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Кто-то, чей IP указывает на Франкфурт.
И сегодня этот туманный персонаж прислал нам длинное сообщение по поводу программы
о конфликте бывших "Арабесок" с подозрительно хорошим знанием того,
что же было на самом деле...
Итак, товарищ под ником Midnight Dancer пишет:
Let me tell you what happened:
The film-crew was in Frankfurt for a Homestory about Arabesque feat. Michaela Rose.
They were asking Michaela to send a message to Sandra. So she was wishing her and family all the best.
As a matter of fact - Michaela did NOT know at this time that this would be shown to Sandra afterwards. She was visited by the team several time after they have been to Frankfurt.
So Michaela was NOT trying to get in contact again to Sandra, neither she was asking to meet her.
Sandra's reaction enabled the viewers to have a glance of how she REALLY is! She was immediately calling her husband and told the camera to be turned off.
After that she was saying that Michaela's smile and wishes were fake. And she said that Michaela betrayed her. With what should she have been doing this?
Michaela did NOT even know that the team would visit Sandra after her and so she did not have a chance to react on Sandras reproaches.
Michaela was as well mentioning this time as ever before that Sandra had a big and great career and Michael did a very good job with the songs he was creating for her as well for her appearance on Enigma.
I agree to Brother Louie (это мой ник там) - Michaela was kind and sencere and Sandra rude and not in control - what a poor reaction! She did not do a favour to herself.
And yes, Michaela was using in the beginning of the rebirth of Arabesque the original phonogrammes and overdubbed with her own voice - but she was NEVER using Sandra's voice - since hers is completely different!
On top of all of this, Michaela has the permission and complete right given by the owner of the copyrights of the recordings and all depending things.
Nowadays she uses own phonogrammes that have beeen produced.
The audience always likes and appreciates Michaela's work to keep the spirit of Arabesque alive.
And they should accept that Arabesque is exinsting even WITHOUT Sandra - who never wanted have to do anything with Arabesque after she started her own solo thing.
Arabesque was NEVER performing in USSR!
When Michaela was asked in 2006 to come back as Arabesque she first was wondering why this enquiry was coming from russia.
After the owner of looking for success, a russian concert agency, was coming to Frankfurt to see Michaela and her german agent and friend Volker, she was surprised and honored that the russian people seem to miss the music of Arabesque.
Sandra EVER refused to play Arabesque songs and she did not want to have to do anything with that material.
It seems like now she is jealous that people still adore Michaela and that she is keeping the spirit of Arabesque alive.
That's why she was using the old original phonogramms to provide to the audience the maximum of original feeling.
I really feel very sad and ashamed when I read what some of you are talking about Michaela, a person that you do not know personally.
It's no problem if you have a favorite even in one group like Arabesque - the taste is different!
And some of you still act like school kids (or even kindergaden) - not like adults.
I know Michaela since many years and I know what she was going through in her life.
Why do you compare Michaela with a snake?
I was a big Sandra fan for a long time.
I liked her music.
But honestly it was ALWAYS Michael who was the genius behind her.
Even though she had big success she never was taken seriously. And the reason is that she forgot to grow up.
You can see this easily in her reaction in this documentary that was ORIGINALLY thought as a documentary about Arabesque feat. Michaela Rose and not a battle Michaela vs. Sandra!
This is what this channel was making out of it.
And THIS is the truth!
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Материалы по теме:
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