Beyond Seclusion | log |

Nov 20, 2010 17:10

Who: Edward Chris von Muir & Open to all!
When: Nov 20th
Where: The Planet's Core
What: Unsure of what the future holds for him, Edward wanders in search of them.
Type: Log
Notes/Warnings: PG-13, maybe?

What will happen next, I wonder... )

count dooku [star wars], kain highwind [final fantasy iv], edward chris von muir [final fantasy iv], terra branford [final fantasy vi], cecil harvey [final fantasy iv]

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Comments 31

smooth_sith November 21 2010, 00:26:00 UTC
A deep, dignified voice suddenly rang out behind him. "Very few things are eternal," Count Dooku said, approaching from the shadows. "However, conflict is one of them." He stopped and regarded the bard, so nicely close to the edge of an abyss. "You are thinking of this conflict, aren't you?"


melodiesoflute November 21 2010, 02:51:29 UTC
Nearly slipping off the ledge once he heard someone approach, Edward whirled around to see a stately fellow standing before him. Not recognizing the man at all, Edward couldn't help but feel a tad uncomfortable. Was he a newcomer here? The frail bard doubted that, but he didn't want to think of the other thought. There's no possible way he could do battle against one of Chaos' warriors, so Edward was praying that luck was on his side.

"A-Ah, yes." He answered a tad too meekly for his own comfort. "The war is one that is everlasting, correct? If so, why? If the Goddess wins, then wouldn't Chaos be destroyed?" Edward sure hoped this man wasn't from the opposing fraction.


smooth_sith November 21 2010, 18:36:16 UTC
"If the veterans from Cosmos are to be believed, then the Goddess did indeed win the last contest," Dooku intoned, standing tall as though at a podium. "And now we all find ourselves here to repeat the process. However, if Chaos triumphs, perhaps the result will be a more decisive one." That was what Dooku expected and wanted, at least. He had no intention of refighting this war after it was done: he only wished to gain as much power as he could from earning Chaos' favour, then return to his own galaxy to use that power for his own ends.


melodiesoflute November 21 2010, 20:50:36 UTC
There was some truth to be had in Dooku's words, but Edward didn't want to think of what destruction may come if Chaos wins this war. "If Chaos is victorious, then the realms from which we hail from shall be forfeit. He will destroy all life, and plunge our worlds into darkness." The bard let out a soft sigh before continuing. "Cosmos' guiding light will forever fade, and harmony will be nothing more than a wistful memory of better days." Nearly cringing at the thought of such a dismal fate, Edward had to wonder why this man seemed so eager for Chaos to win.

“Are you…” Edward trailed off just briefly. “Are you a Warrior of Chaos?”


bound_skyward November 21 2010, 09:47:31 UTC
Kain was- what else?- in the middle of a training session. He'd just finished beating up a couple mannequins in another area, so now he stepped out into the Planet's Core to see another challenge.

...Instead he found the bard, catching his statement at the moment he crossed into that place.

"...You don't?"


melodiesoflute November 21 2010, 20:57:09 UTC
The startled bard almost fell right off the ledge, but Edward managed to keep his footing. "K-Kain?!" He nearly yelped in surprise. The last person he expected to see here today was Kain. The poor bard honestly didn't have much of a good rapport with the dragoon, but Edward was hoping this wouldn't hinder them now. He certainly does fear Kain to some degree, but he's hoping that his allegiance to Cecil will keep him safe.

"I...I guess you overheard." Edward looked a tad sheepish now. He honestly didn't wish for anyone to hear such somber thoughts. "No, I do not. For Anna's sake, I do not."


bound_skyward November 22 2010, 07:16:15 UTC
Lucky for Edward, Kain was in one of his saner, stable states of mind. For the moment. He could so easily make the bard a target for his cruel teasing but he decided against it. He just wasn't in the mood with the threat of constant war looming over them.

"...oh.... Right. I should have realized." Kain felt immediately awkward for not thinking of his reason for not wanting to leave. But it made sense. If there were someone like that for him, Kain would feel the same. "If it's any consolation, I doubt this will end anytime soon."


melodiesoflute November 22 2010, 21:11:32 UTC
Edward's eyes widened somewhat at Kain's reply. "Why do you say that? Cosmos is ready to defeat Chaos, isn't she?" From what the other warriors have said, they claim that the Goddess was now seeking for a way to end this war against the God of Discord by using the might of the crystals. Those who've survived Cosmos in the past claimed that this was their coup de grâce, but Kain here seemed to believe otherwise.

"Is Chaos plotting for an upset, isn't he?" There was fear in Edward's gaze, fear for the Goddess of Harmony. "If he wins, we're doomed to the bleakness of the Void." Edward was so troubled now. If this war doesn't end, then they're trapped here for all eternity, but if it did...then Anna will vanish.


did someone order a moonman? hallowedlight November 21 2010, 19:51:55 UTC
Like most other warriors, Cecil had been spending more and more of his time lately in training, preparing for the final battle to come. It served a twofold purpose: as well as training, his travels took him through each stage, on patrol for Chaos warriors. Even if Cosmos had the upper hand, they could not afford complacency, if they didn't want a repeat of the kidnapping incident.

