Who: Sanji
baratiesbest and Zoro
threesword Where: Northern Lights
When: Nov 19, late night.
Rating: PG13-ish for ust pirates
Summary: Two pirates meet in a bar. Awkwardness ensues.
the log:
Say what you will about Sanji but if there was one thing he was an expert at it was to keep himself occupied. Whenever life got too stressful and he needed to clear his head he
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No. This really was their only option. He repeated his conviction - just talk, come up with a solution, get the fuck out of there. No problem.
He gave the other a short nod, pushed himself off the counter. It was a relatively slow night, no one would blame him if he ducked out at this hour - hell, he'd be surprised if anyone even noticed. So with that he went to get his jacket, said goodnight to what remained of the staff and headed back out to the bar.
"Let's go."
Cool, casual... and freaked out of his mind. No, there was no way this could end
The cook remained silent, tried to keep his mind as clear as possible. Focused on keeping his breathing calm, tried to slow down his racing heart, counted the footsteps as they made their way over to Marshall. Anything to keep his head from spinning.
One thing you learned as a pirate on the Grand Line was that the impossible happened every day. Sailing up mountains, hunting dinosaurs, watching cherry blossoms cover the night sky of a harsh winter island, sail your ship right up into the sky where Gods and angels resided... all impossible things that still happened. He had been there, seen it all with his own eyes and that alone made it possible for him to believe in other impossibilies. All Blue. One Piece. Things that might not even exist but most certainly did because that ( ... )
Either way, Sanji's assessment had been right. Zoro had fully understood what his question meant. Hell, it was the same questions he'd been asking himself for days now. In between his bouts of denial, he'd come to realize that he didn't quite know the answer himself.
With a shrug, he'd brought the bottle to his lips again, taking another swig of the strong liquor and shrugging his shoulders. When he pulled the bottle away, his eyes opened. For an extremely brief moment, they studied Sanji's face; it was poorly illuminated in the dark room... but somehow still captivating all the same.
As he caught his own thoughts, he averted his eyes, looking down at his own scuffed boots. His shoulders shrugged again half-heartedly.
"Tch... don't know. A couple of weeks at least."
Short nod of acknowledgment. A few weeks... yeah, that sounded about right. The actual starting point was probably a lot earlier than that but if he had to make a guess as to when they actually started to get in trouble that would be it. Probably sometime after his second revival.
Shifting his weight again Sanji leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest. Okay. They were talking. That was as good a start as any, now they just had to... figure this shit out.
"We can't--"
He stopped himself - who was he trying to convince here? Himself or the swordsman? This wasn't anything they needed to say, it had already been clearly established. Agreed on. So why was he hesitating? All they needed to do was figure out the how, not the why. He sighed, brought up a hand to rub at his forehead.
"So how are we supposed to solve this shit?"
His arm had draped over his leg, letting his hand rest between his thighs whilst the other ran through his short, green hair. What the fuck was he supposed to say?
Forget it? Last time he'd said that, he ended up making Umi upset. But... that was what Sanji wanted to hear, wasn't it? Based on his body language and his words alone, it was obviously what he wanted. Or at least, it was the impression he was trying to give off. And Zoro saw through it... which was only making this more difficult for him ( ... )
Even if it was. Even if his body had relaxed ever so slightly, it was still above it's norm. Hypersensitive to everything. The hand that had been in his hair found its way to the bottle once more. So much for making this sake last. The liquor may be the only way to relax.
He felt pale and sick. Nervous. Terrified. Frustrated.
Zoro didn't know what the fuck to do and it was eating up his insides.
"Tch. And how the fuck am I supposed to know?" He managed to grumble the words out. Zoro had never been good at affairs of the heart. Hell, he'd been completely inept until a few months before. But the feelings, the capability had been unearthed and now it was completely consuming him. But he didn't know how to actually cope with them. Still, he muttered.
"You're the damn 'expert,' aren't you?"
"Oi, I'm just as fucking lost as you are. It's not like I've done this shit before."
'This shit' encompassed a lot of things. Feeling this way towards a man was one of them, elaborated in 'feeling this way towards the shitty marimo'. Not following his emotions and instincts was another first for the cook, usually he just threw caution to the wind and went with whatever he wanted. So to actually sit down and discuss this, try and find a way out of it... no, he couldn't say that he had done this before. No expertize to draw from there, no experience he could apply ( ... )
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