Oh. Merlin's baggy y-fronts.
The Half Blood Prince trailer has been released. Well, one of many trailers to come, at least. Excuse me while I flail all over my LJ.
I CAN'T WAIT! Omg. Tom Riddle! Young-ish!Dumbledore setting fire to cabinets and being all Gandalf-like in caves! Voldemort scaring the shit out of me!
Holy crap guys, it only hit me now that HBP's coming out in like what, 4 months? My squee is immeasurable. Haters to the left, I know that the movies haven't exactly stayed true to the text but still, it's better than not having any at all.
HP, how I've missed you. I think it's time for another re-read. What am I on, like the 1053th?
I'm so so so excited! ♥