the gathered Tamers were standing on. The battlefield is going to be pretty wrecked once the smoke clears, and that's not going to be for a while.

Many people are likely to be tossed about. This is not an easily dodged situation.

Visibility, due to the explosion and large plume of dust? Is VERY poor. If you see Chaosmon, that means you're right on top of him. Or he's right on top of YOU.

Please remember, unless you're replying to someone else, try to keep tags running off this tag to keep things organized.]


gotthescent January 17 2012, 16:35:58 UTC
The fact that they had been near the edge of the crowd did very little to reduce the effects of such a large blast. Baron was forced upwards and struggled to stay stable, while Apollo was thrown away from the epicenter and at a ruined wall. A red shield bubble appeared around him an instant before he hit and he plowed through it, hitting the ground and rolling to a stop. Baron descended on Apollo's last know position, the wind from his wings blowing away most of the dust in the immediate area.


"I'm okay! You?" He got to his feet as Baron landed, his eyes closed as he tried to get the dust out of them.

"I'm fine, but I can't see where that giant digimon is in all the smoke down here."

"I can smell him. He's that way." Apollo pointed in a seemingly random direction into the dust. He opened his eyes and ran over to Baron, starting to climb on. "We'll prolly be able to see him from the air."

Baron took off and they rose above the cloud of dust.


rurouken January 17 2012, 21:34:44 UTC
Even as far away as Kenshin & Gaioumon were, the blast was so sudden, fierce, and powerful that there was little time to react. Kenshin immediately knew that even with his "godspeed" he couldn't completely outrun it. Within a split second, he was trying to chart a course between the explosions of rock and earth erupting up towards him, but at the same time, he knew that even if HE could make it through unscathed, Gaioumon wouldn't be as lucky ( ... )


sclassedge January 17 2012, 21:45:47 UTC
Before Zero could even really process the fact that Vile was back, teamed with Daemon, and probably now trying to help bring about the end of all things, there came the explosion. And the ground beneath him erupted ( ... )


lyricalmagical January 17 2012, 22:11:15 UTC
Nanoha had, indeed, come to this battle with a plan. But it was a plan dealing with a known quantity. Had Eggman and Megatron been able to pull the double cross she knew to be expecting, she was prepared to deal with it. She knew how to deal with it ( ... )


kenkabanchou January 17 2012, 22:11:47 UTC
ShineGreymon gave a heavy, pained groan, eyes rolling back to see just what had stopped his descent. Even in the thick smoke and rising dust cloud, he could see he had smashed right through the statue of the Royal Knight Omegamon, and was in fact sitting in the pedestal where the statue had once resided.

The Light Dragon grimaced.

"That's gotta be some sorta bad luck."

Daimon Masaru's eyes were ... spinning, and he held a death grip upon his partner's shoulder armor. As he heard Nanoha's voice, though, he gave a mild grin throwing them a thumb's up.

"Heh, Agumon could totally kick ass as an outfielder, don't ya think?"


lyricalmagical January 17 2012, 22:12:23 UTC
Nanoha and Ophanimon pushed themselves up, and moved to float up to ShineGryemon's shoulder. Thanks to them, they had suffered less damage than they might have otherwise... but the cost was obvious to ShineGreymon. His armor was already banged in at several points, scratches also littering his body.

"Masaru..." she murmured, again, but despite a brief flash of relief on her face, her expression quickly fell. "...Masaru. You know you can't stay here."


kenkabanchou January 17 2012, 22:13:05 UTC
Masaru eyed her for a moment, and then averted his gaze. "Not like I can leave you guys to handle this bastard. I know what Simon said, but--"

He looked up, and caught Nanoha's expression. Fierce and unwavering.

Nanoha knew him too well.

They had all seen Taichi. Not only was he one of theirs, he was a friend. If Daemon was going to make him do these horrible things... Not trying to put a stop to it, not trying to get through to him was killing Masaru inside.

He gave a heavy sigh.

"Don't go gettin' yourselves killed. I wouldn't be able to look Yoshino in the face if that happened, or Fate."

