Discovered on a Silent Night - Day 28

Dec 28, 2014 14:46

My turn! *\o/*

A quick thank you to everyone who's gone before me - it's so lovely to have Pros-y goodies turning up every day - and to the indefatigable byslantedlight for getting us up off our collective bottoms organising us yet again this year.

Once again, I've failed to write - try to look surprised *g* So here's some pretty lads instead - as per usual, I can't get 'em to look festive. I've tried bribery, I've tried threats, but they still insist on looking mean and moody. But you're used to them that way. *g* Oh, and if I've got the hang of this, click to make them bigger...

This started off quite bright and Christmassy, but took a left turn down a bumpy track and pitched up looking somewhat lethal. Um, sorry? *g*  Not so much Silent Night, more the lads lurking dangerously up a dark alley. Ah well...

silentnight, snailbonessilentnight, snailbones

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