Who: Clive and, if they want, his roomies
Where: Anyone in Horton 306-7
When: Today; Early morning and throughout the day (separate threads each, i s'pose?)
Rating: PG
Summary: Flora's finally moved back in, and Clive's caused quite a stir the last two weeks.
The Log: (
Iron & Wine )
He looks to Clive mid push-up, seeming unfazed despite being perhaps a bit scuffed from his little fight the previous day.
"... Lunch and dinner?" He utilizes a few of the English words he's managed to pick up so far in order to initiate conversation, wanting to know if he had to cook again.
"Flora... here, again?" Her name still sounds accented coming from him.
"She is sleeping," he responds, tucking his hands under his head and closing his eyes. He's a wonderful actor, look at him sleep while standing.
Finally he actually stands, taking a moment to look Clive over from head to toe.
He types as quickly as he can: "You had trouble with subduing one person. You're weak."
Clive pops out his communicator and reads that unjust message and puffs. "I'd like to see you subdue his rowdy butt;" spoken of course, as he types out his message.
I never said I was strong in the first place.
Typing again: "I fought that guy for you yesterday. You should learn to fight for yourself too."
Yes, you can call him out for being a lover.
"Thinkers make the best fighters. You should train your body too."
Clive sets his communicator down and pretends to ignore the statement. Just ask again.
So he's just going to walk closer and rest a handle firmly on Clive's shoulder to get his attention, curling his other hand into a fist and bringing it up to show that yes, he really is intent on this. His eyes still show the same indifference, however.
He actually steps back, then, bringing both arms up in a cross block and nodding once. Yes, Clive, he wants to see how hard you can hit his arms.
"No. I will not hit you."
He scratches his nose, not sure if he wants to. He knows he's not strong, but he never needed brute strength. Limber was all that mattered, he thought. He loosens his tie yes he wears a tie regularly and sighs a moment.
"I can't promise you'll be impressed," he responds automatically.
And you won't be, obviously. He's pretty frail, and that punch you just got? Totally shows for it.
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