Anything else he could think to say, though, was cut off.


lyricalmagical January 17 2012, 22:13:38 UTC
Because then, Nanoha reached out and hugged him around the neck.

"You too, Masaru," she said gently, with a small smile. "Go handle that. Help bring him back. You and I both know that's what you need to do. I promise you... we will do all we can to survive. And together, all of us - everyone here - will find a way to win. I am certain of that."

She pulled back, then, and composed herself. She and Ophanimon both gave him a quick salute, before both turned to shoot into the air. She had to get higher.

She had to get the room and freedom to get a signal out.

They were going to need help.


kenkabanchou January 17 2012, 22:14:00 UTC
"ShineGreymon," Masaru said, quietly, patting the side of his partner's head. "Let's hit it."

ShineGreymon tightened his fists, and nodded. He groaned again as he righted himself up, and then ignited his jets, blowing back smoke and dust behind him. Then, he flew. Away from this battle. Not to run...

He did it so they could do what needed to be done.


robotnik_mkii January 17 2012, 22:35:36 UTC

This curse came from Mugendramon as the explosions went off. Eggman was blown clean off his feet, but narrowly managed to grab hold of Mugendramon's head as he went skyward. Mugendramon was blown back a ways, but considerably less due to his considerable weight and size. What this did mean was he took a good amount of energy and exploding rocks to his underside...

Then, once he hit the ground, the weakened earth promptly collapsed beneath his girth, and he fell into/created a rather sizable sink hole.

He was, for the moment, stuck.

Eggman gnashed his teeth and glowered, composing himself as he laid against the top of Mugendramon's head.

If he'd had any remaining troops left, they were demolished by Chaosmon's attack. It was just as well, they were... well, he'd had other plans and things to unveil to get the drop on the heroes. This was definitely changing his gameplan, however...


kantooutlaw January 17 2012, 23:27:59 UTC
Over the explosion and the screams one particular scream rose above the others, familiar.

"I thought we'd last longer then this!" James cried spinning through the air.

"Looks like we can't all be important to the plot!" Rosemon cried soaring along with him.

They zoomed for the horizon propelled by the explosion with the defeated cry "Looks like Team Rockets blasting off Already!!!!"


guardianofearth January 18 2012, 02:09:05 UTC
Remains of the old Digital World? What is he talking about? Miria wondered as she kept her eyes and sensors firmly focused on Chaosmon, Daemon, and the demon king's followers. She watched for the first sign of attack from them while scanning for anything that might tip her off to their next action. Then her sensors picked up an energy buildup in the Darkdramon head of Chaosmon, a clear sign that he was about to act.

“Incoming!” Miria cried as Chaosmon fired. The HSAT had three things working to her advantage: Advanced warning, supercomputer fast reaction time, and the ability to fly. By the time the blast tore through the earth where Miria had been standing, she was rocketing upward with her partner. However, she didn't completely escape. The shock-wave of the blast caught the HSAT and sent her tumbling through the air like a leaf swept up by the wind until Randar caught her.

“Sorry, forgot that you are not as fast as you used to be,” The digimon apologized. “Still have your sensor lock?Miria shot Randar an annoyed look, but ( ... )


readmyback January 18 2012, 02:25:38 UTC
Kulon reacted the moment Chaosmon fired the blast and took off, forcing Sadamitsu to grab his forehead horn to keep from falling. It was enough to avoid the worst of the blast, and Kulon's new flight ability kept him fairly stable in the face of the shockwave that followed, but in focusing on not being blown away, he wasn't able to dodge the chunk of rock that was flung out of the ground. He was hit in the shoulder, which broke his concentration and sent him spinning in the air as he frantically tried to regain control, only to crash into the statue of Dukemon and plowed into the ground beyond it. The impact with the ground sent Sadamitsu flying into a newly-unburied boulder, his vision going to black for a moment before Junk brought the screen inside the helmet back on.

"Damn that guy's strong. Junk, Kulon, you guys okay?"

"I detect no major damage. My power reserves were depleted somewhat, but full combat is still possible."

Kulon started to climb back onto his feet.

"I'm okay, Aniki!"

"Good. Wait, where's Kamishiro? Kamishiro


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