[T'was the night after Easter and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring not even a--
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More after-midnight fire drills? Not this time. When the students and staff gather outside while they may notice their school isn't on fire, the Hundred Acre Wood most definitely is
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Comments 98
A second later and he rushed into action. There were hoses for putting out fires in the Academy (and gardening) but would they reach all the way to the fence?!]
SOMEONE! Help me with the hoses! They're all around the building - help me detach them to make one big hose!
(OOC: I imagine we can get a couple of people on the hoses, and the KH peeps will be using magic 'n junk too? 8d)
Just show me what tah do, ahl help. [He looks calm, but that's just his work face.]
[The latter part occurred to him when he was trying to fit two of the hoses together. Of COURSE they didn't screw together perfectly. >:|]
Still, better than nothing, right?]
No, only thees. [Without waiting for an answer, Vinny taped the two pieces of hose in his hands together, shoving one roll of the tape at Eric when he was done. Now it was time to fix some more pieces together, and hopefully pick up some helping hands on the way.]
This guy.
But everybody will be too busy with the fire to notice, right? Right?
I need two volunteers to scout the grounds and assure that the fire has not spread beyond the fences! [preferably persons who are fast and/or can fly.]
Those of you under the age of twelve: Go inside and start soaking towels in the bathtubs. If worse comes to worse we will need them! If you see any fire on the inside, come outside and inform us immediately! Use the rooms closest to the ground floor - do you understand?
I can do that. [She speaks up immediately, voice determined. So who's coming with her?]
Surely someone was bound to accuse him of it sooner or later and, if he got involved, his control over fire was going to be obvious.
But for now, he sat on the roof of Hoover, watching critically as other students try to put out the fire themselves.]
Instead, lo and behold, he'd seen Axel, sitting on the roof of Hoover and seemingly watching everyone below.
Hadn't Mr Norrington said to stay on the lower levels?
Worry for his friend outweighing everything else right now, Roxas made a beeline for Hoover, heading quickly for the roof.]
He even saw a mess of blonde hair that was familiar before realizing that it was his roommate's doppelganger. So far, he actually hadn't spotted Roxas and briefly wondered where he was in the chaos below.]
Axel? Why are you up here?
The second will be to throw a nice blizzard spell or three at it at various points as he darts along along the fences. He'd be quicker on his Keyblade Glider, but the down side of that was no keyblade to wield and no magic. hfgdjkhs.
Unless he could find Terra or Aqua.... or even Vanitas, though the last... wasn't really an option-option.
Any other help in fighting this would be much loved, too.]
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