Title: Like a Moth to the Flame
curious_robinSeries: xxxHOLiC
Characters/Pairing: Himawari, Doumeki, Watanuki, Yuuko
Rating: PG
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Spoilers up to 186. Sorry. ^^;; I did my best to do a Himawari-centric fic, so I hope you like it.
She thinks it's only appropriate that it rains the night he falls. )
Comments 6
I've been wondering where Himawari has been, well, ever since we got the first spoilers for 186, and this, this is a beautiful answer. It's sad and pretty and it fits all too well into the direction of the story.
The whole thing is gorgeous, her point-of-view is clear and in-character and it's fascinating to see from Himawari's eyes.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading!
Adhsjfgd;a this is exactly what I wanted. :D I've never seen it really elaborated on of what the price meant for her to take his scars, and when I was rereading xxxHolic and saw that she changed her hair directly after Watanuki recovered from his fall it suddenly clicked. Sneaky CLAMP <3 Giving a view into the last arc at the ending was a wonderful surprise~ <333 Thank you so much! ;)
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