Third Gift - Stop That Cavalary

Dec 27, 2008 13:42

Here's my third contribution, a little quiet Christmas fic inspired by one of my favourite festive songs...


Stop That Cavalry

“Time for Top of the Pops,” Bodie declared happily, switching on the television and sitting down heavily on the sofa. “I haven’t seen it for ages!”

Doyle looked over from his stack of washing up, which he was piling very carefully next to the sink to be done the next day. He often wondered how a battle-hardened mercenary like Bodie could look so angelic and innocent when he was content, smiling as though he didn’t have a care in the world.

But then they had every reason to be happy, because this year, finally, they had both managed to get a couple of days off near to Christmas, and they were spending it very pleasantly together, having told their families that they were working right through the festive period.

“Leave that, Ray!” Bodie called, and Doyle did as he was told and went to sit down. Since Bodie was lounging lazily, his arm resting on the back of the sofa, Doyle was able to cosy up next to him and was soon having his ear and neck caressed by Bodie warm fingers.

As time went by, and the alcohol they had shared earlier began to catch up on them, they slipped steadily closer and closer together, until Doyle sleepily insisted on lying down with his head in Bodie’s lap. Bodie let him, and ruffled his hair playfully as he half-dozed, tapping along with his other hand on the arm of the sofa as each song was played on the television.

Then, suddenly, a blare of trumpets. A military band started up. A slender man with dark curly hair dressed as a soldier. Bodie peered at the television, wondering what sort of song this was, and Doyle opened his eyes and looked at the screen side-on from his resting place on Bodie’s legs.

The infectiously catchy tune had Bodie humming along right away, but then the lyrics started and Doyle shushed him and sat up.

Hey, Mr. Churchill comes over here
To say we're doing splendidly
But it's very cold out here in the snow
Marching to win from the enemy
Oh I say it's tough, I have had enough
Can you stop the cavalry?

“I like it,” Doyle said softly, smiling over at his partner.

“Yeah, sounds like your kind of thing,” Bodie said, not unkindly. He leaned over and put his head on Doyle’s shoulder.

I have had to fight almost every night
Down throughout these centuries
That is when I say, oh yes yet again
Can you stop the cavalry?

Mary Bradley waits at home in the nuclear fall-out zone
Wish I could be dancing now in the arms of the girl I love

Wish I was at home for Christmas

Bang! That's another bomb on another town
While Luzar and Jim have tea
If I get home, live to tell the tale I'll run for all presidencies
If I get elected I'll stop, I will stop the cavalry

Doyle was jiggling along to the music now, making Bodie’s resting place rather less comfortable than he had hoped. He hadn’t jiggled about while Doyle was dozing on top of him! So he leaned closer, turned Doyle head towards him, and stole a long, tender kiss.

Doyle stopped jiggling for a moment, but then he pulled away. “Can we just listen to the rest of this?”

Bodie rolled his eyes.

Wish I could be dancing now in the arms of the girl I love
Mary Bradley waits at home
She has been waiting 2 years long
Wish I was at home for Christmas

“I really like that!” Doyle declared when the song was finished. “I’ll have to get the single.”

“That Jona Lewie reminds me of you,” Bodie said, settling his head back on Doyle’s shoulder. “All curly hair and principles.”

“That’s funny, I thought he reminded me of you. All dark and... soldiery.”

They looked at each other for a few moments, and then both began to laugh. After looking forward to this time off together for months, they were finally able to enjoy it - and it didn’t disappoint. Soon Top of the Pops had finished, but they didn’t notice because they were too busy kissing slowly, entwined in each other’s arms. A couple of hours later, they were lying in bed, naked and asleep, peaceful and utterly content.

Title: Stop That Cavalry
Author : Rochvelleth
Pairings: B/D all the way
Notes: It’s called ‘Stop THAT Cavalry’ to distinguish it from my Robin Hood fic ‘Stop THE Cavalry’ ;) And it features my festive favourite Jona Lewie, of course! It’s just meant to be a very mild, peaceful sort of fic.
Disclaimer: They get to own each other for a couple of days!

carolling, rochvelleth08

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