Apr 09, 2011 21:43

Where: Spero University, that one building where people are likely throwing toilet paper out of windows and onto the trees.
When: Saturday night
Rating: Go look at the rating on the nearest stupid teen movie. That is it.
Summary: THERE'S A PARTY AND EVERYONE'S INVITED. It may double as a cover to get ( Read more... )

[ xxxholic ] kimihiro watanuki, [ one piece ] marco, [ final fantasy viii ] seifer almasy, [ kingdom hearts ] namine, [ hetalia ] japan/kiku honda, [ hetalia ] america/alfred jones, [ homestuck ] gamzee makara, [ yu-gi-oh 5ds ] yusei fudo, [ homestuck ] eridan ampora

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Comments 317

asideglance April 10 2011, 02:40:24 UTC
Seeking him to hide out from the law sounds good, let's go with that. It was difficult enough getting to Spero, but they managed, and now at this sort of a sight... Japan wasn't sure how to react. Well, hopefully these people would be too preoccupied to notice anything and report them. Or at least they'd have enough of a warning...

There were a ton of reasons, but that was hardly important. Japan wanted to find America at some point, and there were some others he wanted to get the chance to speak with without talking over the network, as well. So you might spot him sheepishly moving around.


satellitemecha April 10 2011, 02:50:09 UTC
Yusei spots him. He has excellent observation skills, after all.

He moves strategically through the crowd, having trouble despite how thin it is, finally stopping in front of Japan.

"Japan!" he exclaimed.


asideglance April 10 2011, 02:58:09 UTC
"Ah, Yusei-san." Japan is glad that most of the strangers in this city knew his wanted name as Kiku. It made his actual name a lot easier to freely use. "Forgive me for losing contact."


satellitemecha April 10 2011, 03:45:21 UTC
"It's fine. I understand." Yusei replied. "What I don't understand is why you guys did that."

He edged to the side slightly to avoid contact with a drunk guy who passed.


fierybluebird April 10 2011, 05:29:52 UTC
Luckily Marco enjoys boat rides, so even though he's planning on leaving early, he did promise to bring as much alcohol as he could, and that's just his usual standard mode. Someone has to be the responsible one and as the "oldest sibling" in a crew of 1600, that usually fell to Marco, and that was how he liked it. Even on the Moby Dick, a decent party could spot him leaving early to go play phoenix protector and make sure they hadn't drawn too much attention -- or to get some real work done. Someone had to keep things running smoothly.

His disguise isn't too horrible. A fedora covering the signature pineapple look, and a buttoned up shirt and tie covering the tattoo. Of course it makes him look less like a pirate and a lot more old, but sometimes fabulous fashion was the price to pay for not getting arrested. At the moment Marco is staring at the hot wings. They're chicken. Marco is not a chicken. He's not even avian currently so really he shouldn't be having worries about cannibalism. He can win this battle of willpower. ( ... )


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 06:52:31 UTC
The disguise is incredible, obviously. So incredible that America doesn't recognize him. Then again, he's got a red cup in one hand and a lawn gnome in the other, so who really knows his mental state at the moment. No one knows what he was doing with the gnome. Inappropriate use of lawn decor seems to popular at this party, apparently.

Shenanigans and whatever crafty plots he's engaged in make him hungry, and that eventually drives him directly towards the hot wings. He devours them like a hyena diving into a carcass before the lions try to drive him away.

Marco will have to be the one to speak up because the only thing on America's mind at the moment is stuffing his face.


fierybluebird April 10 2011, 06:59:17 UTC
"Yo," Marco quietly holds up a hand in a sort of wave. Wow America really likes those hot wings, huh. Despite the losing willpower war, Marco can't help giving a tiny shudder. He reminds himself again that lots of birds eat smaller birds. Still, doesn't mean he can do it. At least it's not deviled eggs. He'd have to avoid them completely.

"Cute son," Marco deadpans about the gnome. He couldn't resist.


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 07:12:21 UTC
Were America aware of the problem, he would immediately link Marco to a video of a falcon dive bombing a pigeon. It's pretty awesome, if not a little gross. But he isn't, so he doesn't. He just continues to inhale the delicious fowl.

He blinks once Marco speaks up. There is no immediate spark of recognition in his eyes. Only confusion.

"I don't have a son I have a daughter," is what he tries to say. It comes out as a garbled mess. He really needs to learn to swallow his food before he speaks.


postasskicking April 10 2011, 06:36:48 UTC
Seifer is honestly not sure why he's here anymore. Some things have happened and well there were drinks knowingly and unknowingly imbibed and somehow he's found himself wearing the Discedo equivalent of a Burger King crown only someone's scribbled "Lord of the Hotwings" on it with sharpie.

Also he's helping move the toilet out onto the front lawn with a couple other guys. It just seems to be the cool thing to do.


