To Kaneha, From Meledea ♥

Nov 10, 2007 09:47

Title: One of those Days
Author: meledea
Recipient: kaneha
Series: Card Captor Sakura
Characters/Pairing: Touya/Yukito
Rating: PG
Author Notes/Warnings: as a fanfic writer I find it more interesting to take from both the anime and the manga, using what parts work in accordance with the fic. Hope you don’t mind! Enjoy J

It had been one of those days when everything was… different. Everything had just felt off somehow, and from past experiences usually came as a prelude to some significant event. The days he most clearly recalled this sensation were mornings of events so much a part of his being that they made him who he was: the day his sister was born; the day his mother died; the morning he met Kaho; the night Kaho said goodbye. The variety of emotions to these past experiences made it understandable that Touya was filled with apprehension that morning.

Days like this were never his favourite.

It had started from the moment he woke up - nothing had followed its usual pattern. Sakura had been up before him (an occurrence so rare he almost thought it impossible), and by the time he entered the kitchen she was out the front door for day duty. Touya had been so alarmed that he had poured hot water onto his foot instead of into his bowl. Following that he’d discovered his bicycle had a flat tyre. After hurriedly patching it up, he was halfway to school before he realised he’d forgotten his bag. He’d been so paranoid he’d checked three times before leaving the house again to ensure he had everything, and yet still had that niggling feeling that he’d missed something.

Everything was just… off.

Touya chewed his lip, nerves getting to him, and took a corner a little faster than was safe. He was cutting it close, that’s for sure, but he couldn’t afford to be late.

Fate, apparently, had other ideas.

As Touya took the corner towards the park he saw a flash of white out of the corner of his eye and almost involuntarily skidded to a halt. ‘Was that a…?’ He turned back in mild alarm, expecting to see the white figure again, but instead found himself meeting soft brown eyes.

Touya blinked.

The boy was about his age, and wore the Seijyo High School uniform. Fluffy pale hair fell across thick round glasses through which those doe eyes stared back. Touya swallowed thickly -this boy was… inhuman. Startled at his thoughts Touya shook his head clear of the word and looked back up at the boy.


The boy’s voice was surprisingly gentle, and immediately reminded Touya of his mother. He managed a smile as he answered. “Good morning. Are… you look lost.”

The boy managed a sheepish grin. “I am, a bit. I’m looking for Seijyo High School. I guess, since…” the boy gestured at first his, then Touya’s uniform, “you can help me?”

The boy’s smile was ridiculously bright, making him seem almost a bit of an air-head, which only further reminded Touya of his mother. The day was getting weirder already. Touya shrugged and motioned for the boy to get on the bike behind him. “We’re both late, so you may as well ride with me.”

Somehow the boy’s expression got brighter. “Really? Thank you so much!” He moved toward the bicycle, about to get on, when he paused and looked at Touya. “I apologise! I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Tsukishiro Yukito.”

Touya smiled and took the proffered hand, giving it a firm shake. “I’m Kinomoto Touya.”

“Nice to meet you Kinomoto Toya-san.”

Touya blushed a little at the mispronunciation, and turned away. “Get on, we’re already late.”

Tsukishiro-san paused, looking at the bicycle. “Er… how do I get on this?”

“Sit on that, keep your legs off the ground and away from the chain, and… I guess, hold on to me.” The boy complied, causing Touya to blush further when arms wrapped around his waist.

“Like this?”

“Um, y-yeah.”

The trip to the school was quick and reasonably uneventful, for which Touya was grateful - he’d been having difficulty concentrating on the road with that warm body pressed against him. Pushing the matter from his mind, he locked up his bike and pointed Tsukishiro-san in the direction of the office. Before Touya could hurry to class, however, his arm was grabbed to halt him.

Touya stared at the hand, wondering at the tingling sensation, when the other boy spoke. “Thank you so much, Kinomoto Toya-san. I’m glad to have made a friend already.”

There was no way Touya could have argued with that smile, even if he had wanted to. Instead he found himself saying, “You can call me Touya, if you like.”

The boy shone. “Only if you call me Yukito.”

With a nod the exchange was confirmed, and Yukito let Touya hurry off to class.

