Sep 12, 2010 10:50

 I couldn't pass up this theme without attempting it.  It was like fate.
DiTL of a Ph.D. candidate in Pharmacology

6 AM: Do.Not.Want

Cheerios and grapes for breakfast

Olive assumes her usual position, waiting for scraps to drop

I thought this sweatshirt was highly appropriate for today

Leaving the house a few minutes behind schedule

Dear Traffic: I hate you.

I track my protein intake

Then we get to experimenting.
I'm helping to train a rotation student, so today she was performing the assay on her own while I watched.


I spend some time looking up essential lab equipment. 
Did you know a 20-L carboy with spigot would cost you $532?

I make up a protocol sheet for the afternoon's assay

The husband sends me an email with a potential job posting.

I post about it.


Science in the afternoon!

Setting up the assay plate

Science can be exciting!  And dangerous.

Checking my to-do list

Done for the day

Daycare pick-up

Finally home

A staple in every DITL

Stellar husband made dinner AND did the dishes.
<3 <3 <3

Set up bread in the bread machine for the picnic I have tomorrow

Post-dinner wrestling

Walk the dog

Play until bedtime

Pack my bag for tomorrow

Try to find the dog in the darkness

And bed.
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