5th // Voice

Dec 21, 2010 23:08

'In war, truth is the first casualty.'

Every time there is a conflict, the truth is being distorted even before the fighting ends. Propaganda is created, heroes and villains are invented or ignored. Some sacrifices may be remembered, others forgotten. Everything depends on whose interests are best served by which version of the truth...

Once any battle ends, a new one begins: a fight to determine whose version of history will be written down and passed on to the next generation. Who was the victim? Who was the aggressor? Whose cause was the most noble? Most of the time, history is determined by the victor of the conflict.

I've been thinking about these things. It's a bit of an interest of mine, you could say. There is no media here, no source of records besides these crystals we are supposed to talk on. No bureaucracy keeps track of our activities. We only have memory and legend to guide us when it comes to what happened before this war. What will remain, once it's done? To show that we were here, that we were taken from our worlds and made to fight for these 'gods?' What mark will be left behind, to show the future what happened here?

This war is supposedly one for the fate of the entire cosmos. I for one would like it to be remembered.

jill valentine [resident evil], saleh [fire emblem], solidus snake [metal gear solid], kurtis [disgaea]

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