Shortly after arriving at Planet's Core, a figure in red caught Cecil's attention. Curious, he jumped from platform to platform until he reached the same level. It was-- "Edward?" He hadn't missed what the bard had said, either. "Why wouldn't you want this to end?"


Yes~!!!!!!!! melodiesoflute November 21 2010, 21:03:01 UTC
Why is everyone so intent of scaring him today!?

He barely heard Cecil’s approach and when the paladin came near, Edward nearly screamed. The poor bard is a bundle of nerves, a tense young man who’s honestly not much of a warrior. It took him a few failed tries for him to reach this high tier, a feat that Cecil seemed to have conquered easily. Feeling a tad sheepish now, Edward offered Cecil a slight smile before answering.

"I guess I mumbled that too loudly." He chuckled nervously. "But yes, I...I don't think this war should end. I mean, not until I find a way to bring Anna back with me." Edward wasn't sure if Cecil remembered who Anna was, but the bard was willing to fill in the gaps if need be.

"The dead cannot walk amongst the living, but here...they can."


hallowedlight November 21 2010, 21:41:49 UTC
Cecil gave an apologetic smile, having not realised he'd startled the man. He must have been well and truly lost in his own thoughts not to notice Cecil's approach ( ... )


melodiesoflute November 22 2010, 02:52:08 UTC
"I know, but..." Edward let out a soft sigh. "I'm not sure if I can handle losing her again, Cecil." It took him awhile to accept that Anna was dead, and now that she's been resurrected Edward found himself quickly falling for again. He knows that there's no way for them to be together again and has taken strides to distance himself from Anna, but the love he has for her is still there.

"I don't want others to suffer." He quickly said with much conviction. "I truly don't. This war should end, and end it will. Although, what...what shall I do?" The sorrow in his tone returned.

"I do not think I would want to live in a world without her, Cecil. I convinced myself before that I could, but now..."


heavenslament November 21 2010, 22:07:33 UTC
Terra had wandered to the Planet's Core for further training; there seems little else to do until the next battle. She scanned the area, seeking a mannequin rather than an actual warrior of Chaos with which to do battle. Her mind was restless, troubled, and she didn't want Kefka or anyone like him further disturbing it.

Upon seeing the bard, Terra leaped to a floating rock closer by, then another. She was just in time to hear his words. Blinking, the young woman regarded him curiously. "That's the first time I ever heard someone say that. Everyone else is impatient for this war to be over."


melodiesoflute November 22 2010, 02:58:13 UTC
Interrupted from his thoughts by the soft-spoken girl, Edward glanced over towards Terra with an owlish gaze. Had she overheard him? Yes, it seems she has much to his embarrassment. How shameful it must be for a Warrior of Cosmos to confess such a thought, but Edward truly felt that way.

"It's an unpopular thought, I know." He looked a tad guilty for confessing that. "But there's a reason why I feel that way, but I think it's the wrong reason."


heavenslament November 22 2010, 03:20:20 UTC
"Why would it be wrong?" Terra looked the bard over; she barely knew him, but he didn't seem like a soul interested in prolonging war. What could have driven him to make such a comment?

" it because of friends made here? You worry about not being able to see them again?" Given her sympathetic expression, he wasn't the only one thinking that, if so. It would be hard to leave certain people, even though she felt it important to see the conflict end.


melodiesoflute November 22 2010, 03:45:26 UTC
In a failed attempt to hide his shock, Edward gave Terra a solemn nod. It was difficult for him to speak about this, especially since he knows how wrong he is to be so selfish. Despite this he couldn't help but wish for another day or two with Anna before they are ripped apart by fate again. He utterly hated these selfish desires, but Edward felt so hopeless right now.

"I..." He's struggling to speak out of his own reluctance to mention Anna. Even just the thought of his love brings forth so much conflicting emotions. If it was possible for a man to drown from sorrow, Edward would've certainly drowned by now. "I guess you could say that. If the war ends, then someone very dear to me may never be seen again."


mountain_sage November 22 2010, 19:34:41 UTC
Saleh was once again taking the time to explore the different territories, and he was quite surprised to say the least to see the frail bard out here. He did not catch Edward's comment, however.

"Edward? Is that you?"


melodiesoflute November 22 2010, 21:53:55 UTC
Edward turned once he heard the monk's voice. "Yes, it's me!" He replied a tad cheerfully. "I hadn't expected to see you here. Have you been hunting the mannequins, again?" The bard hadn't run into any of those mindless pests yet, so it was safe to assume that someone had been hunting them down for sport.


mountain_sage November 22 2010, 22:00:46 UTC
"I had not expected to see you here either," Saleh admitted. "It may not be safe for non-combatants to tread alone."

And Edward had admitted to not being a warrior.


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