To isegrim-chan, from Rekall ♥

Dec 12, 2007 14:23

Title: Lost in the Wind
Author: Rekall
Recipient: isegrim_chan
Series: X
Characters/Pairings: Subaru, Seishirou/Subaru
Rating: PG - 13
Author Notes/Warnings: Takes place during X, after Subaru has become the new Sakurazukamori.

A leaf blew in the wind, which Subaru easily caught between two fingers. Soon all the trees would be bare and the city would grow cold but right now it was a sunny autumn day and normal people were taking advantage of the nice weather.

Subaru however was anything but a normal person. Couples clinging happily together, a surprising amount considering all the recent Earthquakes, was something he could never be apart of. He was cursed, cursed to forever love a person he should hate. Seishirou’s mark would always be left upon him.

Letting go of the leaf, Subaru turned his attention to a shop window, trying to distract his mind from recent events and ones that were about to come. He didn’t necessary like turning his back on Kamui and the others but he had made his decision; love makes a person do crazy things.

Catching his reflection in the glass, his heart ached when he saw the miss-match eyes; it was a constant reminder of just how much he had recently lost. For nine years Seishirou had consumed him and now there was nothing more; he didn’t really know what he was suppose to do in his life anymore.

Closing his eyes, Subaru thought back nine years ago. That autumn had been similar to the current one, much to the delight of Hokuto who would always take advantage of the nice weather and drag both him and Seishirou away from their work for some fun.

“Come on!” she’d cry as she dragged him to some café where Seishirou would be waiting for them. “The cakes here are delicious! Sei-chan better not have started without us or he’s dead!”

On the good days they’d be able to enjoy their time together without interruption. On the bad, Subaru’s pager would go off indicating he had a job. Looking back, Subaru realized Seishirou was never called away for work emergencies, but at the time he didn’t think anything of it.

Turning away from the window, Subaru moved on. He was supposed to meet Fuuma soon but felt like putting it off longer. The city was so strange now that Seishirou was gone; the man had consumed him for so long, it was strange being forced to focus on something else.

Subaru could barely remember a time before Seishirou; he hadn’t been in Tokyo long and because of work it was difficult for him to make friends at school so therefore it was just Hokuto to keep him company. Meeting Seishirou had been like a fresh of breath air; although his romantic advances had made Subaru uncomfortable in the beginning, he was everything that Subaru wanted to be; working with animals and being free of any clan responsibilities. At least that’s what Subaru had thought.

Even now, he still remembered their meeting well. After falling, Subaru had burned with embarrassment from being unable to stay upright; that was when he had been helped to his feet by a gentle hand and for the first time Subaru had looked up into Seishirou’s smiling face.

Seishirou had ended up escorting Subaru home that day; he insisted on it, claiming he was concerned that Subaru had hurt himself in the fall. Hokuto had met them there and after being suspicious for a few minutes that Seishirou was a dirty old man who wanted to take advantage of her cute and innocent brother, she accepted him, happy that Subaru had finally met a real friend.

Of course neither had any idea of Seishirou’s real motives for helping Subaru that day and if they had they certainly wouldn’t have welcomed him into their lives. It was a decision that caused Hokuto her life but if he could go back and change the past he didn’t know if he would. They only had a year of happiness together but compared to not knowing Seishirou at all, Subaru didn’t know which would have been better.

Pushing the thoughts from his past out of his mind, Subaru continued on his way. He didn’t know why he was thinking of the past so much that afternoon. It was the past and there was nothing he could do about it. Both Hokuto and Seishirou were still dead. He should concentrate on the future, he had to find a way to help Kamui but at the same time not go against his commitments to Fuuma.

And then it happened. Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw an all too familiar face on the other side of the street.

Whipping his body around, Subaru searched the busy streets. It couldn’t be possible; he knew in his heart that Seishirou was gone from the world despite the fact his body was never found; but still, he couldn’t help but get his hopes up.

Finally, finding the person he had partly seen, Subaru’s heart sank, the person on the street was far too young to be Seishirou, although he did look remarkably like the former Sakurazukamori. The boy reminded Subaru of how Seishirou looked the first time they met, under the sakura tree, so recently after Seishirou had killed some helpless victim.

Continuing on his way, Subaru fought against the memories of their first meeting. The locks Seishirou had placed on his mind from that time had long been lifted and now those memories gave him nothing but grief.

Oddly enough, Seishirou had seemed nice for someone who had just met his rival. Much nicer than the beautiful, yet strange woman he met earlier that day with long black hair and red eyes; who merely patted him on the head, gave him a sad smile and said “Stay strong”. That woman had been weird but not the teen boy, he was nice.

Just a child at the time, there was no way for Subaru to know what he had gotten himself into. His grandmother’s reaction when she found had only resulted in confusion, but of course by that time, he had already had his memories altered and didn’t have a clue to what had happened.

Feeling a presence behind him, Subaru turned sharply around. It was the boy again, the one he caught sight a few minutes ago on the other side of the road. Subaru’s breath hitched seeing that, like Seishirou, the boy was missing his right eye.

For a moment, Subaru was almost fooled, thinking that the boy really was Seishirou returned from the dead, but the moment quickly passed.

“My apologizes,” the nameless boy said while giving Subaru a cheerful smile. “I mistook you for someone else.”

“The same,” Subaru replied, wanting a cigarette to calm his nerves but he no longer had a reason to smoke.

“I don’t suppose you have any younger siblings?”

Subaru eyes drooped and he looked away. “No,” he replied in a quiet voice. His only sibling had been Hokuto, who was no gone from the world.

“I’ll be on my way then,” the Seishirou-look-a-like said turning away. Suddenly though, he turned back to Subaru. “By chance, you don’t know anything on vampires, do you?”

“Vampires?” Subaru asked, wondering why he was being asked such a strange question. Subaru had heard of vampires in myths of course but it still seemed liked an odd question to ask. It wasn’t like vampires really existed.

“Ah; never mind,” came the reply and the boy turned away once more. In mere seconds he had disappeared into the crowd and was gone.

Wondering what had just happened; Subaru was left standing on the street as the happy people around him went about their lives. Out of all the odd meetings that occurred in his life that one was near the top of the list.

Another leaf blew in front of his head, snapping Subaru out of his trance. It wasn’t his concern about what some strange boy did; unless Kamui could figure out his wish, the boy would soon be dead anyway.

As he continued on his way to meet with Fuuma, Subaru wondered if he’d ever meet Seishirou again in some other life. If they did, he hoped that fate would be kinder to them a second time around.

author: rekallthegreat, series: x, round one

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