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mountain_sage May 15 2011, 12:40:33 UTC
Saleh rose to his feet, clearly confused. He knew why he was here, and he knew what he had to do. But how did he end up here? Where did he come from?

He looked around at the allies that surrounded him, unsure of who most of them were. But there was one particular person he was looking for at the moment.



nullnullvier May 15 2011, 15:21:17 UTC
004 heard the man speak Cosmos' name. It sounded like he was still a little disoriented.

"I don't think you're going to find her," he said. "I think she just spoke to us in our dreams."


mountain_sage May 15 2011, 18:45:41 UTC
Saleh turned to face the man addressing him. It was true, Cosmos was nowhere to be found.

"I see..."

A pause as he pondered his questions once more. 004 looked as confused as he did.

"I'm sorry...I'm just slightly confused at the moment."


nullnullvier May 16 2011, 01:14:33 UTC
"So am I. I feel like I've been here before, but I also feel out of place, like I'm very far from home."

He looked around again. The surroundings seemed both alien and familiar somehow.


mountain_sage May 16 2011, 10:02:02 UTC
"Your feelings reflect my own quite perfectly. I know my purpose here, and yet...I feel as though there was another purpose that is lost."


nullnullvier May 16 2011, 15:51:56 UTC
"Exactly. I have so many questions about myself. Like who built me? And why am I called 004?"


for_cosmos May 15 2011, 18:09:17 UTC
Saleh wasn't the only one searching. The Warrior had taken the time to search through those gathered in the Sanctuary, trying to find where Cosmos herself might be, though if she was not present at her throne, it seemed unlikely that she would be anywhere here. "You would search for her as well?"


mountain_sage May 15 2011, 19:08:06 UTC
Saleh turned to face the man, recognizing his face, but couldn't think of the name.

"It's you..." The one of recognition was still there. "Yes, I would search for Cosmos. She may have some answers."


for_cosmos May 15 2011, 19:42:31 UTC
The warrior nodded in return, pleased that he at least remembered this man- and was remembered in return. "Saleh."

He took a moment to scan the Sanctuary once again, fruitlessly. "Undoubtably. Yet I have no seen her here."


mountain_sage May 15 2011, 19:47:24 UTC
Saleh was relieved that the Warrior remembered him as well.

"Yes...would you happen to remember anything? My memories are...vague and uncertain. It is quite unsettling."


for_cosmos May 15 2011, 19:53:00 UTC
"I am afraid that my memories are the same as your own." The warrior admitted. I can recognize you, but I do not know why..."


mountain_sage May 15 2011, 20:00:14 UTC
"I see...it is the same with me."

Saleh looked around. "Though I do recognize Terra...and another man comes to mind, though I do not see him here."


for_cosmos May 16 2011, 11:26:55 UTC
"Terra... She seems familiar to me, but I did not remember her." The warrior said, frowning. "You were the most familiar, of those gathered here."


heavenslament May 15 2011, 18:35:24 UTC
Glancing over, Terra perks up a little at mention of Cosmos' name. "I haven't seen her, not yet...." Only heard her voice, and that filled her with a sense of longing that she couldn't quite articulate.


mountain_sage May 15 2011, 19:06:15 UTC
Saleh turned to her, a small sigh of relief as he recognized her. "Terra..."

Although he did find it odd that he knew her name and face, but nothing else.

"It's good to see you."


heavenslament May 15 2011, 19:09:46 UTC
Terra stares at him curiously, though nothing comes to mind and she looks rather apologetic when she does speak. "Um...who are you?"


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