badnotes &
blameshimself Where: St. Andrew's Hospital
When: April 19th when it is not dark
Rating: PG
Summary: Suguru's a jerk and disobeys Tohma. Shame. He really ought to be punished.
the log:
Medication was a wonderful thing. That's what Tohma had always thought. Headache? Take an aspirin. Backache? Take a stronger pain killer. Feeling depressed? Take an anti-depressant. The problem was that all medication had side-effects. Weight-loss, more depression, loss of appetite, seizures, stroke, blood clots, death. It was almost like getting well again required taking the risk of possibly making yourself even sicker.
The side-effects of this medication weren't so bad, though. It was hard to concentrate and he could barely keep his eyes open, but wasn't it like that before he started the medication? At least it had reduced the fever and quelled most of the coughing.
Ah, but he was so tired. Even as he lay on his back, communicator in his lap, he was dozing off again. Suguru had been typing something, hadn't he? Or was it Ryuichi? He couldn't remember. If it was Ryuichi, hopefully he'd changed out of those clothes into something warmer. Tohma didn't want to see his band mate in the hospital with a cold or the flu, after all.
And how many days had it been, anyway? Six days, right? He already covered all twenty-five sheets of paper with music. Actually, he had done that two days ago. Instead of keeping the paper neatly organized, however, he'd been folding them into origami swans. Had he already made one today? When he got the energy to open his eyes again, he'd have to look over at the table and count them.
Tohma cracked open an eye and glanced at his communicator. Suguru had typed something again but he didn't have the energy to give a coherent reply. If he kept making up excuses, he was sure his cousin would figure it out eventually.