I think I've finally surpressed the last homicidal urges to kill Dyta gotten the last of that goddamn dye out of my hair. How much of that crap did you USE?! God e__e
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I woke up this morning in a pink room. A girly, frilly, PINK room. As a girly, frilly PINK girl. What the hell!?! This is NOT my body and NOT my clothes. Ugh, these ..skirts! That's practically all she HAS to wear! God, this is absolutely revolting!! Who the fucking hell is responsible for this!?! I'll kill them!!!
*Headdesk* This city is just so goddamn weird I can't even begin to comprehend the things that go on in it sometimes. There are times it's hard to tell when people are lying because half the time even the actual truths are so farfetched they couldn't possibly make any sense, yet somehow, they just keep happening...