{004: Respite

Sep 21, 2010 20:50

Who: Jill (zerosuitjill) and you~
When: Present
Where: God of War's Lair, Tiffauges Castle (Neutral Territory)
What: Otherwise restless, Jill checks out one of the newer territories.
Type: Starting as a log, but either's fine.
Notes/Warnings: None.

The time bomb is ticking )

naoto shirogane [persona 4], jill valentine [resident evil], kurtis [disgaea], tifa lockhart [final fantasy vii], chris redfield [resident evil]

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Comments 74

38thdefender September 22 2010, 01:35:02 UTC
Kurtis watched as the woman dispatched the Mannequin. He was out training and exploring. He was prepared to run into members of Chaos, but he hadn't been expecting this. Could this be the woman Chris had described?

Kurtis stepped around the corner, out into the open.

"Not bad."


zerosuitjill September 22 2010, 01:45:58 UTC
Jill was quick to turn at the voice, but the automatic tension that shot through her was subtle and she didn't turn her weapon towards the source. She blinked when her eyes fixed on what looked like--a bird?--and she glanced behind and around it, making sure it was the one who had spoken. It seemed the two of them were alone, however, and so she was left to assume that it--he, by the voice--had indeed talked.

"...Thanks," she replied after a moment of recovery. An oddly normal reaction, but after meeting Boy and Shadow and witnessing the dead walking, talking animals were no longer that much of a shock, even if they hadn't fallen under Jill's range of relatively normal just yet.

She lowered her gun, but it remained in her hand at her side. "You're one of the newer arrivals?" she assumed.


38thdefender September 22 2010, 02:05:41 UTC
"Arrived just before the kidnappings," he explained.

Cautiously, he took a few steps forward. There was no sense in shouting at each other across a room, but he wanted to be careful in case she decided to attack, after all.


zerosuitjill September 22 2010, 02:15:18 UTC
Jill nodded, and then after a moment more holstered her weapon. He probably wouldn't have announced his presence if he planned on attacking her; if he was strong enough to do so even with her attention caught, well... she'd color that unlikely for the moment, and depend on her reflexes.

"Not long, then. I'm Jill," she offered after a brief pause, decidedly closing some of the distance with a few steps of her own. "Jill Valentine."


bsaa_ace September 22 2010, 03:58:26 UTC
Chris was never the type to be happy couped up in one space for too long. As such, he'd taken to wandering around rather aimlessly for a week or so. Luckily he hadn't run into anyone - despite some close calls with certain Chaos warriors nearly discovering him - while looking for the hostages. Now, however, he was relieved to find a Chaos warrior, or rather this one.

"Good to see you in top shape," he said with a smirk as he leaned on a corner wall. It'd been far too long since they'd talked.


zerosuitjill September 22 2010, 12:49:15 UTC
Jill smiled before she even turned around, and then the expression grew when she caught sight of Chris. "Good to be in shape again," she replied with a slight shake of her head, automatically making her way towards him. "Funny how different the world looks when you don't need a shoulder to lean on every few minutes."


bsaa_ace September 22 2010, 13:55:33 UTC
Chris just smiled, all the worry he had been holding in just sort of melting away. She was fine. Better than fine, really. That took a lot off of Chris' shoulders, and that probably showed with just how relaxed he seemed to be.

"Yeah, I hear that. Damn it's good to see you like this." He walked forward, clapping Jill gently on the shoulder, the conversation he had with Tifa still fresh in his mind.

"So... how's things on your end?"


zerosuitjill September 22 2010, 14:07:17 UTC
Jill caught that relaxation in his poise and was glad for it, even if it gave her a small pang of responsibility. It didn't show.

"As well as I can hope for," she replied, shrugging lightly. "That whole stunt that Dooku and the others pulled... I'm just glad it ended well, more or less, from what I can tell. Other than that... it's a little too quiet, you know?"


enamoredbytruth September 22 2010, 16:47:30 UTC
The fact that gunfire was heard in an unknown territory caused the detective to raise her own, on standby and for safety reasons. She had arrived here mostly out of curiosity and intrigue, and was now making her way around without trying to get lost.

Well. At least she was getting around, the lost end was a bit more difficult to not fall into. If only Senpai was here...

The ending cries of a nearby mannequin caught her attention, causing her to run to a nearby corner and peer over, looking at what she could. Through all the mirrors and nearby sounds, she could make out the figure of a woman nearby, obviously either struggling to fix her gun or taking a moment to do something else.