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 07:03:11 UTC
The sad thing is the more drunken shenanigans Seifer engages in, the more he blends in. It helps that America is also claiming him to be his half brother in order to suppress some of that prejudice against Hollisland blond whatevers. America is like that little black girl who wins the dancing pageant at the end of Hairspray. HIS CHARM DEFIES YOU AND YOUR HATE, SOCIETY. For now. Anyway.

America isn't all that drunk yet, but he is on the search for more drugs. No, the past couple days haven't been enough for him. It's the 1960s goddamn it and he is going to live up to that stereotype to the best of his abilities.

That was all so superfluous I don't even. America will help with that toilet thing. And by help I of course mean eat out of a jar of peanut butter while watching with a grin.

"HEY BROTHER! What's happenin'?"


postasskicking April 10 2011, 07:11:45 UTC
Oh. Well. Seifer lets go of the toilet to chill with America. But he's a total jerk so he's directing from afar. "Left! Left! The hell that's North damn it."

This makes sense somehow. Anyways... Seifer has no clue why America is calling him his brother, but sure why not. He could use more brothers. Always more.

"Someone cast Water on the bathroom. We're savin' the toilet. Just... seemed important."

I.e. the pipes are broken now. "The sink didn't make it..." I.e. Someone tossed it out the window. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

I don't even know, Seifer would be with the jerks breaking things. "Didn't know you liked peanut butter."


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 07:16:54 UTC
America is attached enough to his newly found fake life that he's a little distressed to learn his house is being wrecked. They're probably going to have to go on probation for this. Damn it. Oh well.

"Uh. Thanks! I think. Toilets are important. But if it's out here..."

He's just going to hope that everyone has the sense to puke outside. It is false hope for an impossible dream. Just more things to lament about this whole party.

"Sure I do! You want some?!"

It's not at all weird to offer your own spoon to your brother to share. Nope.


lonelyglub April 10 2011, 20:17:56 UTC
[LATE TO THE PARTY IS ERIDAN, with Linda the hooker that he happened to pick up along the way. Indulge the thirteen year olds mind over the fact that he has a hooker. Or something.]


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 22:11:43 UTC
I don't remember if America ever even learned Eridan's name, so he's just going to go with the generic, "HEY TROLL KID!"

And then he notices Linda the hooker. He doesn't quite know that she's a hooker yet, only that she is a scantily-clad woman with loose morals. So while he clasps Eri on the shoulder, he asks, "Who's your friend?"


lonelyglub April 10 2011, 22:22:17 UTC
"Shhhhh! Not so loud!" Eridan hisses at America. Because, you know, they totally just escaped the Discedo KGB. He glances around suspiciously, yellow eyes darting around to see if he was being followed before clearing his throat.

"This is Linda." He nods to Linda, who simply scoffs and glances at America with that 'why am i babysitting' kind of glance. She doesn't have thoughts or feelings since she's a hooker. She's just waiting for her money.


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 22:37:08 UTC
Oh. Right. America forgot for a second that aliens are considered really freaky here. He then takes the next logical and well-thought-out step to disguise the child

by throwing a nearby blanket over Eri and hoisting him over his shoulder. This isn't suspicious at all. It's just America kidnapping a troll with a hooker. Perfectly acceptable party behavior.

"Off to a safe place!"

And by that he means he'll beckon Linda to follow him and his new captive to an empty bedroom. PRIVACY: SORTA SKETCHY UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES.


thegreathonk April 10 2011, 22:32:58 UTC
[ You trot into the room behind Eridan and immediately recognize America as that guy you chilled out with that one time. ]

HeY mAn WhAt ThE fUcK's Up, My MoThErFuCkEr?


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 22:43:38 UTC

Such a friendly greeting is then accompanied by America throwing a blanket over the troll. NO ONE MUST SEE HIM. SECRET TROLLS FOREVER. This is making sense to his intoxicated mind.

"Sorry man, can't have anyone see you!"


thegreathonk April 10 2011, 22:52:20 UTC
[ Like the majestic Ostrich that you are, you now assume that it is night. Well, actually it was already night. So your assumption is correct, at least. Also, the blanket is kinda getting all caught up in your horns.]

WoAh MaN yOu'Re A mOtHeRfUcKiNg GeNiUs.
I cAn'T eVeN sEe AnYoNe
So HoW tHe FuCk ArE tHeY sUpPoSeD tO sEe Me?
MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLeS oF sTeAlTh!

[ You bump into something. It was probably Linda. ]


libertyfuckyeah April 10 2011, 23:09:57 UTC
"EXACTLY! It's a foolproof plan!"

When someone asks who's hiding under the blanket and why, America will just come up with more elaborate, bizarre stories. Whether anyone believes him or not is another matter, but hopefully most people are too preoccupied with other things to look into it. Somewhere across the room there is a girl screaming and crying on the floor, so that provides enough of a distraction for now. God bless the loud drunk crying girls.

"Glad you guys could make it! You want anything to eat while I think of a good place to hide you?"

He thinks for about three seconds before being distracted again.


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