
Jul 30, 2008 22:15

Oh. Merlin's baggy y-fronts.

The Half Blood Prince trailer has been released.Well, one of many trailers to come, at least. Excuse me while I flail all over my LJ ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

persiflage_1 July 30 2008, 14:28:49 UTC
I still haven't seen the last film - I stopped enjoying them at the third film, I'm afraid - sorry...


dirgni19 July 30 2008, 14:44:06 UTC
Hee, it's okay! I know everyone loved the third film, I do too, but I guess I'm just more forgiving with the last 2 movies, I enjoyed them both!

I guess whatever they didn't add or whatever they changed (and some they totally changed, not just modified a bit) I just handwave and stick in the canon that I know :p


persiflage_1 July 30 2008, 14:48:50 UTC
I wonder if I'd like the films better now I'm not into the books so heavily??


dirgni19 July 30 2008, 14:55:56 UTC
Hmmm, it's possible? I guess it really depends on what you consider as good cinematography/good movie making?

It's probably going to be better for you now since you don't really read the canon stuff as much so they can do whatever in the movie and you wouldn't be as pissed as the need-to-stick-to-canon type of people :p I only don't like it when they try to rush through the really important bits for the sake of movie time, but thankfully for this book they've split it into two films so I'm hoping that they'll make more time for character/plot development!


vintage_mints July 30 2008, 14:49:48 UTC
HBP!!!!!!!! I WANT NOW!!!!!!! I am soooooo excited!!!!!


dirgni19 July 30 2008, 14:56:22 UTC
IKR!! I want HBP so hard right now! ♥


offthebalcony July 30 2008, 15:49:10 UTC
I only enjoyed the trailer because there was little-to-no Radcliffe and no Emma Watson at all. YAYZ.

I have an odd relationship with HP. I literally grew up reading them (I was about 6/7 when I read The Philosopher's Stone) so they're clearly a huge part of my life (I don't even care how geeky that sounds). But... I can realise that the actual writing wasn't amazing, it was the world-building and the plot that was the groundbreaking thing about them ( ... )


dirgni19 July 30 2008, 16:07:58 UTC
LOL out of the Trio, I can only stomach Ron (I do know that he has a real name but when I'm in HP mode I tend to call the actors by their character names, lol) for lengthy periods of time. I hate Harry's hair pretty much always except for GoF and OotP mainly because DanRad looked quite cute with that cropped hair in the fifth movie :p Emma should just stop over-acting all the time!

I can realise that the actual writing wasn't amazing, it was the world-building and the plot that was the groundbreaking thing about them.

I agree! I still can't forgive JKR for that fail of an epilogue, but it's easily handwave-able.

they're clearly a huge part of my life (I don't even care how geeky that sounds).Not geeky at all! Well, if it is geeky, then I'm right there with you. HP was a huge part of my life, still is, to an extent. My relationship with the series is like that of what you might have with an ex that you broke up with nicely enough and never really got over completely, so whenever you meet those intense feelings come back and ( ... )


offthebalcony July 30 2008, 16:27:26 UTC
Sirius and Remus were pretty in my mind. And they have sex. Yeah, I ship them.

YES. WITH THE FLYING GLASS AND EVERYTHING AHHHHHH *dies* That was amazinggg. Before I saw TDK at the IMAX, there was a mini-trailer thing for HBP and it said there was going to be 40 minutes of 3d stuff in it \o/ Even though I get reeeeeeeeeally motion sick in the IMAX, it's too cool not to suffer through it.

Snape's Worst Memory ♥ Easiy my favoruite part of any book, ever... until the final book when it changed to the Snape And Lily memories (yeah, I know, so different from each other *eyeroll* XD) I think that's mostly because I'm far more interested in the Mauraurders stuff in the HPverse and I'm one of the masses that's been crying PREQUEL since I was about 10 XD (which is probably why PoA is my favourite book, huh) but then, I don't really want one because like having free rein of that canon without it being fucked-over (like, that's ever stopped be but w.e)


dirgni19 July 30 2008, 16:46:36 UTC
Sirius and Remus were pretty in my mind. And they have sex. Yeah, I ship them.

So do I! I was going to write that earlier in my last comment but wasn't sure if that type of stuff squicked you - it's so easy to offend people on the internets lately!

Before I saw TDK at the IMAX, there was a mini-trailer thing for HBP and it said there was going to be 40 minutes of 3d stuff in it*faints* 40 minutes?!?!? OMG. EPIC! Sorry that you get motion sickness though! I've seen the last 3 HP films strictly on IMAX, I hardly remember how it feels like to watch one in a regular theater, I've been spoiled, haha ( ... )


onceuponatime13 July 30 2008, 16:05:30 UTC
OMG! I seriously got CHILLS!

P.S. Was that GINNY in a bathrobe?? I think I need to re-read the books, because I don't recall that scene! :P


dirgni19 July 30 2008, 16:09:44 UTC
I know right?!? Omg I've watched it more than ten times already!

Yes, that was Ginny in a bathrobe! I don't remember that part either, hell I don't even remember much of Ginny in the book, up until the last few chapters. LOL it really is time for a re-read! :D


onceuponatime13 July 30 2008, 19:16:13 UTC
LOL. I know! I REALLY need to re-read the books, only my friend borrowed them about a year ago and I haven't gotten them back yet. >., WTF? It's time to get mean. Haha.


dirgni19 July 31 2008, 00:14:33 UTC
Omg really? You're braver than I am, I can never lend my HP books! I did it once and never got it back, thankfully I had a spare copy of the one that was borrowed, and ever since then the most I let people do is read it in front of me, lol. Iron fist!


maribella008 July 31 2008, 03:28:40 UTC
So Half Blood Prince comes out in the month between Shanghai and the Australian Open?

Rogi and Rafa get a break, we do not?


No rest for the weary. :D


dirgni19 July 31 2008, 03:57:04 UTC
You hit the nail on the head, definitely no rest for the weary - or should I say the extremely obsessed focused! :p


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