A breath's pause, and then she spoke. "Usually one tends to retreat to safety right after a battle." Gun was raised slightly, as she had no idea how or what side this person was on. It was better to not take any chances.


zerosuitjill September 22 2010, 19:37:24 UTC
Her weapon still in hand, Jill stilled her movements as she looked over, but the combination of reflections and shadows and the voice's echo made it difficult to immediately pinpoint the source. Although she slipped her gun to her right hand, her finger to the trigger's loop, she kept it pointed skyward, her posture straight but neutral.

"I don't have a lot of experience with that luxury," she replied coolly. "If I come out of it fine, I keep going."


enamoredbytruth September 23 2010, 00:16:05 UTC
Considering her options, as well as her opponent's motives and current actions, Naoto chose to turn the corner, revealing herself. Weapon lowered and off to the side (yet still in hand), the teenager looked over the other woman, curiosity in her eyes.

"Then I suppose you're not like most policemen I know back home." There was the hint of a small smile at that, indicating she wasn't going to harm Jill. But at the same time, she still didn't let go of her gun. Precaution was something necessary, especially in her field.


zerosuitjill September 23 2010, 00:45:25 UTC
Jill's eyes found and followed the weapon, but given the neutrality of the other's gesture, she looked instead to the stranger's face after a moment, her own gun likewise lowering to her side. She--definitely a she, although Jill would have mistaken her for otherwise in the low light--was young, probably River's age; young for a gun, and younger for war.

Jill caught that hint, and glanced aside dismissively after another couple seconds. She wasn't entirely sure how to take that comment--although it seemed to be a positive one--but she admitted in good humor, "Probably not." She paused. "I've... been in some crazy situations that most cops wouldn't come close to," she said evenly. "Some of them back when I worked in the force myself." She looked ahead again, offering her own slight smile. "It's habit more than anything."


Twice now, they had been forced to battle on a full-scale. And both times, new territories were added to the playing field afterwards. And with each round, it became less and less a coincidence that such a thing occurred, and more like a routine for the worlds to shift and reshape itself into the image that the Gods saw fit. Either way, Tifa was steadily growing accustomed to how this plane worked. Which meant that it was only a matter of time before another fight would start again, and with it, the promise of new places to explore. New places fight for survival ( ... )


I WOULDN'T DREAM OF PUTTING IT OFF ANY LONGER <333 zerosuitjill September 24 2010, 03:29:02 UTC
Jill heard the rapid footsteps first, and that turned her towards the source in a quick swivel on her heel, her gun rising--and then she paused when she saw who it was, her shoulders losing some of their tension in her surprise and her weapon lowering slightly.

She might have echoed the other's words, but her own realization was clear enough without them. It didn't take her long to deduce the rest of her reaction, though; she hadn't wanted to fight this young woman before, and she certainly didn't want to do so now, and she was more than perceptive enough to have concluded that that much had been mutual in the battle. Barely two seconds after her comprehension, Jill let her gun arm fall to her side, her posture straightening back from its poise into something more neutral, even if she remained wary. Perceptive or not, she didn't know this girl.

There wasn't much to say in reply to being recognized as an enemy, though, so Jill only gave a slight nod after a moment.


CHRIS, ESPECIALLY, WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN I THINK lightning_fists September 25 2010, 02:36:05 UTC
It was only after coming face to face with the woman and registering the familiarity of her face that Tifa noticed the gun going pointed at her. No surprise, really. Given how she had come up behind the other and what the young barmaid knew of her - Jill, he had said was her name - she could only expect that a gun would be the first line of defense against a possible assailant. It was a safety net; a cushion of comfort for someone accustomed to using them. After all, both Barret and Vincent would have done the same, she supposed ( ... )


LOL OH, CHRIS. YOU SUCH A PEACEMAKER. zerosuitjill September 25 2010, 03:00:46 UTC
Jill blinked, taken aback, and almost asked "What?" when she thought she'd misheard--but no, she knew she hadn't. Not even the dim echo in the room could have distorted words that much. She hesitated, not hiding her uncertainty, but she knew more than most the necessity of pushing smaller matters aside for the sake of survival, and that was a close enough comparison here. Jill was indeed alone, and if this girl had come running over, there was no way of knowing who else had become interested in the noise, Mannequin or otherwise ( ... )


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