STC!Knuckles meets Sally Acorn

Mar 07, 2009 21:46

Who:Knuckleswears_a_torc Sally Acorn invested
Where: High School, Room 101
When: After handing the plans for the floating island's shield to Tails.
Rating: Pg I guess
Summary: Untrusting Knucklehead is untrusting, Awesome Sally is Awesome.
the log:

Knuckles turned off the communicator and sighed. He hadn't had a reply from Tails' human friend yet, but the chipmunk was will to meet him.

If it had been anyone other than Tails Knuckles wouldn't have even mentioned the Floating Island's shield.

Still something about this place reminded Knuckles of the Emerald Hill folk when they had been living in the Mushroom Hill Zone. Ripped from their homes but still determined to survive. He wanted to help them, he just hoped this didn't come back on him somehow in the future.

Still he had made his choice and it was only a short walk to room 101.

"Hello?" Knuckles knocked on the door. "Sally?"
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