To Kaneha, From Meledea ♥

Nov 10, 2007 09:47

Title: One of those Days
Author: meledea
Recipient: kaneha
Series: Card Captor Sakura
Characters/Pairing: Touya/Yukito
Rating: PG
Author Notes/Warnings: as a fanfic writer I find it more interesting to take from both the anime and the manga, using what parts work in accordance with the fic. Hope you don’t mind! Enjoy J

It had been one of those days when everything was… different. )

author: meledea, series: card captor sakura, round one

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Comments 13

shifty_gardener November 10 2007, 18:46:08 UTC
xD That was lovely. It makes me want to read more Touya/Yukito...


meledea November 26 2007, 04:52:07 UTC
Thank you! ♥


scarlettohara November 10 2007, 20:25:33 UTC
meledea November 26 2007, 04:53:32 UTC
Thanks! Good to know it had the same effect on someone else ♥


sophiap November 10 2007, 22:04:55 UTC
Oh, that's cute! I love the last line.


meledea November 26 2007, 04:54:50 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, because that last line was the hardest part! I'm not entirely happy with it, so it's good to know it works ♥


aishuu November 11 2007, 02:27:09 UTC
How very cute! It caught the charm of this pairing very well... there's nothing like Yukito being adorable, and Touya melting around him.


meledea November 26 2007, 04:56:15 UTC
Thank you! It's one of my first real attempts at getting the characters right! ♥


ldydragon7 November 11 2007, 04:02:25 UTC
Very, very nice! I love seeing how they met as well as the mention of the important events that occured on 'those kind of days'.


meledea November 26 2007, 04:59:04 UTC
That idea of their first meeting was demanding to be written -- I had to comply. Thanks for the review! ♥


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