-Yeah, I'm impatient.

Aug 11, 2009 09:35

Where: The Northern Lights Bar
When: August 11th, Afternoon/Evening
Rating: PG? PG-13? Nothing too bad, I hope.
Summary: After weeks of "sinister" "planning," it's finally the 11th, and Sorata, Hikaru, and (secretly) Shinjiro's triple birthday party is... here? ...Hopefully nothing will explode.
the log:

It would be wrong to say the bar was "decorated" for the occasion, but Sorata had gone ahead and done some furniture arranging, figuring that since Shinjiro wasn't going to show up to yell at him for it, he was free to (and in charge). Tables were moved slightly out of the way, a few of them lined up under the wall decorated by that massive sword, buffet-style, covered with food: Ramen, spaghetti, monster stew (of course), canned fruit, and whatever else this place had to offer-they were mostly Shinjiro's favorite foods, but luckily the guy had pretty good taste. The centerpiece was a cake baked by Umi, ingredients provided by the Scientists, and drinks were available at the bar.

Although the snow had relaxed everyone a little, Sorata still figured the people here could use a stress relief or party, and had spent most of the last two days scrounging for supplies and cooking them, planning this birthday party half for that There wasn't any music or party games-never really occurred to him-but people are welcome to mingle as they will, here, and get some free food.

Help yourself, guys?
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