To isegrim-chan, from Rekall ♥

Dec 12, 2007 14:23

Title: Lost in the Wind
Author: Rekall
Recipient: isegrim_chan
Series: X
Characters/Pairings: Subaru, Seishirou/Subaru
Rating: PG - 13
Author Notes/Warnings: Takes place during X, after Subaru has become the new Sakurazukamori.
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author: rekallthegreat, series: x, round one

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Comments 5

meirene December 13 2007, 19:50:55 UTC
You made me curious here. I guess the Seishirou here is the one from TRC?


rekallthegreat December 13 2007, 21:22:43 UTC
Yes indeed.


isegrim_chan December 17 2007, 18:55:09 UTC
rekallthegreat December 17 2007, 23:37:39 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!


iambickilometer January 12 2008, 19:30:53 UTC
I'm lovin' the (happy!) irony here. Very nice job.


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