Discovered on a Silent Night - Day 28

Dec 28, 2014 14:46

My turn! *\o/*

A quick thank you to everyone who's gone before me - it's so lovely to have Pros-y goodies turning up every day - and to the indefatigable byslantedlight for getting us up off our collective bottoms organising us yet again this year ( Read more... )

silentnight, snailbonessilentnight, snailbones

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Comments 41

msmoat December 28 2014, 15:13:07 UTC
Pretty pictures! I like grim and moody, so these suit me.*g* I love the colors in the first one, and the lads looking serious but gorgeous. I love the sort of guardian aspects of the second one--Bodie standing vigil over London, Doyle's spirit? hovering over all. Well, it makes sense to me, anyway. *g* And, ooh, gorgeous third one, with snow and Dire Straits and, again, luscious colors. Thank you! These are great!


snailbones December 28 2014, 15:44:50 UTC

Phew! I had to post'n'run without checking to make sure I hadn't done anything daft... *mops brow*

I'm so glad you like them, especially as they decided to be completely un-Christmassy. Thank you!


cloudless_9193 December 28 2014, 15:13:19 UTC
They are all great, but I like the ones with the gold and silver textures best. Very christmassy! :-)


snailbones December 28 2014, 15:47:31 UTC

Thank you! I wish I could make them look a bit more cheery and festive, but they will insist on brooding.


cloudless_9193 December 28 2014, 18:30:41 UTC
Brooding is good. It suits them. ;-)


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snailbones December 28 2014, 15:49:00 UTC

Thank you - I'm so glad you like them... I do start off thinking I'll find them silly hats and festive jumpers, and this is where I end up. Every. Time. *headdesk* *g*


merentha13 December 28 2014, 15:18:29 UTC
mean, moody, lethal, dangerous - that would be our lads! doesn't matter the season. These are terrific, Snail! I love your style - the colors and the textures. My favorite would be the second one. I've always loved that image of Doyle. [We seem to have the same taste in "Doyle" !]

Well done and thank you for sharing all of these.


snailbones December 28 2014, 15:51:57 UTC

Thank you! And yes, I love that image of Doyle too - his eyes are perfect in it. Goodness, me obsessing on Doyle's eyes? That's a first *g*


heliophile_oxon December 28 2014, 15:20:09 UTC
Very pretty indeed - I particularly love the Dire Straits one. What programme(s) do you use to do luscious things like these?

Thank you for the beautiful treat!


snailbones December 28 2014, 16:00:06 UTC

Thank you so much - and phew! I had to post and dash out, so I was wondering if I'd managed to hit all the right buttons! I'm just sorry they're such solemn images yet again - I set out with every intention to slap them in Christmas jumpers, and this is what pops out instead!

I'm using an incredibly ancient and eccentric version of Photoshop - the poor thing really ought to have been laid to rest years ago, but it insists on staggering along. Much like myself! *g*


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