Ten minutes later Touya was staring into space and mulling over the three most important observations he’d made that morning: One, his new friend was definitely not human; Two, the feeling that something life-changing was going to occur today had passed (and he was fairly confident he knew why).

Three, he’d left his lunch at home.


During the months following that fateful meeting that first observation mattered less and less to him, yet still Touya found himself wondering at it. He had always been able to sense these things, and was never wrong about it, so there was no question about what he’d seen that morning or what he felt when near the boy. He just wanted to understand.

Part of him wished Kaho was still around for him to discuss this with, but he found himself increasingly glad she wasn’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t miss her, far from it - her sudden departure still hurt to this day - he’d just discovered an increasingly protective streak when it came to Yukito, and felt loathe to let anyone else know the boy for fear they’d take him away. It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling, he felt the same protective streak for Sakura (Yukito liked to call it a sister complex), yet at the same time it was somehow different. He couldn’t think of an exact way to describe it… just different. Different in the way that he relied upon the his presence so greatly that he couldn’t function the same when Yukito wasn’t there; or in the way that seeing the boy next to him calmed him down, no matter what his mood. Different in the way that no matter how much he teased the boy, and how much he claimed indifference, he would always find his eyes drawn to the boy’s form; he would always find himself thinking about him without realising it.

Different in the way that he wanted to keep Yukito a secret, keep him for himself.

'Different in a way that’s a little worrying…’


Three years later found Touya lounging in Yukito’s house, drowsy (although no more than was usual) and staring into space. Outside the rain dripped down the window and off tree branches; inside the heater competed with the television in lighting up the dark room. Yukito shifted on the couch, his head moving to rest on Touya’s shoulder in a sleepy show of affection. Touya smiled, lifting the remote to lower the volume of the movie, and turned his gaze back to where the maple leaf was stuck to the window.

Drowsy as he was at that moment he didn’t drift off to sleep. Instead his thoughts turned back to those days of such significance - back to one in particular that always stood out to him. That night, over a year ago now, when he’d watched as the figure in white returned to the form he was familiar with, the form that had become so dear to him. Touya knew he’d been right from the start about Yukito, but it hadn’t make it any easier on him at the time, seeing what he saw. His mind had been a mess, his heart beating painfully fast, but he’d stood still, silent, and hidden. He’d just watched.

And he’d wished he wasn’t there.

But then that protective streak took over again, and he’d had Yukito in his arms again before he hit the ground. Heart still beating wildly he’d gone on the defensive and switched to hassling Sakura in an attempt to hide evidence of his inner turmoil. And as he’d carried the boy home he’d begun his first attempt at quashing the fascination that this other-Yukito had aroused in him. A fascination that had turned to concern, then to fear, and had ended in an event so significant that for the first time he’d not even sensed it coming. Yet somehow, as life-altering as that event had been, his life hadn’t changed that much at all.

His thoughts were interrupted as the head slipped off his shoulder and startled the sleeping boy awake. “Oh! Sorry,” that familiar sappy smile made Touya grin.

“S’ok. You looked comfortable.”

The boy stretched, yawning. “I guess I was more tired than I thought. Did I sleep through the movie?” Both sets of eyes looked over at the television set to see a blue screen. Touya blinked.

“Guess so.”

“Did you fall asleep too? Oh! I woke you up didn’t I?” the apologetic look returned.

“Nah, I was thinking.”

“Oh.” Yukito settled back into the couch as Touya turned off the television. “You weren’t asleep, then?”

Touya gave his friend a look. “No. Why?”

“I... I’m glad. You seem to be more… yourself nowadays.”

With a smile Touya picked up the bowl of popcorn and grabbed a handful, placing the rest on his friend’s lap rather than responding to the comment. As Yukito began happily munching he looked back towards that leaf on the window, watching it slowly slide down the glass with the rain. He still sometimes got those feelings that something was different, but they were more observations than sixth-sense. No more mornings of waking up filled with apprehension; no more knowing when Sakura was in trouble; no more seeing things that other people didn’t. He was closer to being an average person than he had ever been, yet his life was far from normal. But he had full faith in Sakura’s ability to look after herself (although he’d rarely admit it), and he trusted Yue completely. So he didn’t really mind the loss of his abilities.

Besides, he kind of enjoyed the surprise.

author: meledea, series: card captor sakura, round one

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