My vision always clouding

Apr 20, 2010 22:26

Who: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Knuckles and Minato
Where: Latimir 110/111
When: Evening April 21st
Rating: going R for crazy turtle and blood (sob)
Summary: As the final day draws closer- Leo can't keep the visions back anymore...and old haunts from his past start to pop up in the worst places.

In place of his roommates.

the log:It had been four days, four longs days of cackles and screams. Of hearing memories played out in stereo inside his head. Four days of clenching his eyes shut, tight to the point of tears, to avoid seeing replays of battles he only wanted to forget. What was it with this place and dragging up the past? didn't really matter at the moment, he couldn't seem to control it. He couldn't focus long enough to fall into a trance. Even sleep wasn't coming at all now- between hearing his father's voice to April and Casey arguing.

Maybe that was the real problem; if he only heard things then they were only half real. He wouldn't have to imagine being back home with his family whole and well again. Only to realize it was fake and that he was still stuck in this damned hell for who knew how much longer. He gave a short growl and clenched his hands at his sides, walking from the couch towards the window. He dared to stare out at the darkness, at least he wasn't imagining people passing or the lights of buildings that weren't there.

"This is getting ridiculous...what's happening? What...not again...!" He winced and leaned heavily on the wall, watching as the living room slowly began to dissolve into the rooftop of a building in New York set ablaze. "